Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Great Adventure - A Good Start

Most of you know that I have a new grandbaby - number eight for us. Andrew was born New Year's Eve and I think he just might be a perfect baby. I know, I know I said that about the first seven but truly, this one is a good baby. He only fusses when he's wet or hungry and he's a good car rider - a very important personality trait. My son and his family live about a 2 1/2 hour drive from me and both are educators. I volunteered my babysitting services when my daughter-in-love returned to her first grade class - I know that small babies do better at home with limited contact to the outside world germs and I wanted to give Andrew that opportunity. Now, of course his sisters, who kiss on him all the time and who will undoubtedly get their comeuppance for that when he's a little older, are bringing home all sorts of germs but we can't help that. By the time August rolls around and he has to go to daycare he will be about 8 months old and, hopefully, ready to meet the world on a daily basis.

My son and his family would have loved for me to stay with them while I keep Andrew but at my age I knew I would fare better if I had a place of my own. Sleep is imperative! So my husband brought the camper here for me and we will meet on the weekends, he and I. I expect we'll take turns...he will come here one weekend and I will go home one weekend. This was my first week with the baby, and it wasn't really a full week. I got here about noon on Tuesday and I'll go home on Saturday morning for two weeks before returning to stay until school is out.

It's been a good week. If you discount the fact that I have to get up at 5:45 a.m. to get dressed and out the door by 6:40. It's about a 20 minute drive from my camper to Andrew's house and his parents need to leave by 7:15. For the last 5 years since I retired it has been rare that I got up at this unholy hour, let alone got dressed. It's dark at 5:45. Does that have something to do with the time change or is it always like this? And will that change? As we get closer to summer it will be lighter when I get up...right? The camper thermostat isn't programmable so I have to get up in the cold and turn the heat up. Do you think I might be spoiled? I have cereal in the camper but who wants cold cereal at 6:00 in the morning? And I have to drive right by both Sonic and McDonalds. I've stopped at one of them every morning - that's not good for my weight loss goal even though I only eat half the sausage biscuit. And this young family, like all young families, keep snacks here all the time. Not good. I have no will power. Zero. Zip. Zilch will power.

Yesterday the parents had parent-teacher conferences after school....till 9:15. That meant that I got up at 5:45, got dressed (yuck), drove to their house in the drizzling rain, kept Andrew all day, picked up the girls after school (2 different schools), made a promised visit to Sonic for supper and then to the camper to eat. Eating Sonic supper at the camper is, apparently, an adventure much to be desired. Getting in and out of said camper with a baby, a purse, a diaper bag, food and 2 more children is not.

The two girls are 7 and 3 and they adore their brother. They try hard to be helpful by bringing the pacifier, or my glasses when I can't see to measure the formula, or my phone when it rings and I'm rocking.

They love the camper...I think everything is just their size. The 7 year old can even reach the kitchen sink without a stool so she helped wash the dishes. The fact that they had already been washed and were draining made no difference. I'm sure they needed a second washing!

The 3 year old absolutely had to use the potty as soon as she got there. She didn't need help she said and shoved me out the door. I assumed it was a "minor" bathroom visit. NEVER ASSUME! It was major and she should have asked for help. That's all I have to say about that. She also will no longer be allowed to keep her Sonic cup after she's through drinking. She ate part of it and despite me yelling, "spit it out, spit it out" she calmly chewed and swallowed.

Today Andrew and I made a visit to Walgreens and to Penneys. He was wonderful. That is except for the dirty diaper he made while in Penneys when I'd left the diaper bag in the car. And except for the screaming all the way home because he decided he was hungry. See what I mean? He's nearly perfect!


1 Michelle said...

Oh, you are a wonderful grandma, and yes, it is DARK at that hour. I know 4:30am is dark, because that's when I get up. It's even dark at 6am when I get to work.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Be blessed,

2 Amelia said...

Such wonderful writings by a grandmother who adores her grandchildren.

Enjoyed seeing the pictures of the kiddos.

3 Unknown said...

I hope to be an awesome grandma like you!!! What a great thing you are doing.

4 Lori said...

You have beautiful grandchildren. That three year old looks like she would get along well with our Ava.
What a nice thing you are doing for their family.

