Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


My mother had 5 brothers and my dad had 3 brothers and 2 sisters.  To say I had a few cousins is an understatement!  Occasionally some of them lived close to us but more often not.  However, it seems to me that we did a lot of visiting and playing – maybe it just seems that it was often because a child has no concept of time.  I remember putting quilts on the ground and each one was a pretend house where we lived with our dolls.  I remember playing cowboys and indians and not caring which side we were on because both were fun.  There’s a warm feeling of comfort with cousins.  Even when you’re adults.


I have 8 grandchildren.  They are almost in two bunches – one group’s ages are 21, 18 and 17.  The other bunch are 11, 10, 8, 3, and 7 months.  This week the younger bunch spent some time at my house with each other.




And don’t tell anyone but the two oldest cousins came to help out.  Shhhhh……


Extended families keep us grounded.  They are a safe harbor.  They allow you to just be who you are.  I wish my grandchildren lived next door.  Well, maybe not next door but in my neighborhood.  At least in my neighborhood.  All of them, in my neighborhood.  What a joy that would be!


1 Val said...

Family is so very important. I enjoy my grandchildren too but of course I am glad that school has started so I can maybe find some "me" time. "Me" think??

Anonymous said...

My Dad was one of 15 so when we had family gatherings, it was huge. I was one of 7, so it even was a big crowd with just our immediate family. I have 10 grands and 7 of them live within a mile of me. I'm a very lucky person, I guess.


3 Michelle said...

My mom only had one brother, and he lived in Arizona. We lived in Iowa. I had two cousins that I have spent only a hand full of times together, and that was only when they came to Iowa. My dad was an only child, so not much family on that side either.

Enjoy those babies! They grow up fast!

4 Grammy Staffy said...

I agree with would be heaven for me if all my grandkids lived in my neighborhood.

I love getting together with them and it breaks my heart each time I have to leave them and say goodbye.

It looks like you had a wonderful time with your precious ones last week. Good for you.

5 Marilyn Robertson said...

What wonderful memories you helped create!

6 Monica at Buttoncounter said...

I am the oldest of 7. We grew up playing with dirt, trucks, and just weird make-believe stuff. I love those memories now. I wonder how kids these days have any fun with their toys.

7 Mary L. Briggs said...

I am almost envious of all of you with large families! My dad was an only child and my mother has one brother. My uncle does have seven children~all fairly close in age to my brother and I~but we rarely saw them growing up as they were all in TX.

My husband's family is large (he is one of five) and we get together with them a lot~lots of fun!