Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Expensive Does Not Always Mean Better

In 2005 we bought a new washer and dryer.  One or the other of my old ones died and we figured the other wasn't far behind so we just replaced both.  My old one looked a lot like this picture I found on Google Images.

Of course I wanted the newest and best thing they had so that they would last me a really, really long time, equating expensive with something I would love.  And silly  me,  I thought these new ones would last me a really, really long time.  We didn't buy the most expensive set they had in the store, but we did buy the second most expensive.  I would have bought the most expensive ones except I didn't want a front loader washer.  And after all, if you pay a lot of money it's going to be something you will love, right?

Wrong.  My new ones looked a lot like these, except white.  Because I'm addicted to white.

The washer had problems from the beginning.  Problems so great that they gave me a brand new one to replace it after the third repair call.  Problems fixed I went happily on my way, washing and drying.  That washer was High Efficiency and needed special detergent but hey, it was the best out there, right?  Because it was HE it wouldn't fill up with water; it just put enough water in to get the clothes clean.  Or so they tell you.  Do you realize that if it won't fill up with water you can't soak anything?  You can't dye anything.  And contrary to what they tell you my clothes just didn't smell clean to me.  And they looked...well, dull.  I fought it and I fought hard.  I tried different detergents, even making my own.  I tried different fabric softeners, again even making my own.  I HATED that washer.  I couldn't wait for the day it would quit.  And lucky me....last week that happened.

Now understand my husband wasn't nearly as happy as me.  :)  But being the good man that he is he understood that a minimum of a $200 repair bill on a 10 year old washer versus the cost of new one and his wife's happiness well, no contest.  So what did I do?  I went to the store and bought the cheapest washer they had.  Yep, the cheapest.  And you know what it looks like?  Just like the washer I had the first few years we were married 50 years ago!

This isn't it, of course, because it's the same image from above but trust me, it's very close to this.  My husband commented last night that it even sounds like our first one - pretty darn loud.  :)  It fills up, the lid locks, it agitates, it drains, it spins.  And my husband came in after the first day and said, "hey, my towels smell better for some reason."   I love it!  I will not be fooled again.  I will not look for the most expensive.  I will look for the tried and true.  Well, unless it's fabric because, really .... well, I don't want to get crazy about this, right?


1 Sparky said...

OHH my goodness I hear washer and dryer are working well...they are 5 years old BOSC and although they were expensive by other brands, they work....HOWEVER since we were so happy with them we decided to go with the dishwasher and stove...not sooo happy....they have had countless repairs...we are now thinking of replacing them too with another brand name....What happened to maytag...I used to only purchase one point I only had maytag because they lasted decades...the only reason we got new ones was we wanted to update them...sadly we have been updated every 5 years and not because we want to, because we have to...
I am tired of everything lasting less than 5 is the same...except they seem to expire in 2 years....I am with you Marlene...bring back old fashioned no bells or whistles that did the job for decades...The company that is watching and listening to consumers who does do this will win over many people who are tired of a disposable society... great post

2 Marge said...

Oh, I so understand! My wonderful Maytag lasted 25 years and was still going strong when we sold it with the house! When we moved into this place 3 years ago, there was a 10 year old washer in it and I hated it but it worked so I just kept it. When it died earlier this year, we replaced it with a HE top loader, and I hate it! You are doesn't use enough water to effectively clean the clothes. I wash small loads on the largest load setting I can, and I use an extra rinse. Never again will I go with the new fancy appliance. I want my old washer that I bought in 1982!

3 Dorian said...

I am in the market for a new washer Marlene, and thankfully my dh knows that old style is still BETTER. Cause we are going with plain and simple, nothing fancy here ;) So glad you got a better washer, and didn't pay a fortune for it.

4 Needled Mom said...

I really miss the water in my washer too, but it does a good job cleaning the clothes - much to my surprise!

5 Quilting Babcia said...

Our stories are all different - I absolutely Hated the top loader washer we bought when we moved into this house nearly 13 years ago. It and its matching dryer were nothing but a headache, and when the dryer died over four years ago and the washer was only limping along, we got a front loader HE Electrolux with matching dryer (not the most expensive model but probably 2nd most), and I LOVE them both! One thing with the front loading washers, you have to leave the door ajar between loads so that off odors don't build up inside the machine, since they are sealed so well. You also do a system clean cycle every 50-60 loads with chlorine bleach. Have never had a problem with the machine, clothes come out nice and clean. Only thing I miss is the soak cycle, though have taken to using the spare bathtub for that chore when soaking vintage linens, etc.