5 Di said...

You are such a wonderful grandma! My son, his lovely partner and our litle granddaughter live in a flat attached to our honme and we mind her every day after day care (and often at other times) so I can identify with your adventures. You sound so patient and good-humoured oo, so I'm certain the girls must adore you. I guess it's that "decision" to be grateful that you spoke of. God bless, Di

6 molly said...

You are a saint! Or else you're trying to get to heaven before the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the way you write :o) Your grandchildren are adorable, and I agree... you are definitely in the running for sainthood!

8 Tracy P. said...

There you go, doing mission work again! Love it!! He's as perfect as they come!

9 Marie Rayner said...

What sweet grandchildren. You are so blessed to be able to spend time with them like you do! I can only wish . . . perhaps one day . . .

10 Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

sounds like Grandma is busy, busy!! what a blessing that you get to spend some fun times with your beautiful grandbabies.
if the 7 year old likes dishes so much, i could tell you where i live... there are always dishes to do here! ha ha

11 Danielle said...

They are so precious!

I wish my mother (or Josh's) lived close enough to watch my boys more.

I love watching them with their grandparents, and I love watching our mothers with our children!

It's so so special!

12 Journeying said...

Your grandchildren are beautiful! It's lovely hearing about your day-to-day doings, and you tell them so well I can just imagine being there. And I think you're right - you have "almost perfection".
I loved seeing your flowers - and now want to investigate "frog's belly"!

13 Janet, said...

You have your hands full. But it sounds like you're enjoying every minute of it. Grandparents are wonderful people.

14 em's scrapbag said...

Your grandbabies are adorable. How fun for all of you to be able to help out like you are.

15 Jacquie said...

What a blessing for your son and his family that you are able to be there for them. Those grandbabies are so cute!!!

16 BarbCarol said...

How long has it been since you cared for 3 little ones at the same time?
When my grandchildren (2) were that age, we spent a month together in a camper - with a large Labrador dog. An experience!

17 BarbCarol said...

And where did that 3-year-old get that space between her front teeth? My father would love it!

18 Jan said...

What a lovely story ,enjoy the moment ,as you know from your own children they arent little for long ,and all that bonding ..magic moments ,to be savoured when you sit in your ricking chair hee hee Adorable pictures ,beautiful children Jan xx

19 Marge said...

I am so jealous! We have 15 grands, but they are all in school now and seldom need a sitter. Yup, I think I'll call the little girls and suggest a sleep over.....miss them when they're not around much. What cute pictures! Enjoy your time with them!

20 Val said...

Now you are a dedicated grandmother. I start keeping my 12 week old grandbaby Monday morning. I will be doing it at my house though. I could not imagine doing what you are doing. You are awesome!

21 Alice Grace said...

What a great sacrifice you and your husband are making in the name of loving those beautiful grandchildren! I am sure you will never regret time spent with these lovely little ones.

22 Salem Stitcher said...

They are so blessed to have such a wonderful grandma. Not to mention they are all beautiful. Blessings abound.

23 Adrienne said...

What beautiful grandchildren! I'm so glad you had the chance to be with them. Isn't it fun to be a grandma? ~Adrienne~

24 Angie said...

What a ife you do lead! Where do you find your energy? I too was thinking how attractive the gap between the little girl's front teeth looks. This trait runs in my mum's fmily but I didnt inherit it. Shame.

love, Angie, xx

25 Sandy said...

That little fella looks pretty perfect to me! What a great post!

26 Sunna Reyr said...

You have such a wonderful family, I'm sure you are appreciated by them.

I nominated you on my blog, take a look if you like.

27 said...

You are a wonderful grandma and what memories you will have to share. Gianni and I call them "moments" and it is important to have a lot of them- even if you have to get up at 5:45A.M.

28 Aunt Julie said...

These children are such cutie-patooties! Congrats on grandbaby #8!

29 Teresa said...

You are a Great Granny!!!! You are creating memories that those girls will remember all their lives and giving your children some peace of mind about their little darling baby. I love my grandkids to pieces, but even so, I don't think I could do what you are doing.

30 Mary L. Briggs said...

You are doing such a special, wonderful thing for the family, Marlene! He is a precious baby, and those girls are beautiful!