Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Update on the Gumbo

As told by my husband this is the recipe for the gumbo:

Boil a chicken, cool it off and take it off the bone.
Slice some sausage (polish, etc.) and fry it a little.
Make a roux.
To the roux add onions, celery and garlic. Stir it up and cook a little to wilt it.
To the roux add lots of chicken broth, the chicken and the sausage. Let that cook a couple of hours. At the end add shrimp, crawfish tails (these come in a package in the fish section in WalMart) and sliced okra. Cook just til these are done. Serve over rice. Oh and somewhere in there season with salt and pepper. For those of you who like things hot you can add a can of rotel, cajun seasoning, etc.

Sorry ya'll but that's the amounts, no real time. You'll just have to experiment. But it's well worth the experiment.

Someone asked about the shellfish - if you're allergic just leave them out. When we first married Jerry's mother made okra gumbo, which was this same "recipe" but without the shrimp and crawfish tails.

Let me know if you try it!


1 Arkansas Patti said...

Will have to wait for company but will give it a try with out the shellfish like your MIL.Thank you.

2 Julie in the Barn said...

sounds like some of my recipes. I think the roux is probably the key. Too bad I don't have that bit perfected. But I'll give it a try, shellfish and all. We actually catch our own crawdads here!

3 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

That's a whole lot like my recipe, except I add green peppers and never use the okra.

a bowl of that with crust bread . . .nothing better! Except the hubby likes hot sauce on his.