Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

I'm A Completer!

In education, at least here in Arkansas, when a high school student successfully finishes certain courses in a field of vocational education they are called "Completers."  I'm not sure exactly why that's important, or why other people think it's important, but as a school counselor and administrator I see several good reasons for this process.  First of all kids have to set a goal, and that's always a good thing.  Second, when they complete the courses they are ready to go forward in their chosen field of education to either a technical school or a college/university.  For kids who either don't want to go to college or who don't want to go right out of high school, or who want to go into a field that doesn't require college this is a step up that will sometimes put them ahead in the job market.

This summer I'm trying to be a Completer.  Of course my chosen field is quilting/stitching and my courses are my UFOs.  :)  To that end here are my first three completed masterpieces!

 I signed up for a class last year for this messenger bag at my local quilt shop not because I didn't know how to make a messenger bag but because a friend was going to teach it and I wanted to spend some time with her.  Life interfered and I didn't get to attend the class but she was gracious enough to give me the pattern anyway.  I cut a few corners and made it in an afternoon.  I used some pre-quilted fabric I had and though you probably can't see it in this photo I rounded the corners of the flap.
 Do you like my button?  I love it!  I'll show you in a minute what it really is - but not a button.  :)
 For the lining I used a treasured bit of fabric brought back to me from Africa by a friend who picked it up while on a mission trip.
Can you see now what my "button" is?  A clip earring!  I simply stitched it down going over and through the clip to hold it on.  I didn't want the flap to actually button so this simple trick made a decorative addition.  I pick up earrings like this at yard sales when I find them because they can be repurposed into so many other things.

Second up is this sweet little table topper.  Last year a friend from one of my stitching groups passed away.  Her daughter gifted her friends with some of her fabric, books and UFOs.  This piece was a UFO and had a few scraps with it where she was going to add to it.  When I looked at it I could tell it was probably made late in her illness because the piecing was not her usual perfection.  I could have taken it apart and made it a little straighter and with a few less wrinkles but I didn't - I wanted to savor it and her and every minute of her life.  I remember so well the last few weeks of my mother's life where she sometimes sat with a needle and a block in her hand looking at it as if she couldn't figure out what to do next.  Then it would come to her and she would take another stitch.
 The colors in this piece are perfect for my deck - the furniture out there is certainly livened up with it on the table.
But it also goes well in my bedroom either on the blanket chest or on my footstool.
My third and final selection this week is the last of my Kathy Schmitz BOM pieces for my Ackfeld Stand.
 I think this one is called May Flowers - or maybe that's just what I call it.  I loved the fabric I used on this one and really, really wanted to do HSTs for the border.  I think, though, that I made it just a wee bit too wide to hang on the stand.  Like maybe 2" too wide.  Hmmm, guess I might be shopping for a bigger stand.  That would mean I need to make several more this size, right?  :)
I'm really sad that these are all finished - I've loved these stitcheries.

Are you going to be a completer this summer?


1 Teresa in Music City said...

I'm trying really hard to be a completer, but so far I'm just an "almost completer" LOL!!! I love your stitchery - so cute! And great use of that earring - I would have never thought of that! What a wonderful gift to remember your friend by :)

2 Michelle said...

Beautiful! All of your projects. Congratulations Completer!

3 Tanya Quilts in CO said...

Good job being a Completer! Your table topper is sweet and I love the embroidered mini quilt.

4 Ray and Jeanne said...

Yay - a Completer! Love your projects and your idea of using a clip-on earring on the bag. I think it is time for me to go garage sailing... ~Jeanne

5 Vroomans' Quilts said...

A lovely gift to remember your friend. Love the HST setting for your stitchery - gorgeous.

6 Shari said...

Love it...awesome post. Guess I'm a wanna-be completer...hmmm, a Completer in Training. that too LOL!

7 said...

That is great. I never seem to finish anything lately. I get to the flimsy stage and just can't seem to get the quilting done.

8 Sparky said...

yes a completer you are and beautiful stitcher too..I love the burgundy one...lovely indeed.
and a completer this summer..oh if there is one thing you can count will NOT be that lol
of course I am kidding..

9 Kyle said...

You are an awesome completer. I'm trying to get a few things finished, but it's slowing going.

10 Carla said...

I want to be a completer, but the odds are not in my favor. Beautiful projects. I really love that messenger bag with the faux button.

11 Dorian said...

Good for you! Getting those UFO's finished is always a good deal, because there is always more projects to do ;) They look lovely too.

12 Needled Mom said...

I love all of the completions. The messenger bag is fabulous.

13 Sharon Dawn said...

I hope to be one too! Your projects are inspiring. How sweet to have work from your friend!

14 Lindah said...

Exquisite pieces!

15 Auntie Em said...

3 very lovely projects! I love your idea for repurposing an old clip on earring.
I'm sure your friend would be very happy to know how much you enjoy her stitchery.

16 Adrienne said...

I love the way you put your messenger bag together. What a great idea! Who would have thought to use a clip earring? I'm going to watch for some and may have to copy your idea. I love seeing the things you are completing. I would like to be a completer this summer and I do plan to complete a few things, but it won't be many since life is full these days with my dear, little mother's needs. We're going camping for a week in our trailer and I'm taking a couple of projects to complete. I'll share them when I return.

17 Grammy Staffy said...

As always, I love all of your projects. You are so talented. I've actually felt well enough to do some work in our patios. I love it out there but have not kept it up since I got sick early this year. I'm so happy that I've been able to do some weeding, trimming, replanting and cleaning. It is starting to look nice again. Little steps back to normal make me happy. Have a great week and keep up the good work. I know you will. Hugs, Lura

18 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You're amazing! I think it is great that you are able to complete projects. I'm horrible with doing that. But it doesn't stop me from buying more fabric!

I love that fabric from Africa. It is so rich looking.

Love each of your finished projects.

19 Barb said...

Wonderful completions..and yes, I do love the button...

20 busyascanbe said...

Wow you really are a completed! I love everything!

21 Carol Swift said...

I'm trying to be a completer, but I keep adding new projects. Isn't that what quilters are suppose to do? Your projects are all beautiful! The details in your mini May Flower is really lovely.

22 Sandra said...

Lovely works! Sandra