Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


He's huge!  And he's pink.  :)  Because granddaughters should be spoiled, right?
It's her birthday....5 years old and sassy and not as big as this hippo.  She's gonna' love it.  Her parents, not so much.


1 Marie Rayner said...

How adorable Marlene!! I am sure she will positively love it! What a great gift!! xxoo

2 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Now that would make me happy on my Birthday (shh, I'm not 5). That is just so cute and cuddly, gotta love it.

3 Di said...

Ooooh, I just want to give him a great big hug! Hope your little granddaughter feels the same :-))

4 Rita said...

This big pink hippo is the cutest! Did you have a special pattern? How nice! She is going to cuddle it to pieces. :)

5 Arkansas Patti said...

Adorable and hay, it could have been a drum set.

6 Michelle said...

S/He looks VERY soft!Did you make it? I'm positive your granddaughter will LOVE it!

7 Tracy P. said...

I'm with Patti! :-)

8 ShabbyESP said...

What a sweet hippo!!!!
Your granddaughter will love it!!!
Suzann ~xoxox~

9 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

That hippo looks so soft and sweet! Happy 5th to her.

10 Pat - Arkansas said...

What 5 yr old would not love that pink hippo?! Happy Birthday to a lucky little girl.

11 ferne said...

The parents have got to love noise and no batteries, perfect for a taking a little nap is adorable!

12 Paula, the quilter said...

How darling! Isn't it fun making stuffed toys? Happy Birthday to the lucky granddaughter.

13 krisgray said...


14 ColoradoBelle said...

How fun is that!?! Lanie will love it.

15 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh can I be your Granddaughter!!! That is darling, she will just love it!

16 Mary Bergfeld said...

Her parents will just have to learn to deal with it :-). I am new to your blog and have spent some time browsing through your earlier entries. I'm so glad I did. You've created a wonderful spot for your readers to visit. I really enjoyed myself. I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

17 Sparky said...

Anything cuddly, pink and for a 5 yr old...especially a girl...who are you kidding..I want to be 5 again..!

Smack me will you? lol

18 Amy said...

Oh I love it! Sooo cute!

19 Jacquie Wallace said...

I love it! Adorable.

20 Grammy Staffy said...

She will love it... and yes granddaughters are meant to be spoiled. However, in Claire's case, it seems that the big toy sink, cabinet and refrig and many of her stuffed animals have all ended up at my house. Now how did that happen?????

Have a great week. I have been thinking of calling you for support and advice. A friends husband just committed suicide. I am trying to be a support but it is hard to know what to say. I am afraid that the family needs so much more than any of us can give. Of course we all know God is the main source of support ... but we are the hands He uses to administer comfort. I am praying that He will guide me in being a support to this sweet family. Please pray for me to be in tune with His spirit and please pray for Alexis and her family. Thanks dear

21 Salem Stitcher said...

Okay. I covet the hippo. Covet, I say.

(lucky girl!)

22 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

That one makes me want to lay my head on it. So cute and she will love it. Happy Birthday granddaughter. Love your redwork basket quilt.

23 rubyslipperz1052 said...

How ON EARTH...did I miss this post???? A pink Hippo...OMGosh! My 23 year old daughter would love this! She collects hippos. Maybe, I should be looking for the pattern? It looks so sweet and cuddly...I'm gonna give it a Cyber-hug! Don't worry I'll wash my hands first =P


24 em's scrapbag said...

Being a mother of a little girl you are right on both counts. She is going to adore it. Mom and dad not so much.
Love your red work quilt. Very beautiful.

25 Karen said...

That's adorable in minky! She'll love it, for sure!

26 Karen said...

that's amazing!! happy birthday to your little one x