Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Seventeen Pounds of Love

95th percentile in height.
85th percentile in weight.
Seventeen pounds.
Four months old.
My arms are getting really toned!


1 Amelia said...

Such a cute one!

2 Karen said...

What a darling, happy looking baby!

3 Lindi said...

He's beautiful!

4 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Oh he is just perfect! Have a wonderful Mother's Day!!

hugs, Linda

5 Michelle said...

And your heart has grown bigger in size to hold all that love!
be blessed!

6 Tracy P. said...

Wow, is he ever precious!! I know you are soaking up every minute. You are both so blessed!

And yes, I enjoyed having my girl home. ;-)

7 BarbCarol said...

And, my 4th cousin! I haven't seen him in 2 weeks and he already looks more like a little boy than a baby.

8 Birdydownunder said...

just catchin up... and what a marvellous photo to do so with. Keep safe and well.

9 Sandy said...

I bet, Marlene! That's a lot of weight to carry around. He's a cutie, that's for sure.

10 Picket said...

Ohhhh what a little dumpling!!!! He is adorable! Thanks for coming by sweetie..that paint color is called Deer Path by Benjamin is just my favorite all time color! Have a beautiful Mother's Day my friend!

11 Val said...

Our grandbabies are so close in age and weight. So precious. Happy Mothers Day!

12 Needled Mom said...

We have a seven month old boyfriend for that cutie.

13 Angie said...

Happy Mothers' Day Marlene. Over here Mothers' Day was in March - we always have to do it different!

love, Angie, xx

14 Di said...

What a scrumptious bub, Marlene! he looks so happy too! No doubt thriving on your love and care and cuddles!

Anonymous said...

He is a big cutie-pie!

16 Adrienne said...

Oh my goodness he's growing fast! He's such a darling little guy. I know what you mean about your arms. I like carrying babies better than lifting weights! ~Adrienne~

17 Salem Stitcher said...

What a sweet smile!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful job you have.
I know you're tired at the end of the day. Making memories, though.
Mama Bear

19 Sandy said...

What a cutie!

20 Sandy said...

p.s. Happy Mother's Day!

21 Juryizstillout said...

What a cutiepie! Happy Mother's Day to you!

22 Sunna Reyr said...

A happy face like that always brings a smile.

Beats all the fancy gyms.

23 Marie Rayner said...

What a wonderfully sweet way to get toned!!

24 Marilyn Robertson said...

He is a bundle of cuteness for sure!

25 Meggie said...

It took me awhile to catch up on your recent posts. I've been gone for several days. I love your pictures. What a nice, positive feeling for what it feels like to drive in fog. It really is sort of mysterious and soft feeling, isn't it? Your flower pictures hit a note with me. Sharing flowers is something my mother taught me. I guess birds share too, don't they? I have a peony too, that I got from a childhood neighbor. A pink one. It just hasn't bloomed yet.

26 Teresa said...

What a cutie pie, and so fortunate to have a grandma to set everything aside to care for him. I enjoyed your last few blogs as I get caught up on my reading. I have always felt kind of weird in the the headless horseman would come gallopping by at any moment.

27 Sue said...

HE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

28 Aunt Julie said...

Is there another way to spell A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E? What a cutie-patootie! BTW, posting another of Aunt Julie's quilts on Friday!

29 Brenda Kay Ledford said...

What a beautiful baby. I know you are so happy. I just found your blog and it's great.
Please visit my blog and leave a comment at:

30 Lori said...

Oh my gosh - he is just stinkin adorable! What a great smile. I bet you just melt everytime he smiles at you.

31 Apple Antiques said...

He looks like Rusty did when he was little. Oh, those precious memories!

32 Dandelion Quilts said...

Look at that happy face!