Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring is Officially Here

It's just barely above freezing today. It's raining. The wind is blowing. And my husband is packing up to go fishing for the weekend. That means that despite the temperature, the whistling wind, the pounding rain, it is officially spring. Because he only fishes in the spring. He's going fishing; therefore, it is spring. Just ask him.
Photo by Flickr


1 Michelle said...

I have a husband who will travel to the edges of the world for an annual pool tournament, despite weather or cries from wife, so I know where you are coming from.

In Iowa, it is 45* and the sun is shining.

I hope you have quilty plans for the weekend. Sometimes it's nice having a day or two without the 'guys'.

Be blessed!

2 Salem Stitcher said...

Yes, it is spring. With the time change, my husband's weekly Thursday afternoon golf tournament has started; therefore, it is spring. Aren't we lucky to have husbands so in tune to the seasons.

3 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

LOL my hubby booked a plane ticket to SC to golkf with his dad so it must be spring!

4 Vivian said...

Too funny. My daugther is playing softball. First game ever to be played while it was snowing. Oh well, you're right. It's softball season. It must be spring.

5 Unknown said...

That is really halarious!! Tell him thank you for that news update.

My hubby loves your husband's boat.

6 Val said...

I am so glad to know that is it finally springtime. I love fishing too. Right now all I hear in my house is turkey calls. Turkey season opens March 21st!

7 Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

my 2 brothers refer to the seasons as fishing, hunting, scouting, camping (of course, with more fishing and hunting in there too).

8 Marie Rayner said...

Ahhh, great logic! I just love spring. It is so full of hope! (and apparently fish!)

9 Teresa said...

Sounds like a man-thing to me.

10 Journeying said...

Yep, spring is here. 80° one day and 26° the next.
I've been very behind in my blog reading and working on catching up - I LOVE the pictures in your house and seeing how you display things. I love your work and the ways that you use it. Good ideas here . . . do live in such a beautiful place - the picture looking out the window is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I like to fish too but not until it is warmer.
Mama Bear

12 Kelly said...

Ha! I know my husband would love to be out fishing with your husband today! It's cold here too, it's been in the 30's all week which is unusually cold for us in the Pacific NW. But it had been sunny up until today. Right now it's pouring rain, so maybe it's warmer outside, I haven't been out yet.
Off to have breakfast and knit a little this morning.
Thanks for your comment about my grandmother on my blog...yes, I am happy to have some pictures of her, they are precious! just wish I could have known her!

13 BarbCarol said...

I'm with him! I can never get anyone to take me fishing around here. I have a problem driving more than about 35 mi and the trout stream is 75 mi away. I fish at a resort and I should just rent a cottage for a few days - I can drive that far in one day and return on another. We have lots of bass fishing around here, but I can't be in the sun, so I prefer standing in a shady, cool, rushing stream - the Illinois River. Oh, it is Spring!

14 Debbie said...

You can't reason with a husband or a toddler.