Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Accolades for a Product

If you don't do applique you won't be interested in this post. Just warning you!
I bought this last month and I am in love! I've been using Steam a Seam which I like for machine applique. But I do lots of hand applique and Steam a Seam is sticky. This stuff is awesome! I can't tell it's there because it's so soft. It's great for machine applique but incredible for hand applique. Just thought you'd want to know. :)


1 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Thank you for letting us know about this. I need to find it now!!

2 Lena . . . said...

How exciting - I need to look for it too. Isn't it wonderful that we can get so enthused over such small wonders? I bought the most beautiful periwinkle blue hydrangea fabric from a quilting store when we were traveling. It's going to make a beautiful stack and whack quilt (duvet cover) for our bed in the RV. I can't WAIT to get started on it. If I could just get all this other stuff I have to do out of the way so I can get started. My fingers are just itching to get going.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I have been using some bonding material that you iron on. It really takes a lot of heat and pressure to get it to stick. Any tips like this are appreciated.
Mama Bear

4 said...

Where can we get it? It sounds great for hand applique.

5 Adrienne said...

Thanks - can't wait to try it. Appreciate the information. ~Adrienne~

6 Mary L. Briggs said...

I've never heard of that product~thanks, Marlene!

7 Salem Stitcher said...

I'll have to look for it. I can't find my favorite fusible anymore around here and what I got last time was, well, we won't say what it was but it was not fun.

8 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have tried it too and love it for hand applique although I haven't used it much.

9 Teresa said...

I will have to try some of this stuff out. I read through some of your posts - been awhile since I visited as my pc has been in the shop. Those pictures of your grandson are just too cute and I love the titles you put with them.

10 Helen said...

I want to find this, too. I have a JoAnn's not far from here. Wonder if they carry it....

I am working on some appliques for my grandchildren's birthday outfits.

Thanks for the information on this product.


11 Marilyn Robertson said...

I will keep my eye out for this product. I like the fact that it stays soft even after ironing. Thanks!