Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Little More Show And Tell

In my last post I showed some pictures of my living room but I forgot to show the most important place in there! This is my "nest" where I sit and do my hand stitching. The wallhanging was made for me by a blogging friend. I love it here because my chair is comfortable - and big enough for a small child to cuddle up next to me - I have light on both sides and even an extra one that I can bring up beside me if I need it. I have several projects ready to be worked on including my latest redwork, a wool piece that's just pinned together and several applique quilt blocks. I keep all my embroidery thread in the red toile box and the patterns I'm using in the basket. And all my tools (needles, scissors, etc.) on the table beside me. That's a small trash holder on the left arm of the chair - a craft project many of you have probably made.

When I talked about my February goals I mentioned this sampler I had finished. I used a khaki colored Kona cotton fabric and black thread. Now I have to decide what to do with it. :) I've about run out of wall space but I do think it would be pretty framed or made into a wallhanging. I could make a pillow but it's kind of big for that - it's laying on an ottoman if that gives you an idea of the size. Any suggestions?

I've shown this before but I love it so you get to see it again. :) This redwork piece "The Quilter's Stash" hangs on the wall going into my bedroom.

This area is what I call my prayer chair. This is where I sit to do my Bible study. The prayer shawl hanging on the chair was knitted for me by a friend in my church. The small pillow on the chair, if you can see it, I gave to my Mother years ago. It says "Thank you Mother for teaching me to sew." After she died I brought it home with me. It's so peaceful in this spot - I can see the lake and the birds often hop up onto the windowsill and look in at me.

This is where I blog. It's mostly a mess but it works for me. I made the redwork wallhanging a couple of years ago from an Alex Anderson pattern. The lamp has eyelash fringe on it that I just glued on. The clock was my mothers and the ribbon hanging on it was one she won for a quilt. The tassel was mine when I graduated from high school in 1964! That's my mom and dad in the picture beside the lamp.
Don't you just love the yellow and red together? I do! I made the quilt last year at our guild quilt retreat. The redwork pillows are not new, except for the Girl With Watering Can - I finished the redwork several months ago but just finished the pillow recently. I might have already shown it but not when it was with the rest of the "ensemble." I think my next project in this room will be to make a fabric cover for the lamp shades.
That's my show and tell for today. Anybody else doing a show and tell?


1 Marie Rayner said...

Loved this extra show and tell visit with you Marlene! You have such a beautiful home and filled with so many treasures of love, that were so wonderful to see. Thanks so much for sharing them with us! XXOO

2 Unknown said...

Part two was just as wonderful as part one. Everything is my favorite...with each photo, I was saying, "Oh, that's so lovely!" and the view of the lake from the windows!!! WOW.

I would frame your stitchery, it is that beautiful and needs to be preserved for future generations.

The picture on the heart shelf above your computer...who is that? A lovely photo or art work?

I am sharing my finds from my shopping trip yesterday.

3 Amelia said...

Your place looks like a home - a place of love!...not just a show house of hard cold items.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy all of God's blessings!

4 Christine said...

I have a nest just like yours! Where did you get the pattern for that fabulous sampler? I love, love, love it.

5 Suzanne said...

Thanks so much for taking me around your home and showing me all the fruits of your creative efforts. It's just beautiful. I love the redwork and that embroidery piece you've just finished is great too.

I'm so glad I dragged my flu laden body out of bed to read this morning. You lifted my spirits. Love the view of the lake also.

How far are you from Garvan Gardens?

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

6 Teresa said...

Hmmm...I left a comment but not sure it took

7 Cindy said...

I have to confess that when you asked for ideas about what to do with the sampler, I selfishly thought "You should send it to me!" lol! I'm kidding of course but it is pretty. I think framing it would be nice.

8 Debbie said...

It is always nice to see where people do their work and are creative!

9 Needled Mom said...

Everything looks so beautiful. I love the sewing chair. It looks like the perfect place to creat your masterpieces.

10 Susan said...

You have a lovely home. Thanks for the tour.

Anonymous said...

Marlene-I enjoyed the peek into your world-and your special places! I'd say you've got a pretty pad to hang out in!

12 Mary L. Briggs said...

I love your 'nest', but my favorite spot you showed was your prayer area. It just looks so peaceful and perfect for Bible study and praying. How neat that you have a prayer shawl. That is a project that I am waiting to start when my knitting improves a little bit more!

13 Dandelion Quilts said...

Thanks for inviting us into your home! I don't have any stichery hanging anywhere, but this inspires me to make some changes! I really enjoyed your last post....using the china cabinet, I would have never have thought of that, but they look perfect! I loved that idea. You have such a warm home, Marlene.

14 Angie said...

That's the great thing about blogging: meeting and making friends with such a diversity of people. Some of them, you're one, are hugely talented and always have something interesting to say. My sister will tell you - anyone who can keep moi absolutely rivetted by talking about things involving a needle and thread MUST have something special!

Love it all and love you........enjoy your weekend.

love, Angie, xx

15 Grammy Staffy said...

I just love seeing pictures of your beautiful home and all the lovely things that you have made. You are a marvel!!! and "sew" talented!!

Thank you for sharing dear Marlene. I wish that I could visit your beautiful home in person. I know that there is a sweet spirit of love there that all must feel who enter your doors.

have a good weekend. Love, Lura

16 Aunt Julie said... are really amazing, Marlene! BTW, I'm starting a new Pop'rs Giveaway tomorrow!!

17 Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Oh you are so right, this was the most important area to show of all! LOL* I love the quilt on your bed, those colors are just so pretty! Oh and the stitchery too, so nice!

18 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Marlene, thank you for our tour of all your treasures. Your home is so welcoming.
The sampler, I thought first a pillow, but I think I would want to piece around it and hang it in a picture frame in the bedroom. Love it.
Keep Stitchen'

19 Sandy said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful rooms with us. I loved each stitchery and quilt...I also enjoy redwork. Love the view of the lake and your quiet, peaceful little place to meditate.

20 Salem Stitcher said...

The sampler is gorgeous. Whatever you do with it will be beautiful.

Thanks for the show and tell. I love seeing where people spend their time!

21 Tracy P. said...

I love your redwork, Marlene! I am doing a special little show and tell today that I hope you'll come see.

22 Picket said...

I loved seeing all your beautiful are gifted...they are truly treasures to be loved for many generations to come..

Thanks so much for coming by...hope you are having a great week!

23 Sharon said...

Thank you for the fun tour of your beautiful home! I love that you have your quilting and your stitcheries all over your house! How peaceful your home looks. And that view of the lake - Wow!

24 Jan said...

What a lovely home and so much of your clever work on dispay ,I am intrigued by the red work ,you talk about ,and love the hanging one of the quilt room ,is it embroidery? or ...Oh I dont know ,but Im curious and interested hee hee love Jan xx