Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

July Goals

There are several July goals that I didn't meet. I didn't lose any weight because I didn't walk. I have lots of excuses for that but not one of them is worth a minute's breath. I also didn't start the baby quilt I want to make because I got so involved in these projects. I've shown you this Halloween quilt pattern before. Last month I had done four of the eight embroidered blocks and this month I did the other four. The pattern shows some of them appliqued which I chose not to do because I wanted something simple to work on.
I like all the blocks that I did this month and I'm not sure which one is my favorite though I do favor this owl.
And this little house is pretty cute too!
Early in July I went to the Hot Springs Quilt Show and bought a wonderfu book from Primitive Gatherings as well as the kit for the wool table mat. I'm in love with wool! Some of these are hand dyed and others look like one of my Daddy's old suits but they were all wonderful.
A couple of years ago when I went to Houston I bought a wool wallhanging kit from Primitive Gatherings. This month I finally got around to working on it and I have to tell you I am well and truly hooked on their wools. There are twelve blocks in this quilt and I have nine of them cut, fused, and ready for stitching. Each block takes a couple of hours to get to this point.
Are the colors not just wonderful? These are all hand dyed wools and the feel of them is so incredible - soft and rich.
This is the pattern so you can see that I have three more blocks to get prepared and those beautiful borders.

This is a close up of the one block I've finished stitching. I'm using Valdani #12 Pearl Cotton variegated threads. I'm addicted to them too. I think the variegation gives both light and shadow to the pieces, adding a depth they wouldn't have otherwise. It's a very simple blanket stitch with just a little embroidery stem stitch or a french knot occasionally. There are some smaller stems in some of the other blocks that will need to be couched.
I actually did a couple of other things - a Fourth of July pillow and a patriotic embroidered tea towel - but Blogger ate those pictures so you can't see them. Blogger actually ate all the pictures and I had to start from scratch which caused me to say a few ugly things, not that it does any good. I hope to finish a few of those wool blocks in August but the baby quilt needs to be done soon since he's due in late September so they may have to take a back seat. And of course, there's Winter Wonderland that still isn't together (along with a million other works in progress). I don't know how I ever had time to work!


1 judycolby said...

Looks like you got a lot a done in July.
You mentioned that Blogger ate your photos. Have you ever tried Windows Live Writer? I think it makes using photos much easier.
The link gives good info about it.

2 Unknown said...

I really like the look of wool, I'm afraid if I get started I'll be addicted too. I love the primitive crow, that would look great in my house.

3 Susannah said...

Marlene....My that all you got done in July???? LOL! Well, your work has paid off. I love the gorgeous colors in each one. You make me want to get going and finish what I am working on. You are an inspiration!


4 Michelle said...

All your projects are beautiful. Maybe when summer is over, I will be more productive again....(sigh!)
be blessed,

5 molly said...

Maybe in my next life I'll take up wool applique. Or maybe the second next one. I have enough unfinished projects to occupy me for several lifetimes. But those blocks sure are tempting. I guess they'd work for needle turn too? No, no! Can't give in to temptation! [Covers eyes, exits screaming...]

Anonymous said...

Love your projects and many look very familar to me :o)

Lisa dyes wonderful wools... they are simply gorgeous.

Happy sewing!

7 Mary L. Briggs said...

You may not have reached all of your goals, but you got a lot of things done. That Halloween quilt is adorable, and I love all the wool projects!

8 said...

You keep on going - there is a lot of progress in there when you sit and read it and look at the beautiful pictures. Wool has been my new love too. It feels so good to work with. Thanks for the inspiration.

9 Valerie the Pumpkin Patch Quilter said...

Wow, those wool applique blocks are gorgeous! I really want to try a quilt like that some's on the never ending list! Lol* I'm really getting into wool also...the thing I'm interested in playing around with now is rug hooking, ever tried it?

Anonymous said...

Very pretty!
I didn't post any goals for July. Its a good thing since I didn't get much done. Sad to say, the vacation added back a couple of those lost pounds but I am going to be diligent and hopefully get them back off without having to change the tracker.
This post makes me realize, I need to get my Fall UFO out and try and finish it.
Mama Bear

11 Grammy Staffy said...

Your work is beautiful. As I have said before, I surely wish you lived close to me and could teach me how to do all of this beautiful work.

I love the work you have shown us today. You are amazing.

Have a great week.
Love, Lura

12 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Marlene, you've been busy stitching. Love all your projects, I want to start a fall project soon. Pulled all my fabric, just got to pick the pattern.
Keep Stitchen'

13 sarahross said... always!

14 Purple Pam said...

Those wool blocks are beautiful! The Halloween blocks are so cute. I bought a pattern on Saturday with embroidery and patchwork blocks. It is a Bunny Hill pattern, Vintage Trick or Treat. I so want to get started on it, but I have too many other projects to be done first. How did we ever have time to work?

15 Sunna Reyr said...

I like all the blocks you are showing us but most of all I like the the nine wool blocks, the colors are so bright and cheerful. Are the backgrounds wool too?

16 Tipper said...

Wow-I think you got a lot of beautiful things done in July!

17 Marilyn Robertson said...

The wool blocks are gorgeous! I have a wool project that I have been collecting for, but that is as far as I have gotten. Your wool quilt is going to be beautiful!

18 Dawn said...

Stunning, Marlene! The vibrant colors of the wool and variegated pearl cottons --- oh, wow. Your work is incredible. And when this is done, it will be a complete jewel!

19 Juryizstillout said...

You make me wish I had more time to quilt. So gorgeous, hun.