Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Summer Time and the Livin' Is Easy?

I don't know about ya'll but whoever thought summer was the best time, the most relaxing time of the year better stand way far from me else you might get stomped on! Just kidding of course. But goodness I'd like a little of that relaxing thing.

My neighbor brought me 5 gallons of pears this week. I have the best neighbors ever! Since my hands don't hold up so well anymore it has taken me until today to get them all cored, peeled, sliced, cooked and canned. I ended up with 12 pints and 1 half pint of pear preserves - my husband's favorite. The day they brought me the pears I had bought a 5 lb bag of apples I found on sale. So I also cored, peeled, sliced and cooked those and made 5 pints of Red Hot (Cinnamon) Apple Rings.

Later in the week they brought jalapeno peppers and bell peppers. So I made a jar of pepper sauce. I don't like pepper sauce but my husband does. I don't know how to make pepper sauce either. So I cut up a few of them, left the rest whole and put them in a quart jar. Then I boiled some vinegar, poured it over the peppers and sealed the jar. Maybe it sealed. I didn't can it - just had everything hot. We'll see. I don't like pepper sauce anyway so I won't count it a great loss if it doesn't work. Oh don't worry about my husband...he'll get over it. He might cry a little, but he'll get over it. I think I'll cut up the bell peppers and freeze them. I'll send them to the deer camp with my husband because I don't eat those either. That'll help him get over the pepper sauce.

They also brought me some okra (we had some of that for supper tonight) and some small green tomatoes. She suggested I make some green tomato relish - another thing I've never done. I don't know if there are enough to do that but I bet they'll be good fried!

Yesterday I made brownies too and just for good measure I iced them with chocolate icing. Sinful. But I did send some to a neighbor so that takes away half of the sin. Maybe three quarters. I used to be a math teacher so I know.


1 Phyllis said...

Your hands must be so tired after all the coring and peeling, but those yummy brownies will make you feel better to be sure :)

2 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

I like your math!!

3 molly said...

We always knew that one day we'd be glad we stuck it out in math class!
Sounds like you're well on your way to "eating local" and super unprocessed! Good for you!

4 Val said...

I have to tell you that I agree with everything you just said. I have never been so busy in my life. I still have a lot of peppers to do something with so I guess hot sauce it is. Thanks for idea. I would love to be your neighbor and get some of those brownies. I am lookng forward to fall just to get a little rest...I hope.

5 Michelle said...

I have never canned, but my mother always did. It looked like way too much work to me, and nothing I was interested in. I don't get much done during the week when I work. Just too tired.

I know after all your efforts, it will be so nice to have all those yummies sitting on your shelf...especially when it is cold outside.
be blessed,

6 Lindah said...

You know, I was feeling guilty, thinking I must surely be the only one who was feeling overwhelmed and tired of all the wonderful produce come into my kitchen. I really am thankful for it, but enough already! :-)

7 Salem Stitcher said...

I think after all that hard work, you deserve at least half a batch of brownies with chocolate icing. There's no sin in that surely!

8 Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Hello from Canada!! So glad you came by,small world my brother lives in N.C. too,half the year and the winter he lives in glad to have met you!! Oh,and yes I like your math too!! All the best Chrissy

9 Meggie said...

I know what you mean about summer being a busy time of year. You're lucky to have such lovely friends and neighbors. We've also been quite busy canning all sorts of tomato products (spaghetti sauce, Rotel, salsa) as well as other things. We love pepper sauce, pepper jelly and so forth. However, since I have not even thought about making any, I have to say a big thank you for the reminder. -Megan-

10 said...

My brother puts me to work with the pears every summer, but for some reason he didn't have a good crop this year. It is hard work, but his preserves are well worth the effort. He did have me peeling apples on Monday so he could make applesauce and he has given me some of his zucchini relish - it is awesome. Thank our dear Lord for brothers.

11 Mary L. Briggs said...

You've been busy! Your pears sound delicious! And I like the math calculations on the brownies:)

I haven't put up anything this summer, though I plan to do some zuchinni freezer pickles this week if I can work it into my schedule.

12 Canarella said...

I would love Ur apple rings receipe ....for canning....sounds like you have been buzzziee...god kind to your hands my dear...