Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

A Book Review

Last week Bethany House Publishers sent me a new book to read and review - In Too Deep by Mary Connealy.

This book is the second in a series called "The Kincaid Brides" and is set in the year 1866 in Colorado.  The main characters are three brothers...Rafe, Ethan and Seth...and two women...Audra and Julia.  They live in Colorado in 1866; there are several plots or themes that intermingle, including getting lost in a deep cave and trying to find stolen money to keep the bad guys at bay.  Rafe and Julia, who are  newlyweds, force Ethan and Audra into a marriage of convenience so that Audra and her two children will have a place to live.

Normally this type book...Christian, western, romance...has all the makings of a Calgon-take-me-away kind of light read.  Because the book was sent to me for free I so badly want to be able to tell you about a great Wow factor, but in all honesty I can't do that. It was a good book, but not a great book.  From the very beginning I felt lost; the main characters' relationship was difficult to figure out because I hadn't read the first book, Ethan (who was supposed to be the hero) seemed to be, well, just plain goofy, and Rafe and Julia were overbearing and bossy.  If you're going to read this book I definitely recommend you begin with the first book.  Truly, it did get better the farther into the book I got and before I finished it I was wishing I felt much better about the characters.


1 Needled Mom said...

Thanks for the honest review.

2 Unknown said...

Thanks for the review. You're right about reading the first book first :)

Anonymous said...

hhhmmm is there any quilting or quilts in it ????

Anonymous said...

hhhmmm is there any quilting or quilts in it ????

5 Michelle said...

So sad. I, on the other hand, finished the 3rd book in the Blessings series I was reading, and now I have to wait until April?? to buy the last one. I can't wait. Love that Beverly Jenkins!!!

6 Julie Fukuda said...

I have read so many books out of order. (That's what happens when you are far from a source of English language books). Then, I went back and read all the other ones I could get my hands on. On the other hand, sometimes the first of a series was the last I read. I am a very slow reader so if the book doesn't suck me in from the start... it may be the last.

7 Marie Rayner said...

Honesty is always the best policy Marlene! I love that you are always honest with us. I am a slow reader, and if a book doesn't draw me in within the first chapter or so, I lose complete interest in it. I know I should be more patient! xxoo

Anonymous said...

If I find this series I might give it a try. I like to read about the 1800's~ Thanks! ♥♥♥

9 Josie McRazie said...

Glad you could muddle your way throguh it! LOL I am not really a smut book (that is what I call 'romance books' My Mom ALWAYS had one in her purse) I am a mystery John Saul, Stephen King Dean Koontz kind of gal! LOL Although I do read Allison Brennan and was floored to find out those were actually listed in the 'romance'! Who knew! LOL

10 Friendship Crossing said...

I am reviewing that EXACT same book and I felt exactly the very same way you did. I haven't finished mine yet, and have to give a review of it, but I felt totally lost throughout the first chapter. It is starting to get a little bit better the farther I read, but don't be surprised if my review sounds almost exactly like yours! LOL
