Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Letter To Politicians Everywhere

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

I know that you are in the middle of a battle - after all, political campaigns have all the characteristics of war. Skirmishes take place everywhere you go and sometimes you catch the enemy unaware, drawing blood when you can. Sometimes the enemy surprises you, coming from a direction you never expected, and he/she strikes quickly. You must be exhausted from the constant need to be on guard.

In light of how tired you are I must assume that you aren't thinking as clearly as you would like. For that reason (otherwise I would never presume to give you advice) I am going to tell you something I think you need to know. Whoever on your staff told you that computerized campaign messages called to everyone owning a telephone...well that person is not your friend. I repeat, NOT your friend. Run from him/her. Run fast before you lose any more votes than you already have. He could even be a spy from the enemy camp. And if that same person told you that calling every 30 minutes during the week prior to the election would flood the voters with your accolades, then you should probably just shoot him. The nasty truth is that those of us on the receiving end of the phone calls, well we're writing down the names of the politicians and voting AGAINST every one who has dialed our number.

Respectfully yours,


1 Unknown said...


2 Needled Mom said...

I just wish they would listen. You might also add all the mail flyers. I walk directly from the mailbox to the trash can and deposit all the junk. Save a tree AND my mailman's back!!!!!!

3 Lena . . . said...

Touche - or however that's spelled!! Well, said, My Dear.

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOL....that would be the way to STOP them in their phone tracks!

5 nanny said...

I don't answer my phone unless I recognize the number and I turned the answer machine OFF. I switch channels on tv the instant a commercial comes on.....Blanche Lincoln and Bill Halter are driving me CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!

6 Marge said...

I am with you! The more they bother me, the more I know for sure that I won't vote for them! Leave me alone! If the politicians would spend some of their time working on fixes for issues, I would listen to them, but they don't. So I won't vote for them.

7 Teresa said...

AMEN to that!

8 Lori said...

Preach it sister!

9 Jacquie said...

Agreed!! I got home from work the other day to 7 MESSAGES (all political) on my machine!! (Of course, the Do Not Call list doesn't apply to the politicians who passed it!!!)

10 Ruth said...

Yeah! I wish they would listen to us for a change!

11 Janet, said...

I usually just hang up. What I hate most is when Unions or an association similar to them call you up and tell you who to vote for! This is still a free country (thank goodness) and no one is going to tell me who to vote for.

12 Cindy said...

Well said! If I don't recognize the number on our caller I.D., I don't answer. I also put a notice on my front door that we respectfully did not welcome political solicitations or having any handbills left on our porch.

I think in November I'm going to post a copy of our local ballot on my door with my choices marked so anyone soliciting can see it then leave.

13 Angie said...

Having just been through a general election I can say that THAT was bad enough. All my favourite tv shows cancelled in favour of political discussions. But I am so thankful that over here they haven't latched on to the email / telephone thing yet. That would really drive me nuts.

Anonymous said...

Just got a call today (Sunday) 12:10 pm - can you imagine... even Sunday is no longer "a day off". Tuesday is election day here in PA. God Bless American.

15 Jody Blue said...

That stuff just plain wear on a person! You would think they would wise up.

16 Mary L. Briggs said...

Well said, Marlene! I've started letting the answer machine pick up after 6 pm. Hopefully, no more calls after tomorrow!

17 Susannah said...

Well...respectively from me! I could not agree with you more! YOU hit the nail on the head! Wonderful! I just wish the "important ones" would read this and something would happen!

Great post, my dear!

18 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Ain't that the truth! Things should taper off for you after today. Our primary was a few weeks ago, the phones have been blissfully silent ever since.

19 Adrienne said...

Right on! I'm using caller ID all the time, especially during political campaigns.