Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What Happened to Spring...and Some Other Stuff

Spring came to Arkansas some weeks ago. First I saw hints of pink on the Redbud trees. Then the forsythia and the japonica bloomed. Along came the Tulip trees and, of course, the daffodils were everywhere. Now my Carolina Jasmine is blooming, and the hyacinths. That was yesterday. Today it's just barely above freezing and it's been raining for two days with two more days of rain to come. I had started getting out my summer clothes. After all it was 80°! Now my closet is crammed full, half with winter, half with summer. Sweaters are hanging out with capri pants. Boots linger beside sandals. My closet is not large. Woe is me.

Hello. My name is Marlene and I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OCD for you fellow sufferers. I spent most of my day yesterday finishing the organization of my fabric closet. I had just had my fill of not being able to find a fabric to go with what I was making only to find the perfect one in my closet after I'd gone out and bought another. So with the blessing and urging and enabling of my two neighbors, Connie and Cissy, I went to Hobby Lobby and bought 20 x 30 foam core, cut them in fourths, and this is what the result is. Of course that was several trips to Hobby Lobby over the course of a couple of months and only when the foam core was on for half off. I wish I could tell you that this is all of my fabric. But it isn't. I have several (many) pieces pulled out and in tubbies as part of a project or ten that I'm working on. However, now that I can see what I have I no longer have an excuse for not using it. Right? Unless someone out there can think of a good excuse for me to buy more and I'm all ears....

My computer has spring fever. Or something equally yucky. It gets slower and slower every day. Sort of like me. Do you think it needs castor oil? I've cleaned everything I can think of to clean and still it slows down. I might have cleaned out something I wasn't supposed to - I've been known to do that in my house so it stands to reason I could have done it here. I suppose I'll take it to the doctor but what shall I do while it's gone? I'll be lost. I'm sure I'll wilt or wither or something really bad. Oh, I know. I'll take it tomorrow when my husband has gone fishing for a couple of days and I'll use his! All is well.


1 Tracy P. said...

Oh Marlene, you write just the way I think! I love it! I wish I had a closet that looked like that.

You have my empathy on the cold. At least nothing has come up here that could potentially freeze. So, as they say, that's something. ;-)

2 Harley Dee said...

Marlene, I think I have the solution for your OCD. It just requires a trip here to Alabama, and I have this room you see.. it's in terrible need of organizing. It's sure to help cure you :)

3 Unknown said...

Wow, I wish I had OCD! LOL! My fabric is stored in tubs under my bed and in my closet. It's sorted in homespuns, civil war repro, pastels, fall colors, christmas prints, childrens prints, and several are misc. I sure wish I could just open a door and see them. I get tired of getting down on my knees to search for fabric.

4 Amelia said...

Weather here cold too...had rain, snow and sleet this morning...yes like you after the 80's of several days ago.

Your fabric stash looks so organized...but if you are like I am...sometimes the color is just not right - that requires another purchase. LOL

Take care and give God the glory for all.

5 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

That foam core looks really neat. I wish I had a cabinet or shelves to try it out on.

6 Vivian said...

Have you performed maintenance cleanup on your computer (degrag). If not, try that. If you use windows ..
go to control panel
performance and maintenance
choose free up space on your hard disk and follow steps
and then
choose rearrange items on your hard disk to make it run faster

Hope this helps.

The other thing to try is to open up the internet and delete all of the cookies, etc. saved on your computer.

7 Lori said...

What type of plants are japonica and Caorlina Jasmine? This Yankee is clueless. I'm guessing it's something that doesn't grow up here in the frigid north. Pictures, maybe???

8 Val said...

I love your fabric stash. It is so neat. I am like you, it would be hard for me to be without a computer for too long. Hope it gets fixed soon.

9 Jacquie said...

Your computer may just be wanting a spring cleaning... which equates to a good old fashioned "FORMAT".

10 Angie said...

Take a trip to England and come and make a start on my cupboards. Better still Keith's garden sheds. THEN I will say you need more yellowy stuff in your fabrics. What? You don't have any? Tchk - you'll have to go buy some! What a bore.......heh heh.

love, Angie, xx

11 Teresa said...

Your fabric collection looks great! I do like to think of my stash as a collection. Afterall, look at all the hobbies where people proudly display their collections! They don't feel compelled to do something practical with them - they collect because they like looking at them. Sooooo your display is marvelous, and if you never use a one, its ok, you don't want to mess up that charming vignette do you?

12 Suzanne said...

Can you come over and help me organize my stash?

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife

13 Tipper said...

Spring has left me too-but surely it'll hurry back. I tried to tell the girls it wouldn't stay for good yet-but they still insisted on pulling out their summer clothes too.

14 Sandy said...

I love the way you stored your fabric...have to keep that in mind. We just got a Hobby Lobby in our area...oh my, I love that place. You need it, it is there!!

15 Dandelion Quilts said...

The real question is ....are you for hire? Others could use this cleaning you are doing! I just did my fabric closet and it was such a chore. Yours looks fantastic.