Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, July 8, 2013

I Love It When The Time Comes Out Even

What?  That doesn't make sense?  Have you ever had biscuits and gravy?  You eat your biscuit and there's gravy left.  So you get another biscuit, you eat half and run out of gravy so you have to get more gravy.  My dad used to complain about that all the time!  Of course, he was just wanting another biscuit.  :)

Last night I finished the stitching on this rooster tea towel just as the show I was watching on television ended.  The time came out even.  :)

The color looks different on the second one but the first is truer to the real colors as I stitched them, although neither is really accurate. The colors on the rooster are red, gold, green and blue. I put the bottom picture on so you could see that I used one of Moda's tea towels with a stripe on the edge.  I like these even though the weave is quite loose, which makes it kind of hard to stitch sometimes.  The pattern is called Rise & Shine and is from Yesterday's Charm and includes the iron-on transfers.  There are 7 patterns in the packet, all of chickens.  Tea Towels are a comfort to stitch - they are quick to finish and don't require a lot of brain power.  They are perfect for those days when you want to stitch something, but just don't know what!


1 Grammy Staffy said...

They are darling.... and so nice that they came out "on time"

2 Sparky said...

Well i must have heard your rooster from here as i am up before the sun does not help that i was in bed very early...
what is it with roosters, i have been collecting a few myself...i really like this one your stitches are perfect.. Ok.Marlene, what will you be stitching tomorrow i want to be ready lol

3 Grammasheri said...

I used to stitch on tea towels all the time. Haven't done it in quite awhile. Yours are so pretty!

4 Peggy Lee said...

Ah yes, I get it now. I hate it when I'm one biscuit short! Love the rooster!
I too wish there was a better way to show the true colors of our work. Sometimes it just takes away from the thrill of sharing a finish.

5 gpc said...

I love the idea of tea towels, AND roosters! :)

6 Jeanie said...

Love your rooster....your stitching looks perfect!

7 Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Oh how nice; it is so cute!

8 Kyle said...

Your post made me smile because this morning my shampoo and cream rinse both were empty at the same time Does that ever happen!?

9 Rhonda M said...

I love this! I agree with you on loving when the time coming out even! I did not know Moda made tea towels, so I am going to check it out right now. I am also going to look at the rooster and chicken patterns. I bought a couple of packets last year with the days of the week and kitchen utensils, but have not had a chance to work on them yet. I definitely love the look of roosters on the towel. I love reading your posts, they always bring a smile to my face.

10 Needled Mom said...

It's great when it all works out perfectly like that AND it looks great! I love roosters.

11 Adrienne said...

Those are so cute! And - yes - I love it when the time comes out even, too! It makes perfect sense to me.

12 Susannah said...

Hi Marlene.....oh, that towel is so cute. I could not use it to wipe dishes cause it is so nice. I would just hang it somewhere and look at it. Very fun!

13 Sharon said...

I know exactly what you mean about the time and I love when it comes out even too. :) Your towel is so cute!

14 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I love it when things work out like that! What a handsome fellow! I have yet to make a tea towel, but you have inspired me to put it on my to try list!

15 Tammy said...

Too cute. My kitchen is done in roosters. So I always love to see any rooster projects folks create.

16 maggie said...

Your rooster is wonderful.
You mentioned the stitching was difficult because of the loose weave of the towel. I have found that if I wash & dry the towel before stitching the weave tightens and thus it seems easier to stitch. (Maybe it shrinks the cloth a wee bit, not sure).

17 Lois Evensen said...

Love the rooster. My Mom used to embroider sets of tea towels. I did for awhile, too, but then got hooked on crochet and knitting. I have some pillow cases in my craft room that are already stamped, but Mom never got to embroidering them. One of these days I'll finish that project. :)

18 Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is darling!
Love the rooster anyway, I have a soft spot for poultry.

19 Sharon Dawn said...

Great stitching! I am have been looking for a pattern to try. I have S & P shakers that would go well with this one!

Are you going to do Jane's For the Love of Hand Embroidery hop?

20 Julie Fukuda said...

I think that rooster is cheering!

21 Catherine said...

That`s a cute towel Marlene! I enjoy chickens and roosters. Thanks for sharing where you found the pattern.