Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

AWOL, Confusion, Other Stuff

I try real hard not to go so long between posts - it's been over a week - because if I do I forget what I did and can't write anything on it.  I'm working on that - the memory part.  I have a friend who says I should be drinking coffee because it's good for memory.  I hate coffee.  Have I told you that before?  I really hate coffee.  I love to smell of it but the taste, not so much.  It's my mother's fault.  Everything is my mother's fault.  Just like everything wrong with my children is my fault.  Mother's are the guilt queens of the world, right?  I digress.  Coffee.  I'm trying.  I drink one cup in the morning and one in the afternoon.  I doctor it up with fat free evaporated milk and honey but how long is it going to take before it begins to taste good?  And trust me, 1 tsp honey doesn't make it good.  It takes a lot more.  Lots more.  :)  Maybe someday I'll be able to drink it without honey - right?  Anyway, I'm not sure what I've been doing...I'm a bit confused.  Just like my Thanksgiving cactus, who doesn't know it's spring.
I'm trying to eat healthier too.  Today I put 1 tsp coconut oil on my oatmeal because there's a new study out that it helps with Alzheimer's.  And obviously my memory needs some help so I'm trying it.  It added a nice flavor.  I also made some healthy granola to have with my fat free Greek yogurt.  This recipe also came from my friend.
It's very good - oats, unsweetened coconut, walnuts, raisins with a nice syrup poured over and then baked.

Besides getting healthy what have I done?  I've read lots of blogs, deleted my Pinterest boards (lots of controversy/copyright questions that made me nervous), cried over deleting my Pinterest boards, read several trashy books (not morally trashy, just romance type things), been to the Chiropractor a couple of times, gotten a massage, had my hair cut, got a manicure, bought groceries, and did just a bit of stitching.  I got the back on the Down on the Farm piece that you've seen three times already but really should see again because it's beautiful.  I'm not modest.
Not a great picture but it's raining here and dark, dark, dark.  It's rained since yesterday morning...hard.  Like 5 or 6 inches.  Like this.
There used to be a tangled mess of old azaleas, thorn vines, hedge and poison ivy around that tree out by the boat dock.  I started cutting it all out earlier this week and had to stop for the rain.  Now it's just a mess with all the things I cut laying all around but when the rain stops I'll get back out there and get that bed cleaned out.  Meanwhile I watch it rain.  And rain.  And rain.

I've done a little more stitching too.  I have the handwork done on the February Harrington and Hannah block and need to add the patchwork.  I'm using a backstitch but Michelle is using a running stitch.  I like hers better.
Meanwhile the March block is out...and is so cute...and I need to get started on it.

And I'm working on the February Promises and Borders block...and March is out on it too and March is almost over and April is coming and I'm behind.  Way.  Behind.
I also finished my third Whimsical Garden block - this isn't a BOM, I'm just pretending it is.
Thank goodness my violets aren't confused at all - they know it's spring and they're doing what they're supposed to!

And aren't you glad my memory is bad because if it was good and I could remember everything I'd done this last week you'd be reading for days.  If I'd done a lot.  Which I haven't.


1 Vroomans' Quilts said...

I keep a notepad and notebook by the computer - must write is all down or foreget - and you have to remember to write it down, too - gosh missed that part (or can't read my own handwriting). Sometimes Christmas cacti will bloom for Easter, so it's ahead of schedule.

2 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you might want to increase the cream in your coffee and add more sugar! it worked for me, I used to hate coffee and then I started on latte's and cappuccinos, I got addicted and now it is a small amount of flavored coffee creams and one teaspoon of sugar.
Rain - yes I'm tired of it too.
A friend is doing the same rabbit applique as you.

3 Karen said...

It seems to me that you remember a lot more that you did than you think. I am not a coffee or tea drinker either. I think if you have to work at liking it, you shouldn't be doing it. Coffee smells very good but I find it bitter.

4 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Try International Delight Chocolate carmel in your coffee. It's really good.
I love your Africian Violets, my daughter's piano tacher use to have bunches of them!

