I am so proud of myself!
I not only changed cell phone providers, I also changed phones. I looked and looked and looked, and compared and compared and compared. I went in thinking I would get an I Phone but changed my mind and endeded up with this Blackberry Bold. There were several reasons I made this decision but the main one is that I can "tether" this phone to my computer and get internet, through the phone, onto my computer even when we're off somewhere camping without access to the internet. So today I downloaded the software, tethered the phone and the computer, and actually got to the internet - all by myself! Well, one of the sales personnel told me where to go to get the software but the rest I did by myself. So now I can get my e-mail (both accounts) on my phone, I can look something up on the internet on my phone, I can have my calendar on my phone, and I can get internet on my computer through my phone. And I love it! Now don't misunderstand, I still don't comprehend all those words like RAM (which is a male sheep isn't it?) or gigs (which is something my husband used to use to kill frogs) that my grandchildren use like I use everyday English, but I don't need to understand the terms. I just need to know how to use the services that are there on my phone and computer, and I do. Mostly. I might be white headed, and I might be a senior citizen, but I have taken a giant step into the future. :) Instead of Grandma Marlene I will now be known as Techy Marlene.
Good for you! I love techy seniors because I'm getting closer to being one myself! lol
Nice phone, Marlene. Like you, I like to shop around and do my research, and I also got a new phone last week. Must blog about it soon. I like the fact that I can receive emails but have been afraid of the costs :-((
I'm curious what monthly fees you need to pay to "tether". I never heard of that. My son/DIL have the Iphones and they can get internet, email, etc on that also. Sounds interesting!
As those young people would say "You're the bomb!" Marlene! My cell phone is a garden variety model and I'm sure it is capable of much more than I give it credit for.....So, all Hail Techy M..."
I'm jealous, but happy for you! You GO girl!
be blessed,
Well you sound just like an old pro!! I'm curious... is the internet access on your computer when tethered to your phone VERY slow? Like, could you consider dropping your home internet provider??
MY DH loves his Blackbery too - and he has his tethered as well. When he worked for a different company for 2 years, it was his virtual office. I can do the same with my phone but have no need for it at this time. Isn't technologu amazing? Have fun playing with your new toy!!
Awesome! I'm not that brave.
Wow, you go girl. My daughter has one and it scares me. I could probably do it also...we will see when this contract expires!
Bless you. Honey Bear has had a Blackberry for years. He is always getting mail or calls on it.
I know what you mean about the grands. I was comforting Princess on Saturday after a bike accident. I related an accident I had on a gravel road when I was about her age. Wonder Boy piped in with, "You know how to ride a bicycle?". He said he thought cars were invented long before bicycles. Was he trying to say I must have lived before cars? Ha!
Mama Bear
Impressed and proud, Near Philadelphia
Good for you, I'm impressed :o). My phone gets the internet but I've yet to work out how to get my emails on it .... think I'll stick to just making/receiving calls for now LOL.
Joy :o)
Now, you can blog from ANYWHERE!!! So very excited for you...and a little jealous.
Jeremy use the word "exabytes" the other day - and of course, I had to ask him how dang much an EXA is... it's one QUINTILLION bytes! I don't even know how many zeros that is!!!
What ??? RAM and Gig are NOT ordinary English????
I am pretty sure I use them the way the grands do.
RAM - random access memory
Gig - short for gigabyte - a whole lot of memory...well I remember when it was unheard of! LOL. I also remember the first time I had a computer with a GIG of memory and I thought that was amazing.
now I have SD (secure digital) memory cards that have lots more than that.
Glad you are keeping up with the techno world.
Hey, Miss Techy - Good for you. I'm thinking of doing the same thing but wanted to be sure I made the right choice. Would love to hear from you and know what company you went with and what your thoughts were that went into your choice. Have fun with your new toy! Your techy wanna-be friend, ~Adrienne~
that looks like a really cool phone!! I have an iphone and love it but can't wait till this fall when my contract is up. It's amazing how much I use my phone for now compared to pre-iphone!
You've gone way beyond me. I have Blackberry envy!
Hi Techy Marlen, now your going to have tell this MiMi if this is the way I need to go. Would I have to change my road runner and phone company. Boy I don't know anything about new technology.
So proud,
Nah, nah, you got it wrong about the gigs. Isn't that the word for appointments in a pop group's diary?
love, Angie, xx
How fun is that! Techy Marlene has a great ring to it!
woo hoo! I was bitten by the techy bug earlier this year and there are so many things on my wish list! I've been thinking about one of these fancy phones too but it will have to wait.
Have fun!!
Hi Marlene. Nice phone! I have a Blackberry Curve. My favorite part is that I don't need an address book. I have everything, phone#'s, email addresses, addresses, calender reminder, camera, video, sound recorder and more stuff than I know how to use on my Blackberry, and I can browse the internet all on one device. I can see why the President didn't want to give up his Blackberry. It is very addictive and fun! I'm a senior techie too...my newest techie device is a graphic tablet. I'll have to blog about it sometime. Have fun with your new phone! Young people can't have all the fun! We need some too!
You go, girl!
Sounds wonderful!
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