6 Grammy Staffy said...

Thanks for the warning. You are my 3rd friend that has said the same thing recently. Our tried and true set is 23 years old and may need to be replaced before long. I will get another set like my old one when I do. I hope you are doing well. Hugs, Lura

7 Tracy P. said...

I have never purchased a washer and dryer. We have lived here since 2001. There was no indication the appliances were new then. They still work great! I'm glad you posted this because the day is surely coming, and I want to remember that there is something wonderful about tried and true.

8 said...

You are preaching to the choir sister! When my 30+ year old washer could not be fixed anymore (my husband does the fixing but couldn't order the 'obsolete' part that was needed) I did a lot of research and decided on a Speed Queen. Top loading, non-locking-metal parts, NO SENSORS, etc. My laundry room is in the basement and the gentle cycle did not spin fast enough to get all the water out of the new machine. My husband sent the washer back and insisted on a Whirlpool. I told him I did not want a machine that had sensors, that was my number one issue. I had all the same problems you had with that hunk of junk. I told him if he did not bring back my Speed Queen I was going to sell the brand new wash machine for $50.00 just to get rid of it and he would have to go to the laundry mat to do our wash! That night he watched the machine cycles for himself. The next day the Whirlpool was picked up and my Speed Queen was brought back!
D.G. L

9 Dora, the Quilter said...

My expensive HE washer had a severe problem too! I disliked it the entire time I had it. When it croaked last fall, I bought a used "old-fashioned" one that I really love. Washes faster, washes better, and I can dye fabric again as soon as I decide to do it!

10 Shari said...

Oh, my, I totally know what you mean...we bought the HE front load washer and time, like you, I'm going for cheapest! Dh agrees that our clothes do not smell as clean; I hate the door lock feature, I'm always forgetting to add "one sock"; soaking does not mean soaking unless you shut off the machine; it often does not drain properly; I hate the smell and it does not wash out like the old ones do. Oh and 2 winters ago when we had severe power outages and flashing power, it burned the computerized thingy that runs the spin on the machine and cost $100 ish dollars to repair. Shhhh, don't tell dh, I wouldn't want him to hear me whine about a purchase "I just had to have". Live and learn.

11 Auntie Em said...

Oh my Gosh! I could have written this post myself. I hate my washer. We've had it about 5 years now, and I don't like it for all the reasons you mentioned. It's absurd to me that you have to buy "washer cleaner" to clean your washer. What?
I found that using the setting for "sheets" allows the most amount of water to fill the tub, so I do all my loads of wash on the "sheets" setting.
I'll keep your experience in mind and go for a cheaper brand if this washed ever quits. With my luck it will last 20 more years!

12 Gail said...

I have the same problem. I really dislike my HE washer and it's been repaired several times. Also having fits with my refrigerator. The ice maker died.

Sometimes things aren't as good as they would have you believe.

Enjoy your new washer. I will shop the same way next time.

13 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Oh My Gosh girl friend I FEEL your PAIN! I hate my HE washer, in fact I first called Lowe's a couple of weeks ago to see how old mine is, since I can't find the receipt. (to no avail). Then I called a local business (you know the old fashioned Mom and Pop place!!) I asked if they take trade ins, yes, what was wrong with it, I told her probably nothing, I just didn't like it. I couldn't presoak etc. She proceeded to tell me the HE have come a long way, news ones you can. I told her I never want on again. Mine also ripped a brand new calico dress I had made as a costume for our shows. 6 yards of fabric and it literally ripped a 3 corner tear in it!

Hopefully soon I will trade mine in. I'm waiting on my sick dryer to quit completely, then I will get a new matched set. The old fashioned wringer type!!

14 barbara woods said...

when mine tore up the repair man told us the new ones would only last 5 years, we are retired and need better than that. he fixed mine and said to keep it, it was a good one. had it since 2006

15 Teresa in Music City said...

Wow! I have to say I never knew that HE machines were that limited!!! I hope my washer lasts a good long time because I dread having to find something that works from the new offerings today.

16 Julie Fukuda said...

I'll bet there isn't a housewife that doesn't have a story about a washing machine... and I grew up with a hand wringer. so I appreciate them all. The first "automatic" machine in my life lasted 39 years with a few home repairs made by my brother. My first machine in Japan lasted just as long as the guarantee. The lid broke and it wouldn't work without the lid shut. The one I have now is taped together but it is working. Sadly, it is the fridge that is dying.

17 Lori @ Back Porch Ramblings said...

I heard of other people not happy with their HE washers. Hmmm. We're running almost 20 years with our old reliable set. They've needed a few repairs which fortunately DH has been able to do. Hopefully they don't give up the ghost too soon. They just don't make them like that anymore.

