Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's Sunday

It's Sunday.

I live in America.

I get to worship God today wherever I want.

However I want.

With anybody I want.



1 Helen said...

I second that HALLELUJIA!

We are very fortunate to be American.

Have a wonderful Sunday. Enjoy to the max.


2 Granna Girl said...

Amen! And I hope and pray my grandchildren will be able to, too.

Anonymous said...


I was just checking out your books in the sidebar. We enjoy some of the same authors

Mama Bear

4 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Amen Sister!

5 Adrienne said...

Another amen! We are blessed!

6 Michelle said...

Have a wonderful Sunday!
be blessed,

7 Mary L. Briggs said...

Amen! It's so beautiful out today~hope you've had a wonderful day!

8 Grammy Staffy said...

That is a great blessing. I add my amens and hallelujias to yours.

Have a great week.

9 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

And all God's people said: "AMEN"!

10 Val said...

We are more than blessed. Thanks for the reminder.

11 Jacquie said...

SO thankful for that!! We need to pray that it stays that way.

12 Meggie said...

"Any way we want" to worship. I cling to that creed.

As for your last post on Shades SoftFuse, does it hold up when washed? This stuff sounds incredible!

BTW: I found myself thinking about a former post you had about making laundry detergent and Googled up some recipes. This was after I went grocery shopping and reeled at the cost of most name-brand products. The price just keeps going up and up and up. And fabric softener couldn't be easier to make for just pennies. My recipe called for inexpensive hair conditioner and vinegar. This is on my to-do list. Can't wait to try it. -Megan-

13 Tipper said...