I did finish an appliqued pumpkin block and thought I might even do a second one but didn't manage that.
I also got the binding on the rose quilt and had it finished and ready for my sister but the planned visit fell through. We always have our "cemetary gathering" the first weekend in May but this year we all decided to skip it in recognition of this new flu that's floating around. No point in taking chances and getting together when many have to travel long distances to do that and who would come in contact with lots of unknown people. In addition, many of us are getting older and have health issues that getting the flu would exacerbate. Not to mention bringing back germs to this baby I'm keeping! It was truly a sacrifice because we all love it so, but certainly a wise one.
I didn't finish this charity quilt even though Lindi sent me some wonderful circus animals to applique on it. I just couldn't muster the energy! I also didn't get the binding on the School Days quilt or put together the Winter Wonderland quilt or read Beth Moore's book. But here's what I did manage to accomplish:
1. I watched Andrew turn over for the very first time, and the second time, and the third. That's all he managed so far but he's on his way! All have been back to stomach...the first two to the right and the third to the left. Oh my goodness, he'll be rolling all over the room soon. :)
2. I heard two other grandchildren yell, "Grandma!" as I got to their house each morning about 7:00. How in the world can they have such energy that early?
3. I got pictures of two more grandchildren holding the newest one and loving on him like cousins ought to do. I love that we are still able to have extended family around us. In today's society that is rare, way too rare. We feel blessed that all three of our children live in the same state and two in the same city.
4. I heard my husband say, as he prepared to leave for a mission trip to Mexico, "This is God's work and whatever happens is God's will." Even though I hated for him to go I knew he was right and that God's hand was on him. There's probably not a greater gift a woman can have than to know that her husband loves the Lord and wants to serve Him. And best of all, he's now home safe and sound and free from any flu symptoms. :)
5. I took pictures of another granddaughter in her prom dress and then listened to her the next day talk about how much fun she had. She was beautiful, of course, but more than that she was happy. She got to dress up, go out to eat with her friend, dance and talk, and then play games at "After Prom" where she won a microwave oven (which she immediately gave to her parents because, according to her, "they always buy for us and sacrifice what they want or need to do it.") Besides, her dorm room for next year has a microwave in it already! Can you believe that? When I went to college a hundred years ago we couldn't even have a hot plate!
It was a good month. A very good month!
It was a good month, and you achieved all the important things - those things that can never be repeated or put off until later.
A truly blessed month.
Goals are goals and grandbabies are more precious. They won't remember our goals, but they and their parents will remember our love and care. My 5 yr just left. He had a "sleepover" - he woke up at 4:30 ready to play. Nope - watch Horton Hears a Who and we will play later - after a POT of coffee. Got to love the little darlings no matter what.
I love what you wrote and it sounds like you did all the important stuff. These times with the "grands" won't come around again. They grow up so quckly. You are indeed lucky to live near them all.
Congratulations on your weight loss.
Do you do your applique by hand?
I still have to look at my goals. I don't think I did reach many of them but the ones I did are enough.
Mama Bear
I have often thought when I babysit for the grands, how did I manage houswork when my own kids were growing up. I was a lot younger then...I managed quite nicely...not anymore. Of course I don't fret over the house like I used to either...that makes life more fun!
What a great month! Spending time with family is always time well spent! Congrats on the weight loss!
We don't have to look far to find our blessings, do we? You are truly blessed, and so am I.
Congratulations on your weight loss. What a wonderful feeling. I know, I've done it before, and I need to do it again.
Have a great week.
be blessed,
Such a heart-warming post. Nothing beats the time we spend with our families and grandchildren most of all.
So many SWEET blessings!!! And good for you on your 16 pound weight loss!
I'm glad your hubby is home safe and sound and with no flu symptoms. And I think you had a wonderful month!
Be blessed.
Marlene, I think you've outdone yourself this time. Bravo! And aren't the blessings of grandchildren absolutely the best?
Oh, my you have been busy! And just think...most of that stuff you did won't wear out! Or shrink. Or stain and need laundering. Hallelujah! :-)
By the way, your comments regarding microwave vs no hotplate in dorms brought back memories. The couple who rented out our dorm house (crowded college dorms had spilled out into dorm houses) were very tight about electricity usage. Permission must be had for limited use of hair dryers and any other electric appliance. There were NO TV's. Hard to imagine a dorm with no TV's today. And of course no computers. Now I'm dating myself for sure. Glad you had such a good time with grandchildren.
Marlene, I'm always so cheered to hear of your doings. You sound like a very special, and wonderfully loving, grandma and I'm sure those little ones adore you.
that sounds like a wonderful month! sometimes I think I've got all these great plans to accomplish "stuff" and I end up sitting in the chair reading to my daughter or pitching baseballs outside to my boys. I then remind myself that those dishes will wait, that quilt isn't going anywhere, and the laundry never gets done anyway! But my kids are growing and changing everyday!!
by the way, i love the applique pumpkin... very cute!
Our family is looking for cabins to rent in the Arkansas area.... I do'nt suppose you can suggest any lakes in your area. I am on the lookout... as DS is going to be deployed in Oct. We thought to gather together to say goodbye. and DS 2's wife is expecting ... in Sept. So not too far from Bentonville....within 3 hrs or so. Thanks.
Cute pumpkin! Ah you are making memories for yourself and your grandchildren - quilts will be there when they are grown and away. I agree about your a Christian husband...its the greatest.
Sounds like a wonderful month~and a busy one!
Hope you are having a good week and managing to stay dry!
It is good to take time to count the blessings in our life. You have been blessed in many ways this month!
It's wonderful to look back and reflect on the good things in life - sounds like a good month indeed!
So glad to hear of your doings and to know that your dear hubby is home safe and sound. Praise the Lord! ~Adrienne~
It's good to know your hubby is home and okay. DD1 has a girlfriend volunteering at an orphan home in Mexico and we all worry. The family she's staying with has lost friends and relatives to the flu.
You are so rich, having a grandchildren like that how could it not be a month well spent.
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