Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Morning Visitors and A Few More Finishes

I think the flock has grown!  I don't know why they keep coming back because we don't feed them but there must be something in the grass there by the lake that they like.  Worms...grasshoppers....some other kind of bug....I don't want to think about it!  :)

I'm finishing up the last few days of work for this year and, hopefully, for this lifetime.  But I did get to the sewing room a few afternoons and one day this weekend.

I need a few more pillows for our Independence Day celebration.  This was an easy one and I love the bright colors.  I didn't realize how faded some of my older pillows were until I put this one out.  I'm not sure if I will use it on the chair or the lounge - it will depend on what other ones I make.

This wall hanging is going on my front door - the pattern came from Summer 2014 Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine.  The pattern uses strips of red and strips of white for the bottom portion but I had this striped fabric that seemed perfect to me and since it made it even faster made it even better.  The hearts and stars are wool appliqued using a blanket stitch.  I did some echo stitching around the hearts and then wavy lines down the stripes.

This last piece has quickly become a favorite.  I can't tell you the name of the pattern because I loaned it to a friend but I'll have it back in a month or so if you are interested....just let me know and I'll e-mail you the particulars.

This quilt has wool applique, hand embroidery and piecing so it has something for everyone!  I did some echo stitching around the flowers, then stippled the background.  The borders have what I call spirals in one but I didn't do anything but straight stitching on the rest.  I will probably come back and add something to the last border but just can't decide what right now.

Six UFOs done, a million to go.  Well, not a million but a lot.  :)


1 Vroomans' Quilts said...

You can never have too many pillows - in my opinion. Love the stars & stripes hanger.

2 Julie Fukuda said...

I love your little projects, especially the hangings. It makes me wish I has wall space.

3 Kyle said...

All your projects are so fitting for the season. Isn't it fun to find the perfect fabric in your resource center.

4 Sparky said...

look at her go....I was talking about the feathered friends....ohhhhh and of course your lovely finishes...i totally love the last one..

5 Shari said...

Just fabulous....cute little pillow, but I really love that last quilt. Beautiful!

6 Janet said...

Fantastic stitchery! And you're retiring?! Congratulations!

7 Michelle said...

Beautiful. One and all. And you.

8 KaHolly said...

Oh, my goodness! You've accomplished a lot! Love everything you'v done in preparation for Independence Day. Sounds like you are retiring! You'll love it!

9 sunny said...

Love the patriotic wall hanging! Your fabrics are just perfect.

10 Dorian said...

Nice looking projects Marleen. It's always good to get some completed!

11 Barb said...

What fun fun projects!!!!

12 Teresa in Music City said...

Way to go!!!! Finishes feel SO good!!!! You are definitely on a patriotic swing :) I'w working on a patriotic quilt too but not sure if I will get it done in time for the holiday.

13 Jeanie said...

Really love the last little hanging. You are inspiring me to get out some UFO's and get them finished!

14 Diane N said...

I love the stars and stripes wall hanger!

15 Mary said...

Love your banner, the embroidery one is beautiful. You can never have too many pillows. Good job on your finished projects. It is always a feel good, when things are completed. Good Job.

16 Rosa said...

Love them all specially the last one,fabulous!!

17 Needled Mom said...

I love the embroidery one. It looks like you are all ready for the 4th.

18 FlourishingPalms said...

Well aren't you just pumping out the finishes! We can do that when we know company's coming, can't we? You're obviously going to have a lovely Independence Day celebration. Keep up the great - productive! - work!

19 said...

Lovely projects the flag quilt is wonderful.

20 Vickie said...

All your finishes are beautiful !

21 Sharon Dawn said...

Geese may be messy, but I sure love seeing them on the lawn. We have three new babies today! What a perfect time to finish up your door banner. It is so cute! Best of luck with working on those millions ;-)

22 Sharon Dawn said...

Geese may be messy but I love to see them on the lawn. We have three new babies today. Perfect timing on your finishes! Happy Independence Day!

Best of luck with working down that list of millions ;-)

23 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Love all your finishes! So fun!
That's a huge crowd of peeps. When it gets that big I say the "party crashers" showed up. That must be a really great spot for a peep party. hee,hee,hee.