Poor little guy/girl has no brothers or sisters so he's all alone in the dark when his parents fly off for food. I don't think he's happy about that, do you?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It's A Boy...Or Maybe A Girl!
Poor little guy/girl has no brothers or sisters so he's all alone in the dark when his parents fly off for food. I don't think he's happy about that, do you?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Twice In One Week!

Monday, July 27, 2009
Down In The Country
When I say a small church I mean that on any given Sunday they might have 60 or 70 in worship. Yesterday Heather's family was there as well as four of us from her former church so we really swelled the ranks! Jerry and I attend a large church where there might be two or three hundred at each of three services so this was a very different environment for us at this point in our lives. We've lived in small towns many times and been members of small churchs but none quite this small. And oh how I love a small church!
Everyone there knew we were visitors immediately - because everyone there knows everyone else there. They are family in the truest sense of the word. The good, the bad, the ugly....makes no difference in a small church. You are who you are and who you are is good because you are part of the family. Everyone knew who was sick and who had a death in their family and why this person wasn't in church this Sunday and why that person needed a visit and a prayer. And as I sat there listening to this incredible loving service I thought....this is just how it was after Jesus died and the communities of God were meeting in their homes and beside the rivers and in hidden places. They were a family, a community of God.
What kind of church do you go to? Oh I don't mean the denomination because I don't think that matters - I'm pretty sure there won't be denominations in Heaven. I mean is it large or small? Is it a place where everyone is loved and accepted and welcomed and prayed over? Is it your family? If it's not, what can you do to help it change and become a family? Have you thought about that? Do you love small churchs like I do?
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Charlie Wasn't There
We heard the best music – “How Great Thou Art” and “Beulah Land” and “Battle Hymn of the Republic”. Even though these songs were some of Charlie’s favorites, Charlie wasn’t there to hear them.
We got to see pictures of Charlie from the time he was a baby on his mother’s hip to last year’s wedding when he was the grandfather of the bride. Black and white pictures of Charlie standing by a plane when he was serving our country were side by side with pictures of Charlie loving on his daughters and laughing with friends. But Charlie wasn’t there to see them.
Charlie’s daughters stood up in front of the whole church and talked about him – about his faith, about his patriotism, about his love for his family. They told us about him putting his neighbor’s newspapers on the doorstep every morning because he got up before everyone else. They told us about him always keeping bottles of water cold for the garbage men and how on that last day he was in the hospital he reminded them to do that. And how, even when he was struggling to breathe, he was trying to take care of Liz, his love and his heart. His friend, Max, told us about the prayers they had together and the things Charlie was thankful for. But Charlie wasn’t there to hear all that.
I kept looking around thinking any minute I’d see Charlie come walking in but he never did. And when we all walked out to that great tune “When The Saints Come Marching In” that’s when I realized…..that saint, Charlie, had gone marching in. Head up, shoulders back, determined to get there, Charlie marched right up to the feet of Jesus. And I bet he’s sitting there now, telling a joke or two, visiting with family and friends, and doing his best to take care of everyone around him. He might not have been here for our celebration but can’t you just imagine the celebration they had for him up there?
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thursday Prayers
I have prayed for every one of you who had requests and I know of several others who have as well. Please continue to send me what is on your heart and we will all join together laying those hurts and concerns at the feet of our Father.
Our friend, Charlie, was my first request last week. Charlie passed away about 12:45 this morning. Jerry and I were there till about 11:00 last night and it was quite apparent that it was a matter of hours. His family will appreciate your prayers.
Kim's father, our second request last week, is weathering chemo very well but of course that's going to be a very long battle.
And our daughter, Tammy, will continue to have problems with her back so I continue to ask for prayers for her.
I would like to add my brother and his family to our list. Last Saturday his wife's son and his stepson (he's raised him since he was a child) drowned while at a gathering of friends. He was 44. Please keep that family in your prayers as well.
Please leave us a comment with any request that we might add to this list and also a comment if you are praying for all those readers/commenters on this blog. Blessings to all.....marlene
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Old Man Is Snoring
The doctor said wear them in the day time. The brace people said wear them at night too. Excuse me? There are things you cannot do in braces like this. To put it delicately, or not, the bathroom is one place where you have to take them off. To do the dishes. To take a shower. If there are typos in this post it's not my fault.
