I didn't have many goals in March but at least I was a little more realistic about what I could do - it's about time I was more realistic and it's all about time that I don't seem to have! This is the Botanika block I've been trying to finish for the last three months. Those little circles nearly did me in! This is hand appliqued and is the 4th block in a series. This is one of those "it might take me a lifetime" quilts. I love applique but some of the pieces are just so small that I get frustrated.
You may remember this quilt from an earlier post. I was given these triangles, some already made into blocks, to make into a quilt for Children's hospital. I put together the blocks and it was the ugliest quilt I've ever seen. After I added the stars it was better, but still not good. A fellow blogger suggested I add a face so in came the mouth and eyes for the largest star. This is a lot better than it was! It's gone to be machine quilted and when it comes back I could still add some embellishments if anyone has any ideas. And I sure wish someone has some ideas because it still doesn't look like something a child would jump up and down about getting.
This wasn't on my March goals list but I made it this month so you get to see it today. It's wool on suede cloth and is hand appliqued. When I bought the pattern I was thinking spring because of the bluebird. When I got it home I realized it had acorns on it. Guess that means it's autumn?

This is the quilt I made last week at Quiltmania, our guild's quilt retreat. I'm calling it "A Rose By Any Other Name." I took it to the quilter today and I'm anxious to see it when she finishes. Several months ago I redecorated my sister's guest room and I posted about it. If I could remember when I went to see my sister then I could remember when I posted that and I could show you but since I can't remember any of that I'll just say I did it in vintage roses. This will be perfect in that room. Oh dear, since I can't remember when I did the redecoration does that mean I also don't remember the roses right? Could it have been sunflowers? Just kidding...it was roses. Really it was.
Another goal was reading Kim Edwards' book The Memory Keeper's Daughter. I'm counting this as compleated but at the same time confessing I skimmed a lot of it. It was not my favorite even though I know that those of you who read it think it is awesome. I'm not sure why I didn't like it so if you haven't read it you should try it. Most everybody else loves it.
And last, but not least, I managed to lose 5 more pounds! That's 10 since December 26. While I have certainly cut back on food I also have been working out at the physical therapist's. Since I won't be going there any more I'm going to try pushing the baby stroller a lot while I'm babysitting to make up for it. Hope that works!
Oh, I do hope someone comes up with something!
When I was 4, I was in hospital for some weeks, and someone came in with 3 children's purses for myself and 2 other little girls.
One was a shiny red, one was a beautiful bright blue (my favourite colour) and the other was a boring dull brown (I didn't like brown at all).
The youngest girl got to pick first and chose the red. The other little girl had a broken leg and was still in traction, so she got to pick next. Of course, she chose the blue. Which left me with the boring ugly brown! Not something one wants when one loves colour!
Of course, it didn't ruin my life, but the memory is still so strong! lol
Please, don't subject some poor child to that quilt as it is!
Sorry about the rave on. I guess it touched a raw nerve! :)
Just had a thought...
What about adding appliqued brightly coloured circus animals in costume scattered around the quilt. They could even have their own circus rings. The stars would still tie in. The animals are the stars of the circus!
I wondered about some appliqueed circles in different sizes and colours on the drab quilt. But if you run out of inspiration just send it off - as long as a child isn't actually forced to have it (ie he or she gets to choose) there just might be a little one who will love the smiley face and will cherish this ugly duckling of a quilt!
I don't think it's drab at all, just my opinion...I think it would make a lovely boy quilt. Maybe add a yellow border around the outside?
Ummm....WOW on the pink quilt YOU MADE IN ONE WEEK?
I almost fell off the sofa looking at that one.
Marlene, first for the positive,your quilt is so beautiful and I am glad I got to see all your work close up. The pictures are good, but they dont' do your work justice.
For the little brown quilt, could you add rainbows going through the stars, or bright rays like a comet flying through the sky? Just a thought.
