Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Good Read

As you can tell by my sidebar I read a lot. Some of it is good; some of it is just pleasant. It doesn't seem to matter...I just love to read. Of course, "read" is a relative term. When I say read I often mean "listen to." I always have a book on CDs going in my car and one in my sewing room. Since I keep a hard copy by my bed that means I have three I'm reading at the same time!

I'm going to order a Kindle this week. That means I will also be ordering books to download to the Kindle. Jerry and I will be going on another mission trip next year - this one a lot longer than we've ever done. I won't have access to the public library that I have here so I'm preparing ahead of time! I'm looking for recommendations for books to buy - can you help?

I love murder mysteries, even the serial killer kinds. (I know you wouldn't have thought that about me!). I love Christian fiction and books about pioneer times. I love anything about the Appalachian Mountain people - well, really any mountain people I guess. I love a good romance and novels about what might happen if people have to survive on little to nothing like our forefathers did. Some of my favorite authors: Jean Auel (Clan of the Cave Bear series), Nora Roberts, James Patterson, Janette Oke, Robert Parker, Jan Karon, John Sandford, Kathy Reichs, Iris Johannson, Adriana Trigiani. Oh my, there are so many I love!

So...what are some of your favorites that I might want to buy for my new Kindle? Help! Even if you don't normally comment on my blog please comment this time...I need you!


1 Julie in the Barn said...

Mudbound by Hillary Jorden, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon (and the rest in this series, The Cat Who Saw Red by Lillian Jackson Braun (and the rest of the series), Any of the many mysteries by Dick Francis, any by Tony Hillerman but start with the first to follow the characters.

2 Tipper said...

The Kindle sounds like a neat thing to have. What about Francine Rivers-ever read any of her books? She is a great writer.

Anonymous said...

I was going to mention the Outlander series which Julie has above. She has a new one out in September. These books are time travel books but are chocked full of history.
Have you read any of Nevada Barr? Perri O'Shaughnessy? Steve Martini? Sharyn McCrumb?
I've thought about buying the Kindle for Honey Bear so he doesn't have to lie with the computer on his chest reading.
Hope these help.
Mama Bear

4 Paula, the quilter said...

Kim Harrison's Hollows series
Laurie R. King's Mary Russell books


5 Phyllis said...

Just a few minutes ago, I finished reading The Eclipse - third in the saga of the Twilight series. I've really enjoyed them!!

6 Karen said...

You mentioned christian fiction-how about Lori Wick-she has a number of series set in different time frames and different areas.
Ted Dekker.

7 Marge said...

I've enjoyed Lauraine Snelling's books. I've read the Red River of the North series (I don't know what it's really called!) and a Civil War series. There's a Dakota series I want to read too. I, too, like the novels of pioneer times, or Civil War times. And I love a good biography too. OH, have you read Giants in the Earth by Rolvag? EXCELLENT! That's pioneer times in the Dakota territories and required reading in my mind! Let us know what you decide to buy!

8 Mainly a midwife said...

You already read a lot of authors that I would recommend. BTW, did you see The Time Traveler's Wife? I read the book too and really enjoyed it. The movie was great.
Have you read the Scarpetta series? I think the author is Patricia Cornwell. Love those. (murder mysteries)

9 Mary L. Briggs said...

I love all those you named, Marlene. One of my favorite mystery writers is Anne Perry~Victorian mysteries in London, late 1800s. One series is about a detective named Monk. The other (my favorite) is the Thomas and Charlotte Pitt series.

10 Lori said...

I love about anything by Karen Kingsbury. She has a few really good series type Christian fiction books. Another good author is Walt Larimore and his Bryson City series about being a doctor in Appalachia. I just read The Sunflower by Richard Paul Evans which was really good as well.

11 Susannah said...

Hi Marlene...I loved the book called 'Shiver" by Lisa Jackson. How about books by Sandra Brown or Mary Higgins Clark.
Right now, I am reading the series - Abrahm's Daughters by Beverly Lewis. I am like you.... I just love BOOKS! Let us know what you chose. This is a great topic.