And then, to top it all off, he sent me to get a shingles vaccine. Anybody had one? Where they talked to me about getting a flu vaccine. It's just July people! And I had two allergy shots this week....you are not sticking a needle in me again this week.
Despite it all, it's 2:00 and I am snuggled in. Chicken is in the crock pot, bread is baked, dishes are washed. I didn't dust but I can't use this as an excuse because I rarely dust. Dust is a protective coating for furniture...did you know that? The Old Man Is Snoring!
Monday, July 20, 2009
It's Monday - Yea!
You can start Monday with a burst of energy.....wash the sheets, sweep the floors, straighten your house, run your errands. That will set the tone for a week of accomplishments.
Or you can start Monday by pulling the covers over your head and begging for just a few more minutes of sleep. If you do that you'll drag around all day aggravated that you didn't get to doze longer and playing catch-up on all that you need to do.
You can start Monday by baking bread, making cookies, cooking chicken spaghetti and then taking it to someone who's got an illness in the family or who has 6 kids and needs a break. If you do you'll sing under your breath, smile when no one's looking, thank God for your blessings.
Or you can start Monday by balancing your checkbook and getting mad that you can't afford a shopping excursion or a new car. You'll grumble all day asking why me and what's life all about anyway.
Here's my Monday:
1. I got up at 6:30, grabbed my Bible (and my chai tea latte) and went out to the deck to read and think.
2. I pulled the sheets off my bed and stuck them in the washer.
3. I cleaned off my desk and stacked up the bills to be paid, thanking God I could pay them.
What's next for me today? I'm going to sing under my breath, dance through my chores, count my blessings.
What's your Monday going to be like? It's up to you, you know.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thursday Prayers
If you would join with me in conversation with our Father about the prayer requests made here I'd be so pleased. And if you have something dear to your heart that you would like others to join you in prayer about please let it be posted here - we don't need details to know that your heart needs a little comfort. If you have a Caring Bridge link or a Caringpage site that you would like to post feel free to do that. I promise you that I will lift up every single request that you put in the comments and I know that others will join me in that promise.
I have several things on my heart today that I hope you will pray with me about:
1) Our friend, Charlie, who is in the hospital right now.
2) Our friend Kim's father, Terry, who is battling cancer.
3) Our daughter, Tammy, who has had back surgery in the past but is still having terrible pain.
God loves the prayers of His children.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I can tomatoes and make pepper sauce.......
I cook up figs that were given to me, add strawberry jello.......
and make some beautiful Fig/Strawberry Preserves.......
and then I go to a quilt show and buy all this. Do you think my frugal/money-saving efforts justify purchases like this? Is this legal? moral?
What do you do to save money? And what do you buy because you "saved all that money"?
BTW...I'm beginning to hate blogger. How about you?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
June Goals
This picture of "Marlene's Herb Garden" is not of the finished quilt because I've entered it into a quilt show here in Hot Springs and forgot to take a picture before I did that. But it is finished and the binding is on!
The binding is also on this Snowball Quilt and, in fact, the grandchildren used it this past weekend to cover with at night - I don't think the snowballs made them feel any cooler though. :)
This table topper, "Friendship", is made of wool and was the most fun to make. I love stitching on wool - that old saying, "it's like sewing through butter" really holds true with this!
And the binding is on the Butterfly Quilt too!
As for the rest of my June goals - well not much progress. I haven't done any studying so that means I didn't read Breaking Free by Beth Moore. However, I did go to Little Rock and buy the workbook that goes with it so I'm ready! Maybe in July. Maybe.
And weight loss - not a happy tale there either. If you remember I had lost 19 pounds since Christmas. The first week I came back from babysitting I gained 3 pounds. :( I chalked it up to not getting as much exercise (no changing diapers, no picking him up and putting down and picking him up, no pushing the stroller, etc.) I asked my son if he wouldn't just quit his job and move down here next door to me but he declined. I can't imagine why! I've lost 2 of those pounds but that means I'm still up 1 pound from last month. Not so good but not so bad.
How did you do on your goals this month?
And does anyone know why Blogger is rearranging everything I put in my post? Grrrrrr!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
It's a Beautiful New Flag!
My cousin Carol and her husband Keith sent us a new flag for the Fourth of July celebration. Isn't it beautiful? I am thanking God today for our country and those who came before us who were wise enough and courageous enough and who had enough foresight to take those difficult steps to our beginning. And I am thanking Him for those in all the between years who fought so valiantly to maintain our freedom.