Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


My beautician is going to retire.  Could things be any worse?

sad face


I guess they could.  My gynecologist could quit too!


1 Michelle said...

How horrible. Are you the kind of person that once you have someone, you hate to change? I have had the same hair dresser, chiropractor, and doctors for as long as I can remember.

Lucky for me though, I don't have to do that gynecologist thing anymore. Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!
be blessed,

2 Amelia said...

Oh! How terrible! I am one of those ladies who has a standing appointment every week. You know the kind that regardless of what is happening I will be there. These younger operators just do not know how to style hair...the way I wear my hair any way.

Good luck in finding another one!

3 Val said...

This is terrible but a lot better than I thought when I saw your title. You are so funny!

4 Salem Stitcher said...

I am so sorry. Now you have to deal with the adventure of finding someone new. Good luck with that and when you find someone, let me may be worth the drive from NC.

But you are right, the gyn quitting would be devastating.

5 Helen said...

Wait...I've got a GREAT idea!!!

Ask your gynecologist to do your hair!!!

Oh, wait...maybe that won't work. If you're like me you only have to go to the gynecologist once a year.

Never mind.


6 Paula, the quilter said...

You have my heartfelt sympathy! I had to replace my first hairdresser when one side of my hair started to be a lot shorter than the other. The second hairdresser moved to Belize, and as much as I would have liked to go, I could not justify the expense of a weekly trip to Belize on top of the cost of the appointment. I have had my present hairdresser for some time and she recently went in with some other gals and purchased their own shop, so I think she will be around for a while. Good luck.

7 Dandelion Quilts said...

I was feeling sad for you and then you made me laugh with that last comment, Marlene. Start asking your friends or even strangers you see in the store (who you like their hair) where they go. It will work out.

8 Lena . . . said...

Horrors! There is nothing worse than having to locate a new hairdresser or a new doctor regardless of what kind he is.

9 Mainly a midwife said...

I like how you post your goals for the month on your blog. It's probably a good visual reminder! And I'm in awe of all the good books you have read so far this year.

10 Marie Rayner said...

I haven't been to a beautician since I moved over here to England. I miss going. Good luck finding another one that you like as much as this one!

11 Joy said...

I understand completely ... mine's pregnant so I have til Christmas to find someone who can do my hair the same ;o). Good luck in your hunt :o).
Joy :o)

12 Mary L. Briggs said...

At first I was almost afraid to click on this post, LOL! So sorry. . .they are really hard to replace when they 'understand' your personal hair needs. I hope you find another soon!

13 Sandy said...

That is so funny....but I would feel the same way! I HATE change and having to explain all of that personal stuff from head to toe would be overwhelming!! LOL
I've gone to the same beauty shop for 20 years and have had the same gal for at least 10. She is young and hopefully no more babies!!

Anonymous said...

Good beautician's are hard to come by or at least one that you feel comfortable with after so many years. Many years of military moves forced me to HAVE TO GET A NEW ONE; sometimes for the good and then other times I wouldn't return to them! LOL Best of luck!!

15 Needled Mom said...

I hate, hate, hate, HATE finding a new hairdresser. I would rather find a new OB/GYN as it doesn't have a daily impact on my life.

The photo says it all.

Anonymous said...

Well, we're in a similar fix. I need to find both now that I've moved. How long can I keep tripping back to Memphis to get my hair done. I made do with a check up at the doc in a box just to get prescription refills but I have to find an internist, preferably a woman, so that I can get my pap and mam.
Mama Bear

17 Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

LOL - I'd pass up my gyno and day over my hairdresser!! I hope you find some soon!

Anonymous said...


19 Marge said...

Fortunately I picked a hairdresser who is about the age of my kids..... therefore, I expect her to be around long after I'm dead. And I'll go without a haircut rather than let anyone else cut it! My doctor is also young....I just have to schedule my physicals around her babies!

20 diamondstatecurlygurl said...

OH the devastation!!! The only thing worse than your beautician retiring? Finding out your hairdresser is retiring from your Mom's BLOG!!