Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Can You Believe This?

Last week I decided to stop in at a flea market I pass every morning going to babysit for my grandson. Of course when I go by at 6:45 a.m. it's not open. It shouldn't be open then because no one in their right mind should be out of bed then! Or at least that's my opinion. :) My mother-in-law used to tell me that I was missing beautiful sunrises by not getting up in time for them. I told her that if God wanted me to see them He'd either wake me up or plan them for later in the day!
Back to my story. So on Saturday morning I stopped in. I found this hand appliqued quilt top in the first booth I went to. I think that was a sign - God knew I needed it and so He just pointed it out to me right away. I've always thought I'd like to make this pattern though I can't tell you the name of it. But there's never been time for it to get to the top of my "I Want To Make This" list. And now someone has made it for me! She probably didn't know she was making it for me when she was stitching but God knew. Isn't it cool how He knows ahead of time all the wonderful things He has planned for us? If we'd just remember that and trust Him we wouldn't worry so much. Oh, maybe that's just me I'm talking about there.
And guess what it cost me? You'll never guess so I'll tell you. $40.50. Hand appliqued, did I mention that already? It was marked $45 and I asked if they would take less and they said, "Sure...take 10%off". See there, I told you God wanted me to have it!


1 Tracy P. said...

I love that! What a blessing!

2 Michelle said...

That is just awesome! Don't you just love it when you find a treasure?

3 Salem Stitcher said...

It really is beautiful!

4 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

LOL - did you have the same MIL as me? I told her I got more done after 8pm than she got done all morning. She said - "I am ready for bed by 8 pm" so I told her she needed to sleep later. LOL She still gets up too early if you ask me.

I think you were indeed meant to have it!!

5 Di said...

It's just beautiful, and I'm certain it's gone to the best place where it will be finished off and loved. Wouldn't the original owner be pleased!

6 Unknown said...

GET OUT OF HERE! You must be living right! Did you do a happy dance, waving your hands praising Jesus? Well, you should!;D
Congratulations on such an awesome find!

7 Karen said...

What a blessing! And I am sooo jealous as I just love that and I'll probably never do Hand Applique!

8 Dandelion Quilts said...

SO pretty...blessing is right.

9 Kathy said...

Beutiful!!!!! Yep, it was meant for you.

10 Phyllis said...

What a treasure!!! Somebody sure didn't know what they were doing when they sold that - lucky you :)

11 Annelies said...

I had a similar thing happen to me once....came home with a handquilted pink and white quilt. I felt like I had stolen it (I paid the $30 cash I had in my purse), but later I thought it was meant to me. The person who sold it didn't care about it at all....and I have LOVED it all these years.
God is good.....XXX Annie

12 Annelies said...

PLEASE tell me that you will have it handquilted!!! I have nothing against machine quilting, but this treasure is screaming to he done by hand!!! XXX Annie

13 rlbates said...

What a lovely find!

14 Val said...

This was truly a blessing. Isn't that amazing? How is it going with your grandson? I am keeping my 13 week old grandson also but they bring him to me. He is precious, but it is different having a little one all day long every weekday. I have 3 other grandchildren that I pick up from school sometimes too.

15 molly said...

I guess he needed someone to quilt it!

16 Marie Rayner said...

WOW! What a lucky find!! Can't wait to see it finished!

17 Sunna Reyr said...

Congratulation, I thought it was a panel when I first looked at it, it's so well made. It's good to know it has found a home and an owner who appreciates it. I'm sure the maker is happy.

18 Cindy said...

That's what I call a Grace Note. I love when things like that happen.

19 Elaine Adair said...

Amazing find! It IS beautiful.

My own clock starts at 4:30 am, sort of. It ALWAYS goes into "need nap" at 1:30 pm (difficult during college days) and turns back on at 2:00 pm. Totally OFF after 9:00 pm. It's been that way my entire life! Even as a teenager, dating the most thrilling guys, I always had to come home early! NEVER had a problem with curfew because I would fall asleep so early! LOL

20 Janet, said...

Very pretty! I am sure it will be even more beautiful when you quilt it. I've posted some quilts on my web sight. One of them is a quilt top I got at a yard sale. It is an old Drunkard's Path. I need to take the time to quilt it, tho I'm not a very good quilter.

21 Marge said...

Well, aren't you the blessed one today! I'm happy for you. That is a beautiful quilt top. It's about time I hit the thrift stores again. Love to find those treasures!

22 Teresa said...

What a great find!!

23 Linda G. said...

Wow! What a beauty!

24 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Marlene, Now that is a great treasure you found. Don't you wish you could tell the lady thank you for all her hard work and it will be cherished and passed down. You made a great find and God just led you to it so early in the morning...
Keep Stitchen,

25 Mary L. Briggs said...

That's beautiful, Marlene! Don't you just love flea markets??!! I'm the same way about stuff I acquire. God knew that someday that 'thing' was coming to live in my house and I would appreciate it very much.

Hope you are having a great week with your little precious!

26 Aunt Julie said...

Beautiful! I'd love to see it when you finish it off...Aunt Julie would, too!

27 Angie said...

What a beautiful quilt. It was lucky to be rescued by a quilter that will treasure it. I just finished quilting one of those estate sale quilts. All the time thinking about what wonderful quilter must have made the top, what had happened to make it end up stuffed down in box and be sold cheaply? All questions I will never know the answer to. Did you find any history on the pattern or who made the quilt top? It was meant for you to find!

28 Angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
29 Jacquie said...

I agree with you about sunrises!!!

And what a bargain.

30 Grammy Staffy said...

How lovely.... I can't wait to see it quilted. I know it was meant just for you. Congrat.

I am with you about sunrise being too early. When I was teaching the sun would rise on my way to work and shine right in my eyes making driving on the freeway difficult. Since retiring I let the sun rise without me squinting at it... yep, 8:30 is a perfect get up time for me...(except I can't convince Austin who thinks his grammy should be up and making breakfast by 6:30.)
Have a blessed week.(I sound like you) Love, Lura

31 Debbie said...

I'm happy you found something so nice at such a great price. I'm also glad something that pretty found a good home!

32 Southern Lady said...

Marlene, you were definitely in the right place at the right time! What a beautiful and unique quilt top ... and it is going to be even more of a treasure after you quilt it.

And by the way ... I think God made sunsets for people who miss sunrises.

33 Grammy Staffy said...

Hello again....come over to my blog and pick up an award I am giving to you

Have a great day. Love, Lura

34 Picket said...

That is beautiful girl...ohhhh don't you just love those 'squeal like a sissy girl' moments!!!!! lol
thanks for coming by..we had some much need rain this past week and the sunshine has been is so glorious to walk outside each day and see what new thing has bloomed out! Hope you have a beautiful weekend on your side of the mountain!

35 Tipper said...

You totally scored-so pretty and a great price too!