Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


It's about 11 miles from where my camper is to my son's house. Every morning I drive there to keep my grandson for the day. This is what my drive looked like today. Thank goodness by the time I came home, about 5:30, the sun was out and it was beautiful, though steamy. Rain returns later tonight and will stay for the weekend even though we've already gotten nearly 7 inches in the last 10 days. Yuck!

Actually I kind of like fog. Everything seems so quiet and peaceful, as if the world has slowed down for a time. And that's not a bad thing.


1 Karen said...

Driving in fog can be so scary!

2 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Marlene, you better be careful in the fog, I like it too but not while driving.
On your post below, I think you could open up a plant hospital. Did you know they actually have them. When we lived in Louisiana my neighbor brought her DEAD plant, I swear it looked dead, to the hospital for plants. They called her about a month later and she had this beautiful plant with a bill$$$$. I told her they bought another plant, she didn't like that to much.
Keep Stitchen'

3 Unknown said...

It was foggy here too. Actually, the Indianapolis Airport had to delay flights because of the fog. I know what you mean about being peaceful. My little doggie had to go outside this morning at 4:3o, I stepped outside with her and it was really peaceful.....still. I love mornings like that.

4 Jacquie said...

I agree with you, Marlene. I love the fog, except for the danger of driving in it.

Have a wonderful weekend and Mothers Day!!

5 Needled Mom said...

I've never been a fan of fog - especially if I need to drive in it.

6 Tipper said...

It's been raining cats and dogs here too.

I like your post about finding beauty in unusual places.

7 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I love foggy mornings at our house. We live on the river bluff and have them quite often. Usually by the time we drive 1/2 mile to the blacktop, the fog isn't there.
Beautiful mornings that God can create!

Anonymous said...

Fog makes me think of my scary experience in 1986 driving in it from St. Louis, MO to back home in Indiana, it was HORRIBLE fog; and also the ending in Gone With The Wind where Scarlett runs home to find Rhett in the fog.

9 PSGifford said...

Reminds me of a scene from a Stephen Kong novel...Spooky!

10 Angie said...

Oooh Marlene, that fog looks nasty. We usually only have fog like that over here in November. I don't mind as long as I don't have to go out anywhere. Strangely though we don't seem to get really thick fog like we used to when I was a kid, when the buses would stop runnng and the schools would close early. You know, when you can't see your hand in front of your face?

love, Angie, xx

11 Marilyn Robertson said...

I was told once that fog was good for the complection. Hmmmmmm Guess you would have to drive with the window down :-)