Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sometimes Things Don't Go Exactly Like You Thought

Does anyone besides me love those Sarah, Plain and Tall movies?  I love every single one of them - have watched them multiple times!  And I really love that apron Sarah wears - do you remember it?  It's long and it doesn't tie; instead, the back somehow crosses over like a wrap dress.  Last year I looked and looked for a pattern for that apron and even appealed to my friends on the net.  Then, finally, my friend Ida here in town found the pattern for me and I was so excited!  I just knew I would make that apron and turn into Sarah - tall and willowy and elegant looking.  I let the pattern lay here a while just enjoying the anticipation of it all.  This week I made it.  It is SO not what I pictured.
Oh it's ok, don't get me wrong.  It's just not what I dreamed about at all.  First of all, the pattern runs really large.  Really large.  I figured an apron, it needs to be roomy, right?  So I used size large, but not extra large.  Then I sewed it together and it was like a balloon!  So I took it up some but it's still too big.  Then it said to use binding on all the edges.  I don't remember Sarah's having binding.  :(  And to bind it you don't do that like a use the other kind of binding (double fold?) so I had to make that but it's just too wide to suit me.  And I chose white because I thought it would give it a nice fresh look but mainly I think it just looks like white binding added on. And, here's the worst part, you have to put it on over your head.  I never thought about that!

That apron is just fine.  It's serviceable.  It will definitely cover me up when I do housework.  If I ever do housework.  But it's not my dream.  Life is like that sometimes isn't it?  I just finished a study of David in the Bible and that apron reminded me of him.  David was a shepherd, just a shepherd.  Then boom he was crowned king when he was 15 or so.  But he didn't get to really be king for another 14 or 15 years.  And when he was king he messed things up pretty bad...had an affair, killed the husband, didn't discipline his kids, one child killed another child, etc.  I bet he didn't dream he would be that kind of king, but he made some really bad choices!  Life takes twists and turns we don't expect.  We plan a garden, dig the soil, plant the seeds, and a drought kills half of it.  We go to buy our first house and it turns out the money we think will buy a mansion will only pay for a ranch style.  We take a job thinking we'll quickly work our way up the ladder and we somehow get stuck at rung three.  We plan for Harvard for our firstborn and they decide to be a blue collar worker.    All of those things are just fine but aren't what we planned.  What do we do then?

Well, we can get mad and never dig another garden because the last one only gave us a few tomatoes.  But we'd miss those delicious, juicy tomatoes.  We could get depressed because we don't have a big fancy house like our friends, or we could savor the love that went into the buying of the one we have and spend our extra time making it into the beautiful home we want.  We could be bitter about not making it to CEO and make everyone around us miserable or we could enjoy the work we do and the people we work with.  We could shame our child for not being who we want them to be or we could rejoice in the wonderful person they are.  Life is all about choices and the biggest choice we make is attitude.  I'm gonna' love that apron even though I didn't turn into a tall, willowy, elegant Sarah.  I'm going to wear it cleaning house today.  And it's going to remind me that I might not be Sarah but I have choices about the way I live my life.  I can live it with joy if I choose joy.  And I choose joy.


1 Tracy P. said...

This is a fabulous, wonderful post. I LOVE it! Thank you for getting my day off to a smiling start!

2 Becky said...

Wonderful, inspiring post!!

3 FlourishingPalms said...

Thy cup runneth over! Thank you for this message. I don't need the big house (in fact we're getting ready to sell our home of 22 years and downsize - gulp), we haven't made it big in the stock market, nor do I have nearly enough fabric (ggg), but I do have joy in the Lord. Thank you God for who you are.

Your apron pattern is just like the one my Grandma made and wore - all the time! - on the farm. Hers were sewn from feedsack fabric and edged with rick-rack (not binding). Hmm, wonder if that pattern is still at farmhouse...

4 Unknown said...

Love your blog today! Simply put, we have to walk in faith. I'm sure most of us have overlooked blessings. You've given me something to think about today, and I needed that. Thanks! :)

Have a great day!!

5 paulette said...

