Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

School Is Out!

You know what that means, right?  It means that I only have a few more days to work.  :)  As an administrator my contract is a bit longer than teachers but work now means no kids, no teachers, no parents (well, maybe a few parents)...just a lot of paperwork.

(image from Google Images)

I'm unreasonably happy.  :)  Deliriously happy.  :)  It's back to retirement for me.  :)

I have all these plans.....for some ridiculous reason I want to clean out cabinets and drawers and closets.  I think it's psychological nesting.  Or something profound like that.  Of course there are a few things that will have to happen along the way - normal things that have to be taken care of when you've put life on hold for 10 months.  For instance, an eye doctor visit, a colonoscopy yuck yuck yuck, one of the students backed out and hit my car so it has to go to the body shop, a visit to my sister yippee!, my grandson's goes on.  But somewhere along the way to normal I'm going to be able to

Make Quilts!  And other stuff!

I have tops to be quilted:

 (plus a few more....well, if you have to get technical, several more)

And tops to finish piecing:

 This one which should really look like this by now:

I think that's probably enough of my sins (aka UFOs) to show today or I'll start to get overwhelmed!

And needless to say during my 10 month hiatus I bought a few patterns.  And a bit of fabric.  Oh my goodness.  Plus there's the fact that the 10 pounds I lost last summer I regained this winter.  I'm headed back to Yoga classes and to walking and to eating healthier.  Lofty goals I know, but we all need goals, right.  Those are my goals for the summer....what are yours?


1 Needled Mom said...

Welcome BACK to retirement. I can imagine all of the plans that you must have. I think the cleaning of drawers is our way of claiming our space in retirement. That organizing is the beginning. Good luck.

2 sew.darn.quilt said...

Our brood still has the month of June until school's end for another year, time has simply found me standing still, it seems!
This summer will see our present house packed up, renovating, building and moving (I hope), plus my Mr. figures we'll be squeezing in a 2 week holiday (not quite sure how that's going to happen)! All this on top of working 3 jobs...hmmm!
Enjoy your re-retirement ;D and breathe!

3 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Oh, welcome back to retirement!

4 Teresa Quilts said...

Welcome back to retirement! I would like to know the sizes of your squares in the second quilt top you posted. The white and floral blocks. I really appreciate it. Thanks!

5 Ray and Jeanne said...

Yay You will soon be retired again! I'd say if you feel like cleaning drawers and closets, go for it. The feeling will soon be lost as quilting takes over!~Jeanne

6 Tracy P. said...

I'm so happy for you, Marlene! It will be nice to have you back to the blogosphere with all of your projects. :-)

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful news! I'm applauding you!

8 Gail said...

Sounds like you will have a wonderful "retirement".

9 FlourishingPalms said...

Your excitement at being done, and anticipation of the fun ahead (well, except for losing a few pounds) is nearly palpable! I'm so happy for you to have made it through to this wonderful end. It will be a treat to see all the projects you pick up, put down, and make progress on. My summer goal is to NOT gain the six to eight pounds the doctor told me I would gain, by July, from being on the keep-breast cancer-away drug I'm on for the next five years. I can't control much about my life, but I can control what I don't eat. It's just not very much fun. In fact, it's no fun at all!

10 Dora, the Quilter said...

How fun!
This was the first year in my career that we were at the end of the school year and I didn't need time to just vegetate (says something good about my new school)--and I quickly launched into lots of quilting finishes (although I haven't been back to check e-mail--although that's starting to weigh on me). However, since you will be in full retirement mode, I understand the cabinet cleaning, etc. Still, the days are tooooooo short!

11 Grammasheri said...

Looking forward to hearing from you more often again! Yay for retirement!

12 journeying said...

It's great that you've survived the year of double-duty and are back to retirement - and I sure am glad to see a real blog post again - blog hops are fun, but they can't replace the great posts we've come to expect from you!
Enjoy the cleaning till the quilting takes over again!

13 journeying said...

It's great that you've survived the year of double-duty and are back to retirement - and I sure am glad to see a real blog post again - blog hops are fun, but they can't replace the great posts we've come to expect from you!
Enjoy the cleaning till the quilting takes over again!

14 Sparky said...

Schools out for summer forever....congrats for the 2nd retirement... I am with you cheering loudly and proudly...x

15 Sparky said...

I thought I wrote something..ok, let s try this again..schools out for all of your summers...2nd time retirement, is it as good as a second marriage lol
congrats and all the stuff that goes with it..yeahhh she will be back.

16 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Happy Summer!! Woo hoo!!!!

17 Vivian said...

Love the first quilt. I may have to make one. Now, don't let them talk you into going back full time next year. :)

18 Gmama Jane said...

School's Out Forever! I think you may enjoy Retirement, Part 2 better than the first time around. I agree with Vivian, don't let them talk you into going back! Life is too short my friend. Welcome Home!
Gmama Jane

19 Purple Pam said...

Congratulations on becoming retired, again. Take care and relax a while before you dive into those projects. Take time for yourself, quiet time, and RELAX.

20 Carrie P. said...

great tops. congrats on your flower garden top. love it!