Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Here's What I've Been Up To This Week

A simple Rail Fence makes a quick baby quilt but adding the "Love U" at the top really sets it off, don't you think? I made this last weekend.....haven't sandwiched it yet but I hope to get it done in the next week or two. I had this small Christmas piece ready to applique and embroidery so I made it this week too. It's a pillow cover that I'll put a pillow form in when I decorate for Christmas.
And I made these three Schnibble pin cushhions that I want to give as presents before I leave the mission. I hope to get several more made this week.

I found this old piano bench in a bathroom over in the gym and carried it home to use in our apartment. It needed a little work first though - it was covered with spider webs for one thing!

Can you see it here where I'm using it as the seat at my computer desk? I had my husband spray it with some leftover black paint and I covered the top with a fabric I found that helps brighten up the apartment. I moved things around in our living room too. That desk used to be behind the door that leads into my office.

I finished the embroidery on this rooster tea towel so it adds little color to the kitchen and the clock is an added touch too - it was hiding over in a storage closet in another building.

I'm working on a small wallhanging now to put on the wall here over the table using the fabric that I used on the piano bench. I'm hand quilting it and it's pretty small so it won't take long - I'm hoping next weekend to put the binding on it and get it hung.

And look at that antique lamp I found on the top shelf in my office closet! I could tell it used to hang on the wall because it still had some concrete clinging to the back. :) It was a shame to hide it in a closet so it had to come out.

And this picture was in the bedroom in a totally inappropriate place but it adds a nice bit of color behind Jerry's chair. There was already a hook there so I didn't even have to add a hole to the wall. :)

We had three groups of volunteers - short term missionaries I call them - here this week. They came from Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana and varied in age from 10 to 68 maybe. There were lots of musicians in the groups and they loved the small musical instruments from other countries that I have for sale in the gift shop - lots of those instruments went home with them. One couple worked most of the week on the landscaping here at Sager Brown - trimming shrubs, weeding flowers, etc. Others put together kits that went to the country of Georgia and painted classrooms for a local Head Start.
The one low point in the week was my dental visit - I had a crown put on but there's a 50/50 chance that I may still have to have a root canal. I've got that high on my prayer list - I sure hope it doesn't happen! It was a busy week here at the mission. How was your week?


1 Jacquie said...

I love all the little things you've done to make the place your own. :)

I'll be praying you don't have to have that root canal!!

Have a blessed Sunday.

2 FabricFascination said...

My week has been full of work, my Mom and one grand daughter visiting, and trying to get some orders done. Plus spending a little time in the pool because it is HOT here.

I love how your space is becoming more and more homey, and marvel at how much sewing time you manage to squeeze in.

I too am praying for no root canal.

3 Michelle said...

Your apartment looks cozy and comfortable, and I love the little quilt you made.

I too pray your crown in the fix, and that is the end of it.
be blessed,

4 molly said...

Careful! You could make it so cozy you won't want to come home!

5 Arkansas Patti said...

You have really changed a ho hum place into a cute, colorful home. Well done. Love red against stark white.
Dental work is always so expensive and dreary. Good luck and hoping no root canal is called for.

6 Maggey and Jim said...

So good to read your post. I have been down, computer crashed and just getting things back.Blog still no good. You are making your bungalow look very homey.. Love all that you have done..Sounds like things are going well.

7 Lori said...

Great project finishes! Those little pincushions are adorable. You're going to have that little apartment so cozy you just might want to stay on longer. :)

8 Amy said...

You are so craft and clever with your findings! I love what you've done with the place!!!

9 Littlebit said...

You're making quite a cozy place for yourselves won't want to go home. lol! You are really getting lots done. I hope you don't have to have a root canal, but I have heard from several, my chicken husband included, that there really isn't much to one today. Hope that helps.

10 Glenda said...

That little apartment is looking so homey! You sure are finding alot of treasures around there. I've had a root canal and it really wasn't that bad, so don't waste your time fretting about it. Of course, it doesn't look like you've been wasting any time at all with all those lovely projects you've completed. Enjoyed your post!

11 MH2M said...
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12 Teresa said...

what am I thankful for? Well, you for one. Your blog always makes me stop and think and Praise God for the many wonderful things in my life to be happy about.

13 Adrienne said...

Your little home-away-from-home is looking so cozy and nice. The touches you've added are wonderful. I love the baby quilt and you've just solved a problem I've had about the quilt I want to make for my new granddaughter. I have the fabric but wanted to do something different than originally planned. I'm going to do the rail fence with the bright ladybug and polka dot fabrics I have. I'll share it when it's all together. Thanks for the inspiration.

14 Janet, said...

You are so talented! I wish I could get back into sewing, I just don't seem to have the time for it any more. My berries are ripe now and I have been picking, picking and picking.

15 Cindy said...

I love your projects. I'll pray with you that you don't need a root canal. Never had one myself and hope never to need it.

16 em's scrapbag said...

You've been busy. Love the baby quilt. Love U is just the right touch. And great save on the piano bench.

17 Mad about Craft said...

The Christmas wall hanging and the pincushions are lovely!

The wall hanging is such a simple idea but very effective.

18 BarbCarol said...

My week was very nice. I had a birthday and received greetings from all my children, grandchildren and "claimed grandchildren".
The bad part: now I will be older than you until 1 Oct.