Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

June Goals

I got a good start this month on my embroidered Halloween quilt blocks. I've done four and there are only eight in all. I'm doing these on a dark tea color Kona cotton with black thread. The surrounding blocks will be pieced using oranges, rusts, browns and blacks.

This picture of "Marlene's Herb Garden" is not of the finished quilt because I've entered it into a quilt show here in Hot Springs and forgot to take a picture before I did that. But it is finished and the binding is on!

The binding is also on this Snowball Quilt and, in fact, the grandchildren used it this past weekend to cover with at night - I don't think the snowballs made them feel any cooler though. :)

This table topper, "Friendship", is made of wool and was the most fun to make. I love stitching on wool - that old saying, "it's like sewing through butter" really holds true with this!

And the binding is on the Butterfly Quilt too!

As for the rest of my June goals - well not much progress. I haven't done any studying so that means I didn't read Breaking Free by Beth Moore. However, I did go to Little Rock and buy the workbook that goes with it so I'm ready! Maybe in July. Maybe.

And weight loss - not a happy tale there either. If you remember I had lost 19 pounds since Christmas. The first week I came back from babysitting I gained 3 pounds. :( I chalked it up to not getting as much exercise (no changing diapers, no picking him up and putting down and picking him up, no pushing the stroller, etc.) I asked my son if he wouldn't just quit his job and move down here next door to me but he declined. I can't imagine why! I've lost 2 of those pounds but that means I'm still up 1 pound from last month. Not so good but not so bad.

How did you do on your goals this month?

And does anyone know why Blogger is rearranging everything I put in my post? Grrrrrr!


1 Meggie said...

Your quilts are just so very neat and imaginative. Do you hand quilt or machine quilt? My MIL used to hand quilt every single one, but now she has them machine quilted because her hands are not what they used to be. I hate having to worry about my weight. I'd rather think of it as, I try to watch my health. Either way, I hate it. Food is such a treat. -Megan-

2 Angie said...

Your quilts are lovely Marlene, a real work of Art.

As for weight loss / gain - see my next blog entry! Here's a clue: not good!

love, Angie, xx

3 Joy said...

LOL, blogger has a mind of it's own sometimes!!!! Love the snowball quilt, scrappy quilts are a huge favourite with me :o)
Joy :o)

4 Unknown said...

Gorgeous quilts!!! I am alwyas amazed at how much you do accomplish. You kick my rear!

5 Salem Stitcher said...

Gosh, you've gotten a lot done! And, all are beautiful.

6 molly said...

Cute Halloween blocks---four months to go---how organized you are! Love the herb quilt---beautiful stitching....You make me look like a slug! I got one applique block done and made one pillowcase to match a quilt I made last year for my g'daughter. One pillowcase. And now I'm working on a ninja turtle quillow, with a star wars one up next, for two little grandsons who both turn five this month.
Seeing how productive you are, then looking on your sidebar and seeing how much you read, I'm thinking I must be doing something drastically wrong.....What's the secret?? Do tell!

7 Di said...

I love your snowball quilt (and I can imagine your grandchildren would too!). So bright and happy!

8 Teresa said...

Everything is beautiful, but I must say, that wool applique has me so interested. I have bought a small wool candle mat to try out.

9 Val said...

Wow you have got a lot done. I am impressed. And your weight loss is impressive. You are right, it does take a lot of energy with a little one. That is where I am today with 4 little ones!

10 Lori said...

It sure looks like a productive month to me. They're all great but I really like the herb quilt.

11 Susannah said...

Marlene, Look at your beautiful quilts!!!!!!! You have been very busy! I especially love "Marlene's Herb Garden". You set your mind to something and you do it! Each one is gorgeous.


12 said...

It was great to see you today and to see your quilts hanging. Your goals are so inspiring to me.

13 Marilyn Robertson said...

Beautiful quilts! I have been collecting wool, but I have not done anything with it yet. Some day I will. Your little table topper is soooo cute!

14 Tracy P. said...

Those are so beautiful--I love the snowball quilt!

I gave up on trying to arrange my posts a long time ago, so you are more patient than I am! I just center my pictures and write under them. But with your nice wide column, you should have more flexibility!

I am very proud of your weight loss--the sheer fact that you have stayed on top of any gains back is wonderful.

15 Memaw's memories said...

Your quilts are beautiful. I especially like the butterfly one.

The herb garden quilt is also gorgeous.

Can't help you with blogger. I get really frustrated too.

16 Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

Oh, I do truly love the snowball quilt!