Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

It's Saturday!

I've worked hard all week. I canned and cleaned and shopped and swept and mopped. You can't really tell I did all that by looking at my house because I have a Pigpen living here - you know that character in Peanuts? Well he lives here. He forgets to shut cabinet doors and he forgets to pick up his newspapers and he forgets to take off his yard shoes before he comes in the house. That bedroom carpet he cleaned a week ago? Has footprints on it. Has to be cleaned again.

Anyway, it's Saturday and I'm not going to work all day like I've done all week. I'm going to the sewing room and stay till time to warm up the leftovers for supper. I love Saturdays!

What are you going to do on this Saturday? Do something you love. Something that makes you smile. Something that makes you say, "Praise you Lord and thanks for Saturday!"


1 Amelia said...

My Saturday has been very enjoyable so far...worked in the flowers and sewed some. We are just eating very light at lunch (what ever you can find) as we are going out to eat tonight .. celebrating our anniversary.

Tomorrow will be praising the Lord with our church services.

2 Mary L. Briggs said...

I have been painting my bathroom all week and am finishing up today~yipee! My hubby made new shelves that look really nice and they both have their first coat of paint on them. I hope that by Monday, that room is completely back to normal~well, better than the normal it was before this little re-do! Have a great Saturday!

3 Karen said...

Drove down and met youngest daughter about a 1/2 hr. from college for lunch. Took her some things she forgot. Hit Walmart for somethings she needed. Said Good bye and drove home. Also made some cookies this AM - 1/2 for her and 1/2 for here. Looks to be a quiet evening!
Always good to see any of our kids!

4 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I first went to the 5 yr old's soccer game, then we went for breakfast at a new bakery in town (Missouri Blvd) shopping at Hobby Lobby and Target.
It was then time to come home to the tomatoes. I got over 1/2 of them canned that were left from yesterday. Now I think I will mow some grass.
no rest for the wicked.

5 Adrienne said...

I'm cleaning house and puttering around doing little odds and ends of things - hanging a picture found at a garage sale yesterday and some tidbits to get ready for taking our travel trailer out over the Labor Day Weekend. I have to clean house today because my kitchen has been torn apart. My brother-in-law in putting in the long-awaited backsplash in my kitchen. He started and then ran into a scheduling problem (his) and had to quit. I'm putting things all back on the counters and walls near the backsplash area. Just in time to take them all off again when he returns - soon, I hope! In the meantime my sweetheart has my range in the middle of the kitchen floor in order to change some wiring behind the stove. Big hole in the wall! But good excuse not to cook. ~Adrienne~

6 Elaine Adair said...

What I did Saturday? Tried to watch Fons and Porter but there was a gigantic areawide power glitch - no power. Went to visit the QS, 30 miles away and guess what, no power. Came home and basted a quilt - didn't need electricity for that! The best part, took a nap! 8-)))

7 Val said...

Well I cooked and cleaned and put up my hot peppers. I cleaned out 2 refrigerators and caught up my ironing. It was a good day though and I was so thankful. Hope you have a blessed Sunday.

8 Lena . . . said...

Oh, I do so have to adapt your attitude. I live with one of those "Pigpens" too - only add a 4-footed hair factory to that and it's more than a full-time cleaning job. And the disappointing fact is that I used to be able to keep up and have extra time, but with the hip issues developing I can't anymore. I keep thinking that when I get my cleaning and organizing done I'll sit down at my sewing machine and as a result, that just doesn't happen. I think from now on I have to take Saturdays off and maybe Sundays too - after church. We did take a couple of hours on Saturday afternoon to drive to a little town down the road and attend their street fair. And we're having a fire in the firepit in the backyard tonight with a bunch of friends. The nights are down in the 40s now, so it's time for fires and friends. Happy Sunday!