Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, August 31, 2009

August Goals...Met and Unmet

I worked really hard this month! I didn't realize how much sewing I had done until I started looking at the pictures I'd taken.

I wanted to get at least four of the blocks done for my wool wall quilt. I had started putting them together in July and had stitched one. There are 12 in all.

I finished five of them so I'm halfway there with the blocks! I love the sunflower one. And the color of the red flowers on this one is such a deep, vibrant red that it just makes me smile.

And then there are these daisys - such happy flowers, don't you think?

This hummingbird block has more colors than most of the rest of them so it will stand out on the quilt I think.

And who couldn't love a cat block?

Some time ago I showed this embroidery piece. I left it on my design wall for the longest time because I couldn't decide what to do with it. Finally I settled on a plain throw pillow for my couch.

This little wallhanging is the August block for a BOM I'm working on. It has piecing, paper piecing, and applique.

You've seen this wool bluebird before too but it's a finish now and will hang on this little wire hanger that I found hiding in my sewing room.

Another wool project! This Pumpkin Pillow Cover is on a king sized pillow and will eventually reside on a cream bedspread in one of our bedrooms through the fall season.

Another embroidery you've seen but this is the finished pillow. I used to make pillows with ruffles but I guess my taste is changing because now I seem to favor things that are much more plain...part of the "simplify" motto I'm trying to adopt.
I had another finish too but I want to show it on a later post. And I almost, almost finished Winter Wonderland! Alas, I was just too tired to put that last row on. But soon.....soon you'll see that top all done too! I even got out a quilt top that I pieced about 3 years ago that has been waiting on an appliqued border and fused all the flowers and leaves on. I hope to get that finished in September - that might be a miracle in the making!
I'm making progress on those UFOs ya'll! A few this month, a few next month, who knows...I could maybe get them all done by the end of the year. Or not.


1 Michelle said...

Very pretty! Good job!

2 said...

Congratulations on all you have gotten done. You have done beautiful work. If you get them all done now, I bet you start some for next year.

3 Karen said...

You really got a lot done. The wool blocks are fantastic. And the pillow with the willow tree would be something I would like to make.

4 molly said...

Lovely designs, beautiful work!

5 Di said...

Well done, you've been so productive! I really love the wool wall quilt, especially the little black cat.

6 Di said...

Well done, you've been so productive! I really love the wool wall quilt, especially the little black cat.

7 Adrienne said...

Great job! You deserve an award - or a big round of applause. Or both! ~Adrienne~

8 MARCIE said...

You got all these done this month? These are beautiful! How are your fingers?

9 Salem Stitcher said...

Wow! You have been busy! I've got that same wool BOM put together. It's just sitting there waiting on me to get the gumption up to tackle laying out the applique in those borders.

Anonymous said...

I like the Hummingbird block, best. However, the cat looks like Smokey so I like that one, too.
Mama Bear

11 Val said...

You really have done a lot. I wish I could come and sit with you for a while and learn how to embroider. You do an awesome job on it all.

12 Angie said...

You are just too clever Marlene. I wouldn't know where to start with any of it. Your home must have the most beautiful hangings and drapings.

love, Angie, xx

13 Teresa said...

Your wool applique is very nice. The hummingbird did catch my eye right away as I am really drawn to colorful things. The kitty cat block is another one of my favs.

14 Marilyn Robertson said...

Your wool applique is just beautiful! Some day I am going to pull out the wool I have been collecting and make something...someday!