Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I Have a Sad Face

My computer is sick. It has gone to the hospital. It's a hardware problem and will take.......two weeks. :( I'm on my husband's computer today but next week I won't have access to it. I'm very sad.


1 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Hey girlfriend, I know just what you are going through. I had trouble on Wednesday. Yesterday we received our new modum yesterday. The gracious husband got it up and running last night.
Good luck!

2 Tins and Treasures said...

Oh, it's going to be a long two weeks! I went nuts when we went a half a day without electricity here!! Have a good weekend. Take care ~Natalie

3 Amelia said...

You will be missed - maybe it won't take two weeks after all.

4 Harley Dee said...

Aww, that stinks! :( Tell it we're sending get well wishes.. we can't have you gone that long!

Anonymous said...

Well, I will be in Memphis next week and the only internet I have there is sattelite and it is iffy. So, we will not be online much either. Funny, how we have become attached to the things.
I'll bet you'll get lots of stitchin done.
Mama Bear

6 Lena . . . said...

Oh my gosh, I suffer terrible withdrawals when mine is down. My sympathies. We'll be waiting here for you to get back on line.

7 Jacquie said...

Oh, separation anxiety...

8 Val said...

Oh no! We can't do without your wonderful posts! What will we do for 2 weeks??? Sounds like I am just thinking of all of us but I can imagine how you feel. I would hate to do without my computer, my sewing machine and my Fox News!!!

9 Lindah said...

We will miss you! --But think about how much extra time you will have. :-)

10 Tracy P. said...

It will be like the olden days. You can write a few of your letters in longhand, and then you can scan them and post them when you get home. ;-)

11 said...

You will be missed, but you will have a lot to write about when you get back online. See you told THEM it wasn't operator error.

12 Michelle said...

You poor girl. I would be having horrible withdrawals and would probably have to be hospitalized! I hope it doesn't take that long.

You know, most libraries have computers you can use. Doesn't that baby need a daily dose of the library?

be blessed,

13 Salem Stitcher said...

Horrors! Two weeks without your computer! I would go nuts. Take lots of notes so we can all catch up with your computer is back from the hospital.

14 Angie said...

We'll miss you but just think......... snoozing, stitching, fishing, cooking, gardening, eating, taking a cruise, learning the violin, learning Serbo-Croat, robbing a bank.............the world, as they say, is your lobster!

Here's "Get well soon" to your computer but fear not, we're not going anywhere!

love, Angie, xx

15 Meggie said...

Oh you poor thing. I hate computer problems, especially when they involve going to the "doctor." I loved reading your post, "Things that Drive Me Crazy." I think we could all add to that list. I could add: people who just think they have to talk on cell phones in the loudest possible voice, especially in restaurants, or worse, don't turn them to silent in church, movie theaters, concerts, funerals, weddings and in courtrooms. I've even seen them answer their phones in these venues. GAAAA!

16 em's scrapbag said...

So sorry computer problems are such a headache. I'll miss your uplifting posts.

17 Grammy Staffy said...

I will miss you... I hope your computer gets well soon... until then enjoy your time off... in a way it is like getting a vacation from homework when you can't use your a way it is sad to be out of touch with your blog friends.... I know because I just got back from a cruise and while I loved the trip... and enjoyed being computer free... I really missed being in touch with my blog friends. I hope that you will be back with us soon. (((hugs))) Lura

18 Val said...

Just a note to tell you that I still miss your posts! Hope you are doing well. Just thinking of you. I can't wait until your computer is fixed.

19 Marge said...

How are you doing without your computer? Hope you get back online soon! Miss you!