Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Brief Comment

As you know my computer is in the hospital. :( I am using my daughter-in-law's for just a moment to check e-mail and fit in a bit of the blogging addiction. This is my last week to babysit with my sweet new grandson; on Friday I will be going home after a 2 1/2 month stay here in this city where my son and his family live.

First, just let me say that my daughter-in-law is a saint. I shall be nominating her for this position as soon as I figure out how you do that. I've talked to God already and He agrees with me. That has led me to wonder how many others I know who need to be nominated for sainthood and how many I might be overlooking. Here are some I thought of:

1. Two different neighbors of my son's who walk their dogs each day, on a leash, with pooper scooper in hand. Bless you both.

2. The young woman at AT&T who has patiently answered a million questions I've asked since switching cell phones even when they were obviously things I could have read the instruction book for. Thank you for recognizing that I learn better when shown.

3. The young man who "lives" next door to me in the camper park and who replaced the electrical plug on the outside connection when my electricity went off (he's an electrician so he knew what he was doing, as opposed to me who knows nothing!) Bless you for taking care of this neighbor who probably seems ancient to you in your youth.

4. My dear friend and neighbor, Connie, who keeps saying, "I miss you. Come home." Bless you for making feel so loved.

5. My cousin Carol's husband, Keith, who made the effort it took for the two of us to spend time together. Carol doesn't drive on the highway alone so Keith drove her the two hours here and then came back to get her a couple of days later. Thank you for the wonderful conversations and memory boost that you gifted me with.

6. The owner of the Asian restaurant where I've met friends for lunch several times and who keeps small plush toys to give to the babies who visit there. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

I could go on but my time is limited so I'll stop now. But not without saying that I hope I not only am thankful for people who touch my life, but that I remember to tell them!


1 Amelia said...

I am sure all of these people could list many wonderful Godly traits you have shown them...Yes, it is important to realize the small (yet so important) acts are not taken for granted. You are saying "thanks" again by this post.

Are you coumting the hours yet before you are back home?

2 Needled Mom said...

What a sweet post. My computer is also in the hospital. Frustrating, isn't it? How did we live without them?

3 Jacquie said...

Glad you're getting to go home! But, I bet you'll miss the grandbabies.

We have MUCH to be thankful for, don't we?

Anonymous said...

Marlene, Hello!!! Waving here! Sounds like you're being very well looked-after by many. Have safe travels back home and I hope your sick computer is soon all better so you can be online as much as you like.
Connie W

Anonymous said...

This is a very good post. I think we all have people in our lives like this and need to recognize them as often as possible. I know you'll be happy to be home once again but will miss the wee ones. It is wonderful that you have such a special relationship with your DIL.
Mama Bear

6 Val said...

I think you are the saint to give up your life as you know it to help you son & daughter in law and grandchildren at this time. You will not know what to do with yourself when you get home. Oh well, I bet you will! Love this post!

7 Lindah said...

How sweet to recognize God's blessings through other folks' kindnesses. He has written that gratefulness is akin to worshipping him.

2 1/2 months is not a short time! I'm sure the parents regard you with great appreciation for your gift of loving time and effort in their family life.

Welcome home and enjoy those grandbaby memories!

....and get some rest! ;)

8 Helen said...

You are a sweetie. It's nice to tell those who mean so much and do such nice things thanks.

I wish more of us would do this ona regular basis. It makes folks feel so good to know they are appreciated.


9 Tracy P. said...

Love this, Marlene!

10 Angie said...

Each of us needs to say 'thank you' more often. Along with 'Sorry' they are words we don't use often enough.

Have a good rest when you go home.

love, Angie, xx

11 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

What a wonderful post!! Enjoy the last of your time with the wee one!

hugs, Linda

12 Joy said...

Love this post!!! Sometimes it's a good idea to count our blessings ... it's easy to forget how blessed we are. It's the little things that make a difference :o).
Joy :o)

13 Michelle said...

You are indeed an angel. It is always good to hear when we touch others lives, as well as for us to say thank you when someone touches ours.

You have been such a blessing to your family, and I know they truly appreciate you. God bless you! They will miss you, and I know you will miss them too.
be blessed,

14 Mainly a midwife said...

That's so nice that you obviously have such a good relationship with your daughter in law... What a blessing!

15 Julie in the Barn said...

Really lovely post, Marlene. I have missed your sweet, uplifting musings while you've been computerless. I know you've been enjoying yourself with the new grandbaby but I look forward to you getting back to blogging regularly. Hugs to you and the family.

16 Sandy said...

What a great tribute....I will start making my own list of people who touch me and mine!

17 Phyllis said...

Ditto to what Valerie said!

And what goes around, comes around. When you are kind to others, it comes back to you!

I'm happy that you get to go home, but know you'll miss your little grandson!

18 molly said...

Ahhh! So nice to read this. So often people get acknowledged only when they step out of line. We all know that most people are eager to be good and helpful, but reading the papers any day of the week could easily make you forget that! Thanks for reminding us to appreciate the small little kindnesses people do that make such a huge difference.

19 Dionne said...

I'm so glad you've had a wonderful stay and are enjoying your son and his family! The blessings of a wonderful family are countless!

20 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

It's so good to read a post from you. So many to be thankfull for and so glad you and your daughter-n-law have great admirations for one another.
Keep Stitchen'

21 Di said...

What a lovely post, Marlene. Thank you for this reminder to see God in people - and to thank them for being the blessing that they are to us. And thank YOU for being one of those!

22 Purple Pam said...

Thank you for such a wonderful post. You make me feel so good.

23 BarbCarol said...

You know, Marnie. There are a couple of reasons why you find so many people who are nice to you. One: You are always looking for the good in people. Two: You treat everyone with kindness and respect.