Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I know....I said I was back to blogging on a regular basis and then what did I do but disappear again!  I went to visit my sister and her internet was here one minute, gone another.  I never thought I'd be this tied to the internet, but then which of us thought we'd be blogging like this even five years ago?

You all know how I love the blog hops from Sew We Quilt and I couldn't even read and comment each day.  :(  But Madame Samm has done something really wonderful for those times when you only have a few minutes and want to see it all very quickly.  She has put all the posts from all the hops on Pinterest!  If you had to miss the Stamp On It Hop like I did you can find all of the gorgeous stamps HERE.    Check them out - you'll love it!


1 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Take a deep breath and get back when you can! Happy 4th!

2 Mary said...

I know what you mean! We all do love our internet, and I too do not like to miss these hops. They are so great.

3 Wendy said...

What a very good Cheerleader you are!! Thank you for the reminder Friend o'Mine!! :) :)

4 Adrienne said...

I miss you but it's OK to be away for awhile. Come back when you can!

5 Tammy said...

I love those hops too...

6 Julie Fukuda said...

It is all I can manage to just check in on my friends without hopping all over the world! Having recently spent some time without the internet, I know how you feel.