5 Janet said...

I can't imagine why you would force yourself to drink coffee! I like coffee but it makes me really jittery so I don't drink it - don't like that effect. Green tea is a great substitute and full of goodness - antioxidants and the like. And you can get it in all kinds of different flavours if you don't like the taste straight. Or there are things like ginseng tea, which is super great for memory and mental stimulation.

6 Lea and her Mustangs said...

Are we twins seperated at birth. My memory makes me so angry, sometimeshave to go back and forth 3 times to remember what I wanted the first time. I don't drink coffee either. Maybe I should try again. Blessings

7 Quilt n Queen said...

I have 1 large cup of coffee in te morning...and DH says you can't taste the coffee for the all the fat free French Vanilla International Delight creamer. I don't drink coffee if I run out of the FVID.. Luv your African Violets...I've tried growing them but with no luck....even water from the bottom all the time. You could blog about 'Down on the Farm' a fourth time and I'l luv to see is gorgeous...hugs from Michigan, Pauline (it's 86 degrees, hot crazy weather)

8 Sharon said...

A cup of tea with lots of matter what, I can't give it up! Honey is good too! My cactus has decided to bloom as well, I think Mother Nature has all of us confused! I am so addicted to Pintrest...I think I would cry to if I deleted it. Did you run into problems with it?

9 Julie Fukuda said...

I drink coffee flavored milk all day just to keep warm. I tried Japanese tea but after one cup I can walk up the wall and across the ceiling and down the other wall (and it's hard to get anything done in that state) My cactus with similar flowers is blooming too. I took a cutting from my cousin's that was blooming in the summer when I was visiting and got it going here. It blooms at a different time every year ... very independant.

10 Needled Mom said...

Somehow, I don't find my coffee that helpful!!! LOL

It looks like you have been busy in a variety of ways.

Maybe you can feed your confused plants some coffee too.

11 Michele said...

You need to find the right coffee blend. Some are nasty but some are really good.

I guess I can't increase my memory with the coconut though. I am very allergic. I guess I'll have to find something else.

12 Susannah said...

Oh just amaze me. You have so many, that is what keeps you so young! I love it when you tell us what you are doing. You do all the things I like to do....but lately, I never get to them like I want to.

You be very careful around that poison ivy. That is not a nice plant!!!!! But your cactus is a beauty!


13 FlourishingPalms said...

The nice thing about your memory is that you can read a book... and then read it again, if you want. And for that coffee, doctor it up with French Vanilla Soy Creamer. There's nothing like it! Flavorful, and good for you. Find it in the health section at the grocery.

14 Auntie Em said...

So many beautiful blooms on your "Thanksgiving" cactus. We have one that hadn't bloomed in a couple of years so I moved it to a different window and that seemed to the trick. I now have Easter blooms on my Christmas cactus!

15 nanny said...

Gosh I drink coffee and my memory fails me.....ha

I can't believe you deleted your boards! I spend so much time on pinterest. You must tell me about your worries there!

I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks. The time just seems to get away from me. It takes me so long to compose a thought and then get it written........

16 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Your handiwork is all gorgeous!
I love it.

17 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I drink coffee all day....even have a cup now and I can't really say it makes my memory any where did I put my notebook again where I write down things I want to remember......

It looks like you have really been busy and enjoying yourself!

18 Di said...

Gosh, you've been busy. It must be the extra caffeine ;-)) I love that Down on the Farm quilt, the first time I've seen it cos I've been away. Great work all round, Marlene.

19 Purple Pam said...

Your Whimisical Garden block is so cute. I am still fumbling with block #2. Your cactus plant is going crazy. It is so pretty. I have only had two blossoms on my cactus plant recently. Love those purple violets! If you solve the memory problem please let me know. I need help there also! LOL!

20 Sue said...

Love Down on the farm, so pretty, who makes the pattern? you don't have to drink coffee LOL, it is good with Baileys in though...

21 Mary said...

Just FYI, I hate coffee. I hate the smell, the taste and the mess it leaves in the dishes.

I, too, shall blame my mother. She didn't drink coffee and with my dad overseas in the military it wasn't around!

Beautiful pictures.