Today I saw sunshine. That's been a rare even the last few weeks. When I first thought about babysitting with this new little one I thought I would walk every day pushing the stroller and surely the pounds would fall off. Ha! It's rained nearly 7 inches here...this month. And this is just the 13th! But today we walked. :) It is exactly one mile from my son's house to McDonalds. Where they have sweet tea. With that as my goal and my reward I made it to McDonalds and back in one hour and five minutes. Pushing a 17 pound baby in the stroller. I forgot that with the sunshine you get heat and humidity.
Go you is right! I've been enjoying getting out and walking after work when it's not raining for the past couple of days. I'm not pushing a 17 pound baby in a stroller though. I'm just being pulled by a 6 pound dog!
Good for you! All I did for exercise was mow the kennel with a push mower (forgot to turn on the self propel lever, so it was REALLY a push mower) and fork hay off a big round bale and then fork it to the bull calf.
"The Best Laid Plans, etc...." Seems that walking to McDonalds is a great goal. I'm not sure abou the sweet tea. I don't drink it sweet myself. I'm glad you have sunshine. We've had a little here too. Helps the spirits.
Have fun, take pictures.
Mama Bear
I'm glad that you finally got the sunshine. I'll bet the exercise felt good too.
Go you, Marlene. You'll be shedding those pounds in no time. It's starting to get really cold here (though sunny with it so far).
Glad you had some sunshine!!!
Yea You!
Wow! I am impressed. All I seem to do is rock rock rock this little grandbaby of mine. You did good. I bet that tea was the best!
Sweet teas are awesome, but so are their fancy cofees. I had 2 this week. Thank goodness for newspaper coupons.
Well then you sure earned your tea! Yea for you. :-)
What a great idea!! If we had a McCafe that close I'd do the same thing - but with a skinny latte' as the reward. Yummm!!!
Joy :o)
Good job! I bet that tea tasted so good.
The nearest Mcd's to us is 35 miles away, so I probably won't be pushing the baby stroller that far!
I set my walking goals by the mile post markers. We live at 2.5 mile and I try to walk to the 3.5 and back. 2 miles is a pretty good walk on a crooked country road.
Go You!! I'm glad you got sunshine!
You go, regardless the weather. Wish I had the incentive.
You go girl. Hot or not I am enjoying the sun. Of course I would still be at McDonalds waiting for someone to come and pick me up.
Go You! I know what you mean about the rain. I would love to get outside some more, but too cold and too much rain. Walking to Mikky D's is a great destination with sweet tea waiting. I love sweet tea. I'll have a new grandbaby in about 3 weeks and hope to be pushing baby in a stroller, too. Such a blessing!
I'm here saying some cheers for you, keep it up and I hope it doesn't rain. Marlene you are going to be so much healthier after this...
On your post below, I couldn't agree more.
Have a great weekend,
Heat and humidity? BRING T ON!!!!!!!!! Anything a bit warm will do for me.
love, Angie, xx
The sweet tea sounds like a delicious destination. And how precious that you are able to do this with your grandson.
My mother-in-law took care of our 3 little ones while I taught school and she was the one seen pushing the stroller through town. I am forever grateful to her for the time & energy she spent loving our kids & now they have such a precious & close relationship with her.
God's blessings to you -- another endearing grandmother!
Good for you, Marlene. That's great!
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