Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I do things like make my own laundry detergent and fabric softener.....

I can tomatoes and make pepper sauce.......

I cook up figs that were given to me, add strawberry jello.......

and make some beautiful Fig/Strawberry Preserves.......

and then I go to a quilt show and buy all this. Do you think my frugal/money-saving efforts justify purchases like this? Is this legal? moral?

What do you do to save money? And what do you buy because you "saved all that money"?

BTW...I'm beginning to hate blogger. How about you?


Anonymous said...

Sometimes, I have problems with blogger but haven't gone that far yet.
You do plan to make something pretty with all the 'stuff' you bought so that is still frugal since you didn't buy ready made stuff. Some handmade things cost more than store bought such as cards. Wow, can you spend a lot of money to make cards.
Growing a garden where you harvest a few tomatoes or cucumbers can take more money than simply buying them at the store but it makes one feel good and the veggies taste better.
So, yes, I think the end justifies the means.
Noticed you have listed books you've read this year. I've kept up with mine in my journal for many years. One name popped out at me a few times in yours and I wondered about her books. Linda Lael Miller. I've never heard of her. Could you review her books for me?
Mama Bear

2 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

LOL - yes yes yes! Justification! We all do it sometimes don't we? I justify a lot of my home purchases because they are for our home. And I cook frugally using every last bit of food, I clip coupons, pack DH's lunch, squeeze out the last drop of toothpaste then cut the tube open, reuse a lot of things when feasible, we give to charites, save very well for retirement, never pay interest on anything but the last few dollars we owe on the mortgage, Dh drives a 1993 Quest Van that the kids and I used until I got my new car in 2004, I rarely buy new clothes or jewwlry - I could go on and on how I justify my spending. But we shouldn't even have to!! Guys don't feel the need to justify, why do we?

You always give me food for thought!!

hugs, Linda

3 Val said...

Oh yes! Justified. No problem. Great posts!

4 Salem Stitcher said...

Oh, I think you are completely justified. Anyone that keeps their laudry detergent in a gallon milk jug should be able to buy whatever quilt supplies she wants.

5 Teresa said...

You know, I have never felt the need to justify my quilting purchases, because I think it is good for my mental health and just look at the Psychiatric bills I am saying, not to mention keeping my brain healthy. If you ask me - my children should pay me to quilt!

6 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I try to save money on some things to so I have money to spend on quilting supplies and my books - I'm a book reader and love to re-read books so I spend money on them knowing they will be well worn over time.

7 zees5 said...

I think it is justified if you don't buy too much quilting things, just what you are going to use. I have a bad habit of saving lots of money on everything I buy, but I buy too much of everything. I am getting older now, though, so now that I realize this about myself I am working on not going so deep on all of my hobbies.

I would love to have your homemade detergent and fig and strawberry preserves. I make my own strawberry preserves too and was shocked the first time at the intensity of the red like in your pictures.

I make homemade all-purpose spray cleaner that saves me a ton of money with 3 kids to clean after (I do that gladly b/c they are so darn cute and adorable) - 5 oz. alcohol, 1 tbsp. ammonia, 1 tsp. or less liquid dish soap. Fill up to 25 oz. with water. This stuff beat 409 all day long and is super cheap to make. God bless you, Page izazbz at yahoo dot com

8 Marilyn Robertson said...

Wow, I had never thought about making my own laundry detergent before. I imagine you could save a lot of money by doing that. As far as quilting purchases go, I only feel guilty about the things that I don't use or make. In saying that, I guess I have a lot to feel guilty about. I have bought a lot more then I have made! Ugh!

9 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I too make my own laundry detergent. And yes I keep mine in a gallon milk jug, or a 1/2 gallon, or a plastic five gallon bucket. Recycle, reuse.
Now think I will go shopping for more sewing "stuff"
Great post, except for the blogger issue, which happens to me too!

10 Karen said...

I have never known anyone who made their own detergent & fabric softener. I would not know how to go about doing that. But if it gives you spending money for quilty stuff, go for it!

11 Needled Mom said...

Definitely justified!!!!!

Jo Schlecht said...

Hi, do you make detergent and fabric softener? Maybe I need to do that too in order to buy more fabric. Jo S.

13 Ruth said...

I make laundry detergent too, unless I can get a good deal with coupons/sale price. We get so much satisfaction and happiness from quilting/crafting that it definitely is worth it. I love to shop garage sales & thrift shops to find things to use also. Lots of people are selling good quality quilting fabric, lace, ribbon, etc., not to mention actual quilts and antiques for next to nothing! That and quilt shops are about the only shopping that I actually enjoy.

14 em's scrapbag said...

I think the things you purchased are so much more fun than having to buy laundry soap etc. So you are so justified on saving $ on boring to spend it on fun.

15 Dandelion Quilts said...

I never feel the need to justify a spree...LOL! I have never heard of homemade laundry soap. Is it as good as Tide? How much money do you save?

16 ~Bren~ said...

I think you are perfectly justified in spending your saved money on your passion!! Good job!

As for blogger, it never wants to leave things where you put them. I always wait til I am finished and then move everything where I want it. Click and drag a picture and then backspace print to the spot it is a hassle, I know.

17 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Marlene, I always tell my DH that he wouldn't have his retirement built up, if he had married an unfrugal woman.
Love to put up veggies and cook most of the meals, sew, mend and yes make detergent. We deserve to splurge every once in awhile.
Keep Stitchen'

18 Cornfield Quilter said...

Since I work full time I don't do home made anymore. I used to do all that when my children were little but not since I work full time. I always try to justify spending money on fabric and such but dang it I work hard for my money and I can spend it on what I want! That's my story and I'm stickin' to it! :D

19 Dawn said...

Absolutely justifiable!...*grin*

20 Purple Pam said...

You are totally justified! Look at all the money you are saving on all the things you make from scratch. And look at all the things you accomplished last month in your sewing/quilting.

I also look at my sewing/quilting hobby as therapy. I am saving lots of $ not paying a psychiatrist. I am keeping myself off the streets and out of trouble, well almost! It makes my hubby happy because he always knows where I the computer or in my sewing room!

21 Meggie said...

Not that I have an opinion one way or the other, but why don't you like blogger?

I never knew anyone who made their own laundry detergent or fabric softener. That in itself could save a ton of money, no doubt, especially the way we go through clothes. Does it get your clothes really clean and soft?

My MIL makes quilts. We have several and cherish each one. Quilts are timeless. You don't have to be practical. -Megan-

22 Tipper said...

Well I think-if you do all those things to save money-you should be able to splurge a little : )

23 Unknown said...

Marlene, I don't smoke, drink, use drugs, drive a new car, shop at malls, or play the lottery. I'm a very frugal consumer on everything from utilities to groceries. My two vices are books and quilting and I even find ways to save on those.;D
I have the same question as Grammy Linda. Why do we (myself included) feel the need to justify?

I have no prayer request but I will be praying for yours.

24 Lelia Chealey said...

You have so much talent. I have recently thought about making my own laundry detergent after reading the recipe the Duggers gave in their book. E-mail me if you have time and let me know your recipe if you don't mind. But must be simple. You know me...LOL. :)