Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

At Last

I've been working on this piece for a very long time and ya'll have seen it before more than once at different stages.  But at last the applique and embroidery is complete.  I want to steam it a just a little and then I'll blanket stitch a backing to it but I don't have a good steam iron here with me right now so later this week when I get home I'll get it basted together.  It was a kit from Primitive Gatherings that I bought some time ago and I'm calling it Down on the Farm.  I love the richness of their wools.

As many of you know I'm on  a mission trip in south Louisiana and I've been here for five weeks now.  On Tuesday or Wednesday I'll be heading home and I'll be so glad to get there!  I've had a wonderful time; I've made new friends, spent time with old ones, and learned new skills.  I've been reminded how much I love volunteering and how much I don't ever want to go back to work.  :)  I saw my first Mardi Gras parade, ate boiled shrimp several times (yum!), and experienced spring in early February.  I've read several books, gone to bed most nights before 9:00 and spent time alone with my Bible.  I've missed my husband, my children and grandchildren, my friends, my sewing room, my Bible study class, my beautician, the view out my bedroom window at home, and my town.  For those of you who are able I highly recommend some time alone, away from home and your "normal."  It makes you appreciate things you don't ordinarily think about.


Anonymous said...

That turned out so wonderful! I am glad you are enjoying your experience :o) Safe travel home!

2 Vroomans' Quilts said...

This is just beautiful. Yes, safe journey home.

3 Barb said...

Oh awesome!

4 Lindah said...

Really, really cool piece!
It sounds like you had a very productive trip --on a number of different fronts.

5 paulette said...

Love your new wool work!! I'm sure that I have this pattern at home waiting for me!!
I know EXACTLY how you feel...I too can't wait to get home!! I have been using a tracphone to talk to my daughters and always have an eye on my calls are always rushed! The first thing that I'm going to do is phone them all and talk to each for at least an hour...have a really good 'chin wag'...Then I'm going to hang out in my sewing room...and then have a long bath!
Oh and I'm going to make a batch of scones and have REAL blackberry jam...I also can't wait to hike in the woods and smell the cedar trees.
Ah the pleasures of home...19 more days to go before we leave!! Safe travels to you...and enjoy your little nest!!

6 Grammasheri said...

What a beautifully appliqued piece. It will be a "remembery" of your mission of many I'm sure! Travel safely and enjoy the remaining days of your work there.

7 Kathy MacKie said...

Your wool project is stunning and as I'm just getting into it I appreciate the time and effort that is made to do this type of handwork.

8 Carol said...

Marlene, I'm so glad you are able to do these volunteer trips. They enrich you so. I wish *I* could get away for a bit. Life just wears me down sometimes...part of being in the "sandwich generation". ~sigh~

Have a safe trip home and enjoy getting back into your normal routine again.

Carol (NJ)

9 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Loooooooooooove that piece! Also glad you enjoyed your time of peace! Safe travels home back to all the folks you love.

10 Gail said...

A stunning piece!

Now, thanks to you, I have Ella Fitzgerald's wonderful song in my head that begins, "At last..." I hope the song is with me all day and I will think of you!

11 Denise :) said...

Marlene, I've so enjoyed watching your progress on this piece -- it's very beautiful! Have safe travels as you journey home -- Godspeed! :)

12 Josie McRazie said...

Oh, to have 'alone' time! Heck, I treasure those Fridays when I have two hours that all three of my kids are gone and Honeyman is working! me, quite in the house... even those are so few and far between!! Family is great, but sometimes you have to have time to reflect on YOU!!

13 Needled Mom said...

That is just beautiful! Great job.

I'll bet you will be glad to be home, but it sounds like it was a wonderful mission for you.

14 Friendship Crossing said...

Your wool mat turned out beatifully and I can see why it took so long to make. Gorgeous!

Wonderful that you got to go on that mission trip!


15 Sheila said...

It is just beautiful . You must be so pleased. Have a safe trip home and enjoy the rest of your stay.

16 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

First of all, that is an incredibly beautiful piece of work.
Second of all, YOU are an incredibly beautiful piece of work.

I love that you would sacrifice to make such beauty with your hands and your heart.

Bless you and women like you.

17 Anne said...

Hi Marlene,

I have not had the pleasure of seeing this particular piece before because I only recently discovered your blog, but I like the scene and your lovely work. Can't go wrong with charming farm motifs.

I'm glad your trip was a renewal for you. The weather back in central Arkansas has been beautiful. The Bradford pear trees are in full bloom -- achoo!

Have a safe trip and enjoy reuniting with your family. I bet your hairdresser will be happy to see you, too.

Take care!

18 Lori said...

Beautiful! Your wool and your words. :)

19 Mad about Craft said...

Looks like the work involved is worth it, very pretty.

20 Quiltgal said...

Oh Marlene, What a stunning piece.I am sure you are relieved to feel and see it completed. I am sure it feels great to be home.

21 Tracy P. said...

What beautiful work, Marlene! I am sure you have been missed. Blessings to you on your return!

22 Val said...

That is absolutely gorgeous! And you are so right. There is nothing like home.

23 Sparky said...

Marlene..this is can see why it took sew long..lot;s of travels..may the wind be on your back and direct you home

24 Unknown said...

Wow this turned out beautiful....

25 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

This is so beautiful! Enjoy your mission trip and have a safe trip home!

26 Bonny said...

Love your "Down on the farm".
And I loved your last blog ... some excellent advise!
Have a safe trip home :)

27 Quilt n Queen said...

I'm hoping you are home safely by now...I'm way behind reading blogs ...managed to catch a bug from Mr. QnQ. I forgive him...we have been living on homemade chicken soup all week. Today is a better day and I made a new pot of soup...I really think it has helped. Your 'Down on the Farm' mat is gorgeous. Luv it. Still have not started a wool project...I have been collecting a stash of wool so that is no excuse. I do have a little mat with baby chicks...there is simply no excuse for not have a wool project in a pizza box....have a happy Thursday. Pauline

28 Truffle queen said...

As a snowbird in Florida - I know how you miss home - but this beautiful weather sure is wonderful! So wonderful, I've YET to get our my sewing machine! I go to my quilt bee each week and teach a new technique - but I haven't made anything for ME! Oh well! Safe trip home! OH! LOVE your wool piece! BEAUTIFUL!!

29 Unknown said...

I do hope you are home, safe and sound. I know you have a lot of catching up to do!

30 Carrie P. said...

Your wool piece is stunning.
I love boiled shrimp. YUM!

31 Sue said...

Lovely, its soooo nice x