The drive between Hot Springs and Fort Smith takes me about 2 1/2 hours....unless I stop to take pictures. And there are so many places I want to stop that I find myself getting frustrated because there are other drivers on the road who, for some reason, aren't very patient with the "Sunday Driver" I've become! Spring in Arkansas is just one of the reasons I love living here. You don't have to drive very far out of any town to see
these beautiful scenes. I'm constantly reminded of times gone by when, because he sold farm equipment, Daddy would take us on a Sunday ride to see the crops and the cattle. Then I found it boring and hot since our car wasn't air conditioned, but not going wasn't an option. After all, you never knew when you might stop at
someone's farm and they would offer you a watermelon when they were still on the vine, sweet and juicy. :) I was able to sit for a few minutes and watch these cows, who seemed to watch me with as much interest as I showed in them. Don't you wonder what they're thinking as they stand there chewing their cud and watching the cars go by? I bet they're wondering why all those people seem to be in such a hurry!
Right now the red clover is blooming everywhere and mixed in are white daisys and pink primroses. Just look at this barn framed with the beautiful colors God created - stunning! I wonder how long this barn has stood there and how many times the farmer has been in and out of it, working for his family, taking care of his fields and his cattle, and just being a part of nature. I'd love to lay a quilt right in the middle of this and have a picnic. Of course, I wouldn't last long since I'm sure that there are millions of ticks and other nasty creatures, but I
can dream!
That contrast of the red clover against the green grass/weeds is so pretty...such a calming picture.
I love that barn. I have a thing for barns and covered bridges. I did a post last night on my little barn. We don't have any animals now but it still comes in handy for storing all our junk. I love it though.
thanks for dropping by my blog - and wishing your husband well in Mexico and a speedy save return in good health.
Just beautiful...thanks so much for sharing! And don't know if you saw it or not, but last Friday I posted one of Aunt Julie's quilts...thought you'd like to see it. BTW, please come by today to help me celebrate Uncle Lynn's birthday. We're having a Birthday Bash AND a giveaway!
Ohhhh. Thank you for the quiet step into the simple tug of solitude. Huge sigh.
Your trees have leaves..... Ours just have tiny buds.....
Maybe if we took a bath in cancer causing deet we could sit out there for a picnic.
That is the joke at our house in the summer when it is finally nice enough to sit outside in the evenings. You have your choice of mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus or Equine Encephalitis or putting on cancer causing deet. I go for the deet every time.
Talked with my sister last night and asked that your husband be added to her prayer list.
Your husband is very brave indeed. Swine Flu concerns me even though we live one state up from Texas. It's just too close for comfort. But he'll be in my prayers as well.
Hey, I've already gotten three tick bites from walking out in the pasture with my husband -- checking on calves and cows. At least they were big enough to see. It's those small as a speck of dust ticks (seed ticks) that I hate the most though. Talk about itchy. But you already know that, don't you. Like me, you grew up in Arkansas. Ticks are a fact of life. -Megan-
Beautiful indeed. Thank you sharing!
be blessed,
Oh, this looks so beautiful.
I want to stay there! I can smell summer and breezes when I look at these pictures. I can hear a porch fan and crickets.
Sings to a southern part of my soul, I guess.
Marlene what a wonderful post my friend...I loved the barn and red clover...Thank you so much for coming by to see me...and girl I also collect Bill willow and have for years now..I just love the BLUES in it..I have alot of my plates hanging on my kitchen wall and nothing looks so pretty than Yellow mixed with it...I am so glad to meet you...please come back any time for a visit and I'll do the same...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
It looks so beautiful there. It looks very similar to Pennsylvania, but we don't have leaves yet. Don't you just love to be outside on days like this?
Does this mean you are no longer living in the camper?
Mama Bear
Just lovely!!! I wish we had that much green here right now!
We all need to slow down and see what beautiful landscapes there are in every state. It can be heartbreaking tho. I hate to see old farmsteads rotting away. I always think of the times that they have seen.
Beautiful pics!
Beautiful pictures, Marlene! I love the red clover. There are so many big patches of it along the roadside between where I live and town. Every year I say that I'm going to plant a patch for myself!
Hope you are doing well. I'll keep your hubby in my prayers. It looks like that flu is about to start spreading itself around:(
Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos! The photo of clover reminded me of the fields of clover that my Grandfather grew on his farm many years ago. Thanks!
Those good ole ticks and chiggars can sure steal the joy from all the Arkansas outdoors, can't they??
The pictures are great. I just love this time of year.
Any word from your husband and how they are getting along?
Waking up ---- smelling the coffee! Our bt of England is greening up now and we're supposed to be getting a 'Barbecue Summer'. Yeah, right.
Hope that man of yours is safe and sound. I'd say 'Nail his boots to the floor next time' but he would probably just take off in his carpet slippers!
love, Angie, xx
That's beautiful, Marlene! We have enjoyed an explosion of color on the trees this week--they are all budded out (but still light green and a little sparce), and they will soon be blooming. I can almost smell it now!
What beautiful country side. No wonder you want to stop and take pictures as you drive along.
I am glad that you can enjoy this wonderful scenery ... what a beautiful world God made for us.
Have a great week. Love, Lura
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