18 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Amen to this post! I hate my HE washer and dryer. It has been nothing but a pain for the past 8 years. I am going to do the same. Get the cheapest washer I can!

19 Judy D in WA said...

I cannot wait for my "new" front loader to die so I can go back to a simple top loading machine. Why do we have to learn these lessons the hard way. :)

20 Carol Swift said...

I had that same thing happen a few years ago with a Maytag and it never did work. I had repair people at my house several times and it still never worked very good. I was so glad when it "died." I have a cheap GE now that works just fine.

21 Jeanne said...

I have a front load Maytag washer and dryer that are close to five years old. I love them and have had no problem with them. I put 1/4 cup vinegar in where the fabric softener goes each load and all my clothes come out smelling great. I do leave my door open between washes but don't buy that fancy stuff they tell you to use once a a month to keep bacteria from forming on the seal. My seal looks and smells great probably from the vinegar killing the bacteria each time I wash. My towels come out smelling fresh and fluffy too. I know what you mean about the plain simple appliances being sometimes the best. Extra money for all the "extras" sometimes just isn't worth it.

22 FlourishingPalms said...

Hear, hear! You are so darned right! I left my beloved Maytag washer and dryer behind, with our Iowa house, when we sold it. Then, in Florida, decided it was "right" to buy a high efficiency. Argh! We bought Maytag again, fully aware that Maytag is no longer Maytag and that Whirlpool hides behind the name. I dislike HE for the same reasons as you, though I admit we've had no problem with clothes smelling bad. In fact, we think everything is actually cleaner. But the worst is the dryer! It's the da*ned buzzer, that tells us when the load is finished, that drives us nuts! I've even written to the company to complain. It's so obnoxious that people standing outside our house have asked what that noise is! I'm really happy for you to have a water-wasting washing machine again. Do you see pea-green me?

23 Judy1522 said...

I totally agree with you. My husband and I had to replace our cooking stove and decided to buy something better than we originally had. Right after the warranty was up the elecronic panel went out and we have had to replace it twice. Fortunately my husband knows how to do this so it only ends up being the cost of the part but that is over $100 each time. What we know is that it goes out when we use extended high heat in the oven so I can no longer use the self cleaning mode and will not bake anything on high heat for more than 15 minutes. It is actually the design of where they put the panel that causes the problem. We have concluded that we will now buy bottom of the line since we will likely have to replace it in not too long of a time. Also, as my husband says the more expensive the more electronics there are making it more likely to have something go wrong . In all the research I did trying to figure out what was wrong with my oven, several people stated that they were told by customer service that appliances should not last more than abou 5 years anyway. Thanks for the input on the HE machine I have always wondered about being able to soak your clothes in those as I frequently soak my load of clothes in my current machine. I will definitley stay away from that type of machine.

24 LJ said...

Maytag WAS the best until the company was bought out by Whirlpool. It may have the Maytag name but it's NOT a Maytag. Another good ole' USA company bit the dust a few years back. I have the second set of Maytag washer/dryer that we have purchased in the 45 years we've been married!! I do not want to buy new ones.

25 LJ said...

I've often wondered about the new HE washers and I'm so glad to get your perspective. See my note above that I wrote to MS regarding Maytag. Is that the brand you had purchased? Too much of what's made anymore is not made with the idea of quality - it's profits that lead the way. I'd read recently that all appliances are made to last, at best, around 8 years! What happened to 20, 25, 30 years of service? The old Frigedaire (spelling?) my folks bought about 1946 is still running!

26 Adrienne said...

Great advice! I love my washer and dryer - just enough bells and whistles to meet our needs but nothing fancy. Or expensive. We bought a new refrigerator for my dear, little mother the other day. The salesman told us he had a new one that only lasted about eighteen months. He admitted they aren't making them the same anymore - smaller parts for efficiency and less quality. Doesn't sound like good customer service to me. Enjoy your new washer and dryer, my friend.

27 Carrie P. said...

thanks for sharing that with us. My washer and dryer and old but after your story I think I will be grateful that they do a good job and will stick with them as long as can.

28 Margie said...

I've been saying bad words to mine, now I know I'm not the only one. Have even threatened to buy an old one at a yard sale. I hate the Maytag HE washer!! Enough said!!

29 Josie McRazie said...

I know the feeling!! I bought a front loader to replace the 30+ year old machines that came with the house we bought... three months later a stay came out of my bra... that was a $250 fix!! They have to use a special tool yo take the tub and seal out!! PLUS we bought LG and there are very few repair men who will work kn them!! Honeyman was MAD... and then it happened again 6 months later!! Oops! I now have bags to put my bolder holders in!!!!