Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Postponing The Inevitable

I've shown this quilt top in progress several times in the past. After all, I've been working on it somewhere around a year or so. This past weekend I put the final stitches in the last few leaves on the border. I could have had it finished weeks ago but I kept putting it off one more week..tomorrow. I'm not normally one to procrastinate but on this project I did. I think I just didn't want it to end. I've enjoyed doing it so much that I wanted to continue, or at least that's what I kept telling myself.

But the reality of it was more that I didn't want to face what came after. It has to be carefully trimmed and it really needs blocking. How in the world do I block a piece this size? I don't know and it will be a chore to figure that out. Then it has to be sandwiched and basted and I really, really don't do a very good job on that step of the process - I think I've just never learned it good enough to feel comfortable with it. Sometimes I just let my longarm quilter do that part for me. But this one - all that hand applique - no, I need to do the basting by hand. And it needs to be hand quilted. But before I can even get to the point that I have to figure out what quilting pattern I want to do and what thread I want to use I have to decide what to back it with. Do I put a batting in it? Do I use batting or flannel? How about the back - cotton, flannel, wool? Oh my head hurts just thinking of all the choices! And so, even though it didn't need much it took me a long time to take that last stitch.

I'm wondering if I do that in life too....put off what I don't want to face. I know sometimes I want to put things off, even when I can't! A couple of weeks ago I had a tooth start hurting. I knew I should call my dentist (a long time friend who would have gladly talked to me about it any time) and let him know what was happening. But I didn't. I didn't want to have to figure out what to do when I'm 8 hours away from the only man I want to be touching that tooth. :) So I waited until he called this weekend just to chat. He immediately got me a referral to a dentist in Lafayette which meant, since he went to all that trouble, I couldn't put off calling. :( Naturally I figured it would be a while before they could get me in but they were wonderful and gave me an appointment today. Despite my best efforts I'm going to have to deal with this issue!

Postponing the inevitable, or procrastination if I call it like it is, can sideline us if we aren't careful. Or me, it can sideline me if I'm not careful. Now I'm ready to start a new large project. Shall I embroider that redwork Winter Wonderland quilt? Or how about finishing the quilting on the wedding present quilt that I finished two months ago? Maybe I'll finish the border on the applique/pieced top that has been waiting about a year. Or maybe I'll just wait till tomorrow to decide!


1 Amy said...

Oh, you are so wise. Seems to me that a certain Scarlett O'Hara was notorious for that "I'll think about that tomorrow" stuff! The quilt is beautiful!!!!

2 rlbates said...


3 Tracy P. said...

That is so gorgeous!

Yes, you are so right, Marlene! I am constantly avoiding whatever is out of my comfort zone. I was at my cousin's funeral this week. He died of colon cancer. At the end of the service, his sister got up and said, "You know, everyone says there is nothing worse than a colonoscopy. Brian's cancer could have been easily treated if caught earlier. Believe me, he went through SO MANY THINGS worse than a colonoscopy. Please, in honor of Brian, make your appointment TODAY!"

Which one of us couldn't fill in the blank with something we are putting off?

4 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Don't postpone that quilt any longer! Give it to me, I will deal with it! LOL
Good luck on your dentist appt.

5 Jody Blue said...

Ugh the procrastination bug! There are times it does pay off, like when the boys jean knees need patched, I put it off so long summer rolled around and I just cut them off for shorts:) then there are the times it doesn't pay off...
That quilt is so nice, dive in girlie!!

6 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Oh man..right there with ya. Of course I will always put off the dentist! Ick.
That quilt is down right stunning. Hand quilting for sure on such a beautiful piece.
Hugs to you. :)

7 Karen said...

A beautiful finish. I have enjoyed seeing the progress from start to finish.

8 Adrienne said...

That is absolutely gorgeous! I identify with so much of what you shared - I do the same thing! Yes, by all means - make the decision (ask for help if you need to) and finish this lovely piece of your work. Can't wait to hear (and see) how it all comes together.

9 Littlebit said...

Oh my gosh, what a beautiful quilt but SO out of my league! I can put millions of stitches in cross-stitching but all that hand appliquing intimidates me..or maybe I would just rather put it off? LOL! I know exactly what you mean.

10 Angie said...

Oh, I'm sure we all put off doing things we don't fancy or,like you, where we don't fancy the bt that comes nextIt's human nature.

11 Cornfield Quilter said...

That quilt is one of the most beautiful quilts I have seen! It is wonderful and I will watch patiently for the picture of it totally completed. What a piece of art!!

12 Suze said...

The quilt is beautiful and your post is so true. I hope that the dentist is a quick and gentle fix.

13 Purple Pam said...

What a bequtiful quilt. I know what you mean when sometimes you do not want a project to end.

14 Quilt Doodles said...

Love your quilt. Thanks for posting.