Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just a Few Thoughts - Be Sure You Read The End

Last summer we had a hibiscus in this pot and it was simply gorgeous. About the middle of the summer this red shamrock came up around the base of the hibiscus. I think the birds had to have dropped some seeds there. Over the winter the hibiscus died but just look at the shamrock! It's a little beaten down by the rain here but it is overflowing this pot and has hundreds of blooms. A gift from the birds!

Isn't this peony stunning? Several years ago my sister dug up some at my mother's best friends house and shared them with me. My mother's friend has since died so these are very special to me.

Can you believe how big my Rosemary has gotten?

It has rained nearly 7 inches in the last 10 days. I only have a tiny garden plot but it is now mainly mud though the plants seem to have survived the worst of it.

At the end of the summer I found a little pencil cactus on the sale rack at WalMart for 50 cents. It was about 6 inches tall. It's now threatening to take over the window!
At the campgrounds where I am we all have to take our trash to a big dumpster at the very back of the park. One day this week when I took my trash this little chair was there. It's very small, a child's chair for sure. I sat and looked at it for a while wondering why it landed on the trash. It was in pretty good shape really and could certainly be recovered and be just perfect in some child's bedroom. I wonder if the child who owned it grew up and didn't want it any more, or if the parents divorced and the chair didn't go to the new home, or if.... I bet someone could weave a good story around this.
I walked outside my camper this afternoon to where the pavement ends and some concrete blocks are stacked supporting the pavement and saw this little petunia. There's not one speck of dirt there, just gravel where the pavement has crumbled. What a testimony it is for us all. Bloom where you are planted. Persevere and you can do it. Never give up. Bring joy to your surroundings. Beauty is everywhere if we but look.
I challenge you to find some beauty in an unusual spot and post it so we can all share in it. Be sure and leave a link.


1 Lindi said...

Great challenge, Marlene. I'll accept the challenge. I'll let you know when I post it.

2 em's scrapbag said...

Excellent post. Great words of wisdom.

3 Val said...

We are on vacation in Helen Ga. this week getting a lot of rest and relaxation. We go home Friday and are already dreading the work we have at home so your post made me stop and think how much I love home and it made me realize we should not dread it. Thanks for sharing this.

4 Unknown said...

You are lucky, I paid $4.97 for a shamrock that looks just like that one.

Yes, you could probably preach a sermon on that little petunia. I'll have to give your challenge a little thought.....

5 Amelia said...

Wonderful outlook..pearls of wisdom ...We are to make the best of what we have- regardless of what the circumstances may be.

I just pray that all I do will be a way of honoring God.

Anonymous said...

This was great.
Mama Bear

7 sarahross said...

Good challenge Marlene...I'll keep my eyes open.

My grandpa gave me a start of purple shamrock a few years ago...since then it has popped up all over the place. I love it.

8 Salem Stitcher said...

I'll keep my eyes open for my own petunias.

Great post!

9 Marie Rayner said...

Wonderful challenge Marlene. I am quite lucky in that I am always able to find small treasures in unique and unusual places . . .

10 said...

That lone petunia reminds me of how the flowers in the Holy Land are beginning to bloom in the dessert. My brother has brought back pictures of the them. I love to see through your eyes as you go and it reminds me to look around as I walk for the blessings God gives us in so many small ways.

11 Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

how interesting that you have challenged us to find some beauty around us today. Before I read your post, I was thinking about all the reasons I love this season. And in my mind I was going over the beauty of where I live and why Spring is so great here. I think you have given me an idea for my next post!
Have a blessed day.

12 Marge said...

I will be looking for beauty in an unusual spot. Great challenge, Marlene. Will be fun to see what people find.

13 Sunna Reyr said...

I was given a shamrock like yours last summer but here in Iceland it's an indoors plant. I also have for years had another one very similar except it's smaller and green instead of purple. They both bloom light pink flowers almost all year round, at least the green one does.

Will keep an eye out for a little challenge, but there are weeks until I can expect to see any surprise beauties.