Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's A Boy...Or Maybe A Girl!

We have this beautiful, lush tree in our yard - it must be really old because it's way taller than our house.The blossoms are so full and heavy that the branches are beginning to hang low. But this little guy's parents chose the dark, old, full-of-junk detached garage for their home.
Poor little guy/girl has no brothers or sisters so he's all alone in the dark when his parents fly off for food. I don't think he's happy about that, do you?


1 Needled Mom said...

Awwww...he/she looks so forlorn. Very cute and great picture.

2 rlbates said...

Great photo!

3 Unknown said...

Hi, I've never posted on your sight before, but I read it all the time.

Your tree is a crepe myrtle and there are tons of them in Texas. Besides used around homes, lots of businesses use them in landscaping. If you already know the name of it, forgive me :)

I really enjoy your blog. I have one but it's sadly neglected. One night I almost deleted all of it, but didn't. Sort of a hit and miss thing.

It's hot and dry in Texas with almost 3,000 acres burning in a wild fire on the Ft. Hood reservation, the next county over from us. Yesterday, it was 50% contained. We need rain badly.

Take care,
Patsy (near Waco)

4 Salem Stitcher said...

Oh bless his little bones!

5 Dandelion Quilts said...

Oh so tiny!

6 Jacquie said...

You got an amazing picture of that sweet little bird!!

7 Cindy said...

Great photos and I like the one of the baby bird.

Since you're a quilter, here's a blog you might like. It's in honor of a soldier from my town who died in Afghanistan.

8 Joy said...

Oh doesn't that pic just tug at the heart strings!!!!??! Bless his/her cotton socks!!
Joy :o)

9 Val said...

Oh he looks so lonely or is it hungry?

10 Dawn said...

What is that tree? -- the blossoms are magnificent!

11 Sunna Reyr said...

The chick might look forlorn but I'm sure it's quite content not having to fight siblings for food. Will you just look at that mouth.

12 Journeying said...

His siblings are around him....just seems most unusual that you were able to catch the one with his mouth open. They are still very, very young - note almost no down, let alone feathers. Keep a close eye on them! You got a fabulous picture!