Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

One Thousand Blessings - Day 22

751.  God's grace
752.  Windows
753.  Wool socks
754.  Words when they flow from my pen
755.  Real butter
756.  Scones
757.  A good belly laugh
758.  Luke 9:51
759.  Sitting beside my child at church
760.  Search and rescue teams
761.  Clean water
762.  Volunteers
763.  The warmth of the sun
764.  Coupons
765.  Really sharp needles
766.  Having a washing machine and dryer here in my house
767.  Books about heaven
768.  Free quilt inspiration on the internet
769.  Friends who know me and love me anyway
770.  Inexpensive reading glasses
771.  Bookmarks that don't fall out of the book
772.  Forsythia blooming along a fence
773.  Bacon, eggs and biscuits
774.  Small children all dressed up
775.  Easter egg dye
776.  Sunday afternoon movies


1 Tracy P. said...

Especially yes to butter, sitting beside my child in church and inexpensive reading glasses. Oh and of course God's grace and heaven. :-)

2 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Wonderful list.

3 rubyslipperz1052 said...

I am SOO glad you do this!! It rally makes me stop and think about all the blessings that swing my way...Thank you!


4 Arkansas Patti said...

Oh, I am so glad you are continuing. I agree with all most all of your choices and they remind me to appreciate my own.
Thank you.

5 Julie Fukuda said...

Yes, to all those and I might add friends that care enough to check in after an earthquake.

6 Wendy said...

I feel blessed to have 'met' you in the blogihood... thank you for sharing the reminders of what blessing surround us every day :)

7 Grammy Staffy said...

I love your list. You are so thoughtful and creative to think of it.
I'm sorry I missed your give away. Ellie is the queen of spit up and goes through burp clothes like crazy. ... oh well... I guess I'd better get busy making some.

Thanks so much for the call. You are special to me. I've been in the sewing room all week. I have more projects to do than I can fit into each day but little by little they are getting done. That makes me smile.

I'm sending hugs to you. Have a great week. Love, Lura

8 Sharon said...

Your list is a true blessing! Thank you!

9 Lelia Chealey said...

Havne't blog hopped for awhile, but you've been on my mind. I was looking over past posts on my blog and you always encouraged my heart. Thank you for that.
Blessings & hugs your way Ms. Marlene!

10 Sparky said...

ahhh I can think of one more...
# infinitum...YOU.
there you have it...x

11 Jacquie Wallace said...

Another good list!! #759 got to me!

12 Carrie P. said...

Yay! for God's grace and clean water. I can only imagine what the people in Japan are going through not being able to get clean water.