Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Redwork Baskets

When I started quilting in 1995 I took pictures of all my quilts and other projects.  That was before I had a digital camera so I have pictures stuck in a scrapbook.  I'm trying to go back and take pictures of those, at least the ones I still have, so I can document them on my computer.  This wall hanging is one made a couple of years ago but is a favorite.  It hangs in my bathroom and I'm getting a bit worried about it's exposure to hair spray and sunlight (there's a skylight in there) so I'm going to take it down soon.  But I thought I'd share it because I love it so.
And a little detail...


1 Marie Rayner said...

I am not surprised you love it Marlene! It's beautiful! You are so talented! xxoo

2 Vroomans' Quilts said...

This is too precious! Oh, I would be more worried about all the moisture into the fabric and threads. This deserves a much more showcase spot.

3 Sparky said...

Ok, this is beautiful...and the red stitching your bathroom they I too would be know me in my purple

4 Karen said...

I love basket blocks used in quilts. The redwork embroidery made a very special quilt. I have a set of basket patterns to use for redwork but don't know when I will get to doing the embroidery,

5 Julie Fukuda said...

Those redwork baskets are just beautiful! Even skylights on the north side if the roof let in a lot of light. I have things that need to be put away during the winter when the sun comes farther into the room.
I, too, am facing the problem of pictures taken before the digital era. I am slowly getting pictures of what I have but many more have left homee years ago without pictures.

6 JayTee said...

what beautiful redwork

7 Arkansas Patti said...

That is beautiful. I hope if you take it down from there, you move it where you can still enjoy it. Too pretty to be put away.

8 Salem Stitcher said...


9 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Beautiful red work and such fancy baskets.
When you are finished taking your digitals pictures of all your quilts, I have some you can take too!

10 Teresa said...

I have a fondness for Redwork and these baskets you have embroidered are very much like some my mom did. Its a wonderful quilt and I can easily see why you love it so much. I read through several of your more recent posts and have to comment on the pinwheels. The quilt is lovely, even if it has a few cut off points and wiggly seams. I don't particularly care for the method of making pinwheels that you used as it leaves all the outside edges on the bias, unless you cut your squares on the bias.

11 molly said...

Gorgeous! I worry too about exposing quilts to light and life! But, hey, life's for living and quilts should be out where we can enjoy them, not folded away in a closet "for safety!" It reminds me of how my daughter says "Mom! Use the good china! Drink from the crystal! What are you saving it for?" And she's right of course....

12 Tracy P. said...

Wow, Marlene! Your redwork is exquisite! I always love it, but this one with the coordinating fabric is extra special.

Anonymous said...

That is so pretty...I've decided to put up a couple of quilt hangers in the family and guest room and just rotate mine.....documenting them is a good idea...a sort of quilting journal...I think I made a photo of some of the first ones...but where would they be? How many do you reckon you've done in 15 years?
Mama Bear

14 Millie said...

Marlene, you did all the redwork by hand? Stunning work.

15 Adrienne said...

Beautiful! Your quilt is wonderful!

16 Needled Mom said...

Those baskets are fabulous!!!! There is nothing as beautiful as a wonderful redwork quilt in my eyes.

17 Pat - Arkansas said...

Gorgeous! That deserves to be seen by visitors who don't require a visit your bathroom!

18 Jody Blue said...

I'd rehang it someplace else, it does deserve to be seen.

19 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Stunning!! Just Stunning!

20 rubyslipperz1052 said...

VERY pretty, Marlene! I really admire your stitching! I dunno if I ever could live up to your standards.. aah, sigh..


21 Lindah said...

How pretty! I can't tell how large it is... too large to frame under protective glass? Just a simple narrow frame? Could probably be sealed from the moisture, too. Ah, but still the sunlight issue. hmmm. Beside your sewing machine where you can see it often? It is too pretty to hide away.

22 Kim said...

That is a beautiful quilt - gorgeous stitching too!

23 Retrogirl said...

Your work is incredible. Truly. What a gorgeous example of redwork!!
Best Wishes,

24 Purple Pam said...

Your redwork basket quilt is beautiful. I like the size of it, too.

25 Carrie P. said...

that quilt is stunning.