Good Luck on your mission trip.


Anonymous said...

I loved the Twilight series. I didn't think I would.. thought they would be 'kiddy' but I really enjoyed them! Read them all in a week because I couldn't put them down.

13 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Hi Marlene,
I have no advice on good books at this time, just haven't been able to read a lot at this time. When I pick a book up, nothing else gets done. Nose is in the book, not anywhere else.
With the canning, reading and sewing, it looks like your summer has been full.
Keep Stitchen'

14 Tracy P. said...

Well since you don't know who Garrison Keillor is, you must read Lake Wobegon Days. Hilarious!

15 Teresa said...

I will be interested to hear how you like your kendal. My husband has been very interested in them lately, and he seldom reads. I read a lot, and I think this might be a Christmas gift he is planning for me. I am currently finishing the last book of the Shenandoah Album Series by Emilee Richards. There are 5 of them and they are all great light readings.

16 Marge said...

When I commented earlier I neglected to mention my favorite author, Jon Hassler. I love his books about a fictional Minnesota town named Staggerford. Grand Opening, The Love Hunter, Staggerford, Dear James, Rockery Blues, North of Hope, Simon's Night and more. Excellent reads!

17 Meggie said...

I had to play catch-up-on-blogs today. That means I just read your "It's Saturday" blog. Oh man, I about flipped. Pigpen lives in my house, too. That's why we took up all the carpet and put in wood floors. The downstairs family room has old linoleum tiles, but real tiles are soon to come. What is the matter with the Pigpens of this world anyway!? I could do a whole blog about that.

I see you've already gotten a lot of great book ideas. I happen to LOVE the Kinsey Milhone alphabet mystery series by Sue Grafton. Read just one book, any book by her, and you'll be hopelessly hooked. Her audio books are just as great, maybe better because the voice reading seems to fit Kinsey's character perfectly -- a dry humor type. Those abridged audio books I found at the library got me started reading her unabridged books (found at the same place). I also love to read and read and read. I always have a book stuck in my purse. -Megan-

Oh, I almost forgot. All of our NW/NC Arkansas counties are having fairs right now. What makes small town/county fairs so delightful is that many of the local people have labored over their entries and take such pride in the ribbons they earned. Boone County not only has a county fair, but a regional fair as well, so our combined fairs last about two weeks. They will be here in late September.

18 Ruth said...

Nancy Turner's series: These is my Words, Sarah's Quilt, The Star Garden (based on her great-grandmother's life as settlers in Arizona. I really enjoyed this series

Marie Bostwick: A single Thread (I loved this book) and A Thread of Truth (I will start reading this book in a day or two.

19 Memaw's memories said...

If you like love stories, Nicholas Sparks has several good ones. He wrote Message in a Bottle that was made into a movie with Kevin Costner.

I also like John Grisham. Most of his books are based on lawyers, judges and court cases.

Good luck on your selections.

20 Janet, said...

I'm glad you love to read, I love to write, but I write mostly children's stories. If you like Appalachian stories, Christy by Catharine Marshall is great. I know it's an oldie, tho, so you've probably already read it.

21 MARCIE said...

Harlan Coben and Lisa Scottoline are two favorite authors that I don't see on your sidebar. Also the Maisie Dobbs series by Jaqueline Winspear and the Ladies #1 Detective Series you will love! Too many books to ever finish--kinda like quilts!

22 Jacquie said...

I was going to say "Francine Rivers", but someone already has. I haven't read any of "Karen Kingsbury" but she is well-read in our church library and I've heard lots of good about her.

My son, Kale, LOVES his Kindle. He thinks I need one now. Let us know how you like it.

23 Jeanna said...

If you love "mountain people" books then You need to read Gap Creek by Robert Morgan and you might enjoy Boone by him also. I also recommend some of Sharon McCrumbs, she has a couple of different "series" one is mountain and the other is Si-fi. The Rosewood casket is one of my favorites of hers. Emily Richards is good and also for Christian fiction Wanda Brunsetter.