Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, June 7, 2013


I tried a new body wash - an exfoliating one.  I don't think it agrees with me!

How long does it take an allergic reaction to go away?


1 Debbie said...

Yikes! Hope you took some benedryl to counter the reaction. Got to stop the release of histamines.

2 Vroomans' Quilts said...

I was thinking the same thing - Benedryl.

3 Peggy Lee said...

I hope you find the solution to relief. Sounds like the previous comments are right on. Good luck!

4 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Ouch, not the way to start your summer off!

5 Jacqueline said...

Ouch.. hope it clears up quickly.

6 Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

Benedryl. I hope it clears up quickly!

7 Margaret said...

Oh, that looks itchy. I use Benadryl. It seems to help. Use both the cream and the pills. I am allergic to mosquito bites and this is what I use to get them under control. Hope it helps.

8 VickiT said...

OOh that's not a good thing. Hate it when that happens. For some reason almost all of the creams and products like that you used from Estee Lauder do that to me yet I can use the makeup just fine. Figure that out. I had a reaction like that which was very bad all over my face. It felt like my face was on fire 24 hrs a day and it was horribly itchy. It lasted about a week but then all my skin started flaking in spots and no cream found would help. I was so self conscious about that since it was my face. I had to get a cortisone cream from a dermatologist and she told me to use an over the counter cream called Vanicream to moisturize it. I found that at Walgreen's and bought the larger container with the pump on top which was about $13. It is THE BEST cream ever. I use that all over my body for extremely dry skin and on my face.

I do hope you won't have all that itching and skin flaking/peeling like I had. The face of fire feeling I had was the worst of all as far as it bothering me but that flaking wasn't much fun either. Good luck.

9 Catherine said...

Benadryl, pills and cream as other posters suggested. My doc keeps telling me Benadryl is my friend! She`s right!

10 ✾Jamie Lee Cooley✾ said...

Oh no! My oldest daughter and I both have allergy problems and get rashes and hives all the time, especially from anything with perfume in it. If you don't find success from Benadryl, we both have found that Zyrtec (store brand is fine) works really well.

Also, sleeping seems to help our skin calm down. I don't know if you can take a nap today, but a shower and a nap usually help calm the rash.

11 Anna said...

I have to be so careful! Hope you are feeling better now!

12 Sheila said...

I also would suggest benadryl cream to ease the itch , looks nasty, take care and throw out the body wash ;-)

13 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Yikes! That looks sore.

Hopefully just a day or two. Try taking Claritin. It's a histamine blocker, and some benadryl.

14 Adrienne said...

Owie! It should go away soon, my friend. Not fun!

15 barbara woods said...

Hate it when I try some thing new and it does me that way

16 Michele said...

Not good. Hopefully it doesn't last long.

17 paulette said...

Oh no!! A good lesson on why you shouldn't try new lotions and potions before a big weddings, reunions! Hope it goes away quickly!! It looks itchy...POOR YOU!!