Well said!! We need to read this post every few months!! Thanks!!

6 Karee said...


7 Carrie P. said...

Good choice. enjoyed reading this post. makes a person think.

8 Jody Blue said...

Great post, gives me a little reminder, I tell my kids life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Thanks for sharing.

9 Marge said...

Beautiful post! I love your comparison... so much truth! And I love the apron. It's just like my grandma wore every day, over her housedress!

10 Carol said...

Marlene, you are a wise woman. Thank you for the inspiring blog today. I also have to agree with Jody Blue's comment. It's all about attitude and choices.

11 Michelle said...

I love the way you think!

12 Cindy said...

Just what I needed to ponder on today!

13 Lea and her Mustangs said...

My grandma Kephart wore an apron like that every day. I need to find a pattern and make one. Love you analogies. Can't remember is Sara's was plain or had a binding. Have watched them several times. Oldest daughter treasures the books. She would love an apron like that. Youhave inspired me. Blessings

14 Lori said...

Great post! from a wonderful attitude!

15 Mary L. Briggs said...

Great post, Marlene! We have the choice to be happy with what we have or miserable for what we want. There are just too many blessings that we tend to over look.

I'm glad you've decided to wear that apron and be happy with it:) I love those movies, too!!

16 Pat - Arkansas said...

A beautiful, though-provoking post. Thank you!

17 Diane H said...

Thank you for this. May God bless you as you go about your day in your new apron.

18 Arkansas Patti said...

Love this post. Attitude means everything, circumstances, not so much.
I loved those movies also.


What a lovely post. And I love the Sarah Plain and Tall apron. I would love to see you in your apron. I have also watched these movie many many times and love them too. Have a great weekend. Hugs Judy

20 Julie Fukuda said...

Thanks for the reminder.I learned a long time ago that the only thing we have any control over is ourselves. Looking at the situation as a challenge or an opportunity is up to us.

21 Terry said...

I've had the same thing happen with several different projects. It's all about making the best of things when things don't go the way we want them too. :0)

22 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said... totally rock! :)
Love ya!
xx, shell

23 Chris said...

I made that apron for myself years ago. The same company also made a pattern in child size but discontinued it. I love my apron cause it's like the one my Nana wore. You'll come to love it because, like Sarah you have a happy heart.

24 Linda said...

What a wonderful post! I couldn't have ever said this as well as you. I agree completely. I don't think life EVER goes exactly as we plan. We just have to make the most of where God puts us. (And that is exactly where we need to be!

25 FabricFascination said...

Well said.

26 Grammy Staffy said...

Lura's number in ICU is 801 357-2288 room 262

I can not make email work but call us at this number to talk to Lura. We will give you her cell number when you call. Lura should be in ICU for 2 more days.

27 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Marlene, it always makes my day when I come over and read your post. Love this one and your apron is so happy and proud to be worn by Miss Marlene. Thanks again for making my day.

28 Gmama Jane said...

Dear marlene, what a lovely and WISE post! No apron in the world will make my 5'3" frame long tall and billowy. I can only hope that my heavenly body will be more like Sarah Plain and Tall and not Rosie O'Donnell. Your words of wisdom were very well said. You are a "pearl of great price".

29 Jacquie Wallace said...

Loved this post, Marlene!! (I've often wondered about David... a "man after God's own heart" and yet, he did the things he did.)

30 Teresa said...

I'll never look at an apron again without thinking of this post. Thanks for the thought provoking words.

31 Purple Pam said...

Hurrah for your positive attitude. When you wear that apron you will be tall and thin!

32 The Mayo Family said...

Good morning~
Oh God is so good & knows just what we need!
I came across your blog in a very funny way & all I can say is I am thankful!
Wonderful post & what I needed to hear today!
Thank you, I will be back to visit!
P.S. We are in WI , but my hubby is originally from Alabama. :)
We have friends in Arkansas!

33 The Duchess said...

I also have searched for Sarah's apron to no avil.Please post the pattern name & number. I want to photocopy grandmother's recipe card and use it as a pocket stains and all.Write