Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, August 7, 2009


Yesterday Laney's tongue didn't like these.

We couldn't see anything wrong with her tongue.
Today her tongue loved them! Go figure.


1 Tracy P. said...

Tongues can be fickle things!

2 Needled Mom said...

Too funny!

3 Amelia said...

Taste buds took a vacation! Such a cute little one!

4 Jacquie said...

That's just so stinkin' cute!

5 Helen said...


Love it.


6 Mary L. Briggs said...

ROFL!! She's really darling!

7 Sandy said...

The magic of children....wonderful!

8 Joy said...

LOL Unbelievably adorable!!!! Aren't little kids fabulous :o)!?!!!
Joy :o)

9 Salem Stitcher said...

What a face! Too cute!

10 Angie said...

They say the funniest things don't they, and all the funnier because they don't realise it!

love, Angie, xx

11 said...

Glad you are recording the funny things that little ones say. There is always something from their eyes (and tongues). My friend's grandson use to leave a trail of the purple ones - he would never eat the purple ones?

12 Marilyn Robertson said...
