Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thursday Prayers

A fellow blogger (McKMama) has started a new Prayerful Wednesday post. She is encouraging her readers to post prayer requests so that we might each be in prayer for fellow readers. It's so important to "approach the feet of the Father with our heartfelt requests." Because her audience is so vastly different from mine - she is a young mother with small children and I am an "older" woman/grandmother/quilter/stitcher which means we have vastly different audiences - I'd like to copy her idea here on my blog. Of course since I'm technologically challenged I'm not going to have a link or a button or whatever that thing might be that allows you to go to a separate place and talk about one particular thing (see what I mean about being technologically challenged?) I'm just going to devote one post a week to prayer requests.

If you would join with me in conversation with our Father about the prayer requests made here I'd be so pleased. And if you have something dear to your heart that you would like others to join you in prayer about please let it be posted here - we don't need details to know that your heart needs a little comfort. If you have a Caring Bridge link or a Caringpage site that you would like to post feel free to do that. I promise you that I will lift up every single request that you put in the comments and I know that others will join me in that promise.

I have several things on my heart today that I hope you will pray with me about:

1) Our friend, Charlie, who is in the hospital right now.
2) Our friend Kim's father, Terry, who is battling cancer.
3) Our daughter, Tammy, who has had back surgery in the past but is still having terrible pain.

God loves the prayers of His children.


1 Needled Mom said...

That's a great idea. There are so many needing prayers out in the blog world right now and it will be lovely to have voices raised in unison.

2 Jacquie said...

Just prayed for those on your list. I agree that the world seems filled with need and we NEED God's intervention in our lives in a big way.

In response to your comment on my blog... I agree that you are in an age and financial bracket that makes a personal trainer hard to come by. Have you heard of Silver Sneakers in your area? I'm not sure I understand who qualifies, but if you are on some Medicare or Humana or something, you qualify for these classes and a gym membership for free (with participating gyms). We have a few gyms in our area that are participating. They tailor the classes to your age range and physical ability.

Anonymous said...

Consider it done.
My Daddy had back surgery twice and my sister once. I have hurt my back twice and have had arthritis in the vertebra since I was in my 20s. At least that was when it was diagnosed. After the first time I hurt it, the doctor put me on bed rest and it improved with time. The second time, the MRI showed 2 bulging disk and 2 curvature of the spine. Surgery was suggested but could not happen for several months. By that time, the pain was no longer a 10 but more of a 5 and I decided to live with it. You see the surgeries of my relatives did not make them pain free. I had therapy and learned a different way of doing things. I don't expect to ever be pain free.
I certainly can sympathise with your daughter and what she is going through and I pray that she gets some relief soon. Constant pain can make one very irritable.
Mama Bear

4 Michelle said...

What an awesome idea. I prayed for those on your list, and I know God heard me. God is with us all, ALWAYS. We can take comfort in that.
be blessed,

5 Val said...

I just prayed for your request also. I love this idea. I would love to put my son on this list (physically & emotionally). Also, my husband has back problems too. He will be going in for a nerve block on Monday morning. My sister lost her husband a few months ago so please keep her in your prayers. Thank you so much for doing this.

6 zees5 said...

I will pray for you. I tried McKMama's site, but couldn't figure it out so I am glad you are going to do prayer here. I would like to ask everyone to pray for revival. 2 Chronicles 7:13 Thanks! izazbz at yahoo dot com

7 Grammy Staffy said...

What a wonderful idea. I believe there is great power in prayer. I will gladly add your friends to my prayer list.

Will you please pray for my blog friend Jan.

She is dying of liver malfunction due to chemotherapy. She needs our prayers.

Thanks a lot. (((hugs)))Lura

8 Susannah said...

Marlene, God bless you! This is a wonderful idea.


9 Mama said...

Lovely idea. I've just sent up a prayer, standing in agreement with your other readers, for those on your list to feel the powerful presence of the Healer in their midst.

Would love to have my back added to your list. I'm having a cortisone injection Wed. a.m. in hopes of avoiding lumbar surgery.