Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Naptime On The Lake


1 Angie said...

You are lucky to have all this right on your doorstep!

2 Lori said...

Love this! Look at all that young fluffiness!

3 Phyllis said...

How wonderful to have these gorgeous creatures so close to you!

Thank you for the encouraging words. They told me all they ask is that I show up on time and do my job. I told them they'd get a lot more than that out of me!

I hate having to struggle financially and draw on my retirement funds, but thankful I "gave till it hurt" for so many years.

I'll be visiting my blog friens more often, now that I feel like the fog has been lifted!

4 Amy said...

I love the new neighbors!!!

Anonymous said...

there is a brood on a pond near us and sometimes I can see them from the road as I drive by. I like to see new life in nature.
Mama Bear

6 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I love Canada geese, how would you like a turkey to round out this picture?

7 Lena . . . said...

We have a pair of Canadians that have nested and a pair of Mallards. Hopefully we'll be seeing babies swimming by soon. Last night I saw a deer crossing an open area in our back yard headed for the river to drink.

8 Sandy said...

What sweet balls of fluff....but I know their parents can be VERY protective!!

9 Mary L. Briggs said...

They are so sweet! I love to look at Canadian Geese. We finally have a pair that stop by our little lake every once in a while, but not often. Maybe they don't like the little wood ducks that hang-out there, too. I love to watch birds-any kind, any size!

10 Val said...

Your babies are the same size of mine! They are neat to watch but they are really messy! I love them though.

11 Cindy said...

Just yesterday as I was driving home from the grocery store I had to stop as a family of geese like this crossed the road from one pond to another. How fun that you get to watch this family.

12 molly said...

New season, new birth, new fluffy life in the world. Spring goes too fast here. I used to love the gradual unfolding.....Here, spring lasts two days,max. Then summer is upon us in all its sweltering-ness!

13 Glenda said...

Wish I had some in my front yard! I'll bet you're really enjoying watching them!

14 Janet, said...

So regal looking and the little ones are so pretty!

15 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Ooooo...what is it about fuzzy things that makes me go gaga! How precious those wee ones are!

16 Grammy Staffy said...

You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place by the lake. I just love your little feathered friends. What fun to have them near you.
I missed you while we were gone. I have had fun reading some of your last posts. I had to laugh at your letter to politicians. Please add my name to the end of that letter too. You gave them good advice.

Hugs, Lura

17 Jody Blue said...

A nice treat. It is just so fun to watch anything baby.