I love the quilt myself but you could also add a half moon with those stars. I love seein all your work. I admire what you are doing for your grandchildren. You are an awesome grandmother and must have a lot more energy than me. I am keeping our 14 week old and pick up my other 3 once a week from school. It wears me out. Maybe I need some vitamins!
Love the rose quilt...great job, love the colors and border.
I tried reading The Memory Keepers Daughter....I picked it up about 4 or 5 times in one year, but I could never get into it. I finally thought about half way through that I was wasting my time. If it didn't grab me by the second or third chapter I should just quit. I'm glad I did. I don't know why I forced myself to keep reading it.
About the star quilt. I think if you put a yellow or yellow and blue striped binding on it then that will tie it all together. You might even find some pretty yellow star fabric for the backing. Don't give up on it, I'm sure there is a child who will think that is the best quilt ever. I'm anxious to see how it turns out.;D
You know, some child will just love that quilt. Different things appeal to different minds and I just know there is a very special child that will want that one more than any other one.
I still have acorns in my yard and on some of the branches - so maybe the little blue bird is just hanging around on one of my branches. I would like that since my mom always bluebirds bring happiness.
Congratulations on the 5 pounds and the total lost. I finally knuckled down and committed myself to the eating plan that works best for me to lose. Last week was the first week and I lost 4.7. Guess I can count that as reaching a goal in April.
I looked for the post about decorating your sister's room and I couldn't find it either. But I like the quilt.
I will have to admit that I do not like applique. I've tried doing it several ways and am even contemplating taking a class. The easiest for me but not the best looking is ironing it on with fuseable and doing a blanket stitch around it on the machine.
I see you have a list of books read in 2009. I am going to look it over and see if there are any I might want to read.
Mama Bear
Love your hand applique. Your work is wonderful, Marlene. Your quilts are so gorgeous.
Awesome applique, beautiful rose quilt. When I read how much you accomplish I have to hang my head in shame!
The stars look great. Don't sell yourself short. Your quilt will be loved by whoever receives it, because it was given in love.
I love love love the pink quilt!
Be blessed, and congratulations on your weight loss. I know where it went though........thanks alot!
It seems to me that you are doing great on all fronts, and I am full of admiration. The little quilt isn't ugly at all...the applique is very pretty (and even though I love applique, there DO seem to be a zillion little circles)...the weight loss is terrific...and you're one more terrific grandma.
So there.
And it's just a bunch of hooey that you have to force your way through a book just because it's recommended. Different strokes and all that jazz. Life's too short and there are too many books that are wonderful to waste time on those that are not.
You are one talented lady...thanks for sharing!
Congrats on the weight loss Marlene! I wish I could say the same! Ten pounds is a wonderful achievement!
As I don't know anything about quilting - not a very arty-crafty girl at all in fact - I'll just keep on observing your triangles and stars 'problem' through alf closed eyelids and see if anything occurs!
If ever I have chance to visit America, top of my list of souvenirs will be the most beautiful handmade quilt I can find. Such care and patience they must take!
love, Angie, xx
Still observing but my right eye happened to glance at your 'books read in 2009' list. Did you read all those? My word, but I'm impressed. No matter how good the book I'm always fast asleep before I've read a chapter!
lovee, Angie, xx
You could add some rocket ships and make it a boy quilt. I was in the hospital as a child, and everyone who had family got lovely gifts, stuffed animals and balloons while I got nothing. It was a week of looking at everyone else's loving family and feeling sorry for my sick self. I would have been happy with a brown quilt; a quilt of my own. Sure, a lovely pretty thing would have been nicer. But sometimes something is better than nothing.
I love, love, love your Botanika block!
I always like seeing your projects.
Ooh! All those little pieces on your applique project. It will be a treasure when you finish the quilt. I would rather applique larger pieces myself. I can understand why you might be doing a "once in a life time project".
I love the bird block!
Just came across your blog and love your quilts. I also love to quilt and knit. Your quilts are beautiful. I just recently started my blog and just the other day also decided to start posting pictures of my quilts. Please take a look if you get a chance.
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