Will he be an Olympic Swimmer?

Or perhaps a Gourmet Chef?

He could easily be a NASCAR driver!

And he'd make a great zoo keeper.

He might choose to be a gymnast in the circus.

Or perhaps a television producer!

Or he could just possible be the most beautiful baby God ever made. :)

I vote for the last choice... well, almost the cutest one! ;)
He certainly is ONE of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen.
Oh he is a cutie...I bet he is just great at snuggling, too.
Oh the possibilities are endless, aren't they? He's so adorable--I'm glad you got to spend some time with him!
The last picture...now that is a million dollar smile! Wat a cutie!
Spoken like a true Grandmother!
Mama Bear
Just as long as he's forever as happy and healthy as he is in these pics, I don't suppose you mind WHAT he does!
love, Angie, xx
He can be anything he wants to be with that beautiful smile!
He is a cutie! And just about the cutest baby God ever made. Oh, the possibilities a child has in deciding which road to take.
He is really really adorable! Very handsome!!!
And I vote for the circus! At least for a summer! How fun would